Introduction to Management Information Systems

MGS 351 – Spring 2007

Instructor: David MurrayTeaching Assistants: Jacobs 287

Email:rendan Gilbert:

AOL Screen Name: MGS351Andrew Baldi:

Office: Jacobs 284Phone: 645-3249Thomas Okullo:

Office hours:Tuesday and Thursday 1:00 - 1:50 (or by appointment)

Course Web Site:

Course Objectives:

This course provides students with an introduction to Information Systems (IS) and Information Technology (IT) and their use in an increasingly competitive business world. As future managers, you need to be equipped to make decisions concerning the planning, development and implementation of information technology resources to increase organizational effectiveness and create a strategic advantage. The course accomplishes this by:

  • Introducing basic concepts of IS and IT
  • Exploring how technology can be used to create business value.
  • Providing an overview of the components of computers
  • Examining the potential benefits and limitations of IT
  • Increasing awareness of managerial issues raised by the use of IT
  • Providing “hands on” exercises to practice course material
  • Providing a foundation needed for subsequent IS coursework


MGQ 201 - Computer Applications in Management. Concurrent registration is not allowed.

Course Materials:

  • Management Information Systems for the Information Age: 6th Edition (Custom)Haag, McGraw Hill Inc., 2007.
  • Microsoft Access 2003 Comprehensive Revised Edition (Custom), Grauer and Barber, Prentice-Hall Inc., 2006.
  • USB Flash Drive and inexpensive pair of headphones for use in lab
  • UB IT name and password to be used for course grades and lab login -

Digital Access:

The lecture is recorded on Thursday at 3:30 PM in Jacobs 106, and will be postedon UBLearns by Friday at 4:00 PM. Space permitting, any student is welcome to attend the “live” section of the class. It is important that you keep up with the lectures online just as you would a “traditional” class. Please do not ask me or your TA any questions about the class/homework/project if you haven’t watched the lecture that week yet! It’s your responsibility to first watch the lectures.


The lab time provides you with an opportunity to work on homework assignments, to practice material covered in lecture, and to work on team projects. You should always bring your Access textbook, flash drive and headphones to lab. Lab attendance is mandatory and will be taken periodically by the Teaching Assistants. Absences will result in a 1point penalty for each lab missed. Please don’t ask me to change any of your lab grades. I will never change a lab grade that a TA has submitted to me.

Homework Assignments:

There are 6 homework assignments designed to help reinforce the material that has been covered in the lecture and labs. Completion of these assignments is crucial to your success in this course. Homework assignments should always be turned in to your TA during lab. Late assignments are not accepted and will receive a score of 0. Any questions pertaining to your homework grades must be addressed to your TA within 2 weeks of the assignment due date.

Final Team Project:

You will work in teams of no more than 5 to develop a database system using Microsoft Access. Your teams will be assigned in labs so that you will have a dedicated time during which your team can meet. Projects will be evaluated based on the system’s required functionality and enhancements, adequacy of system testing, attention to aesthetics and group member peer evaluations. Further details will be given in lecture and lab.


There will be three exams throughout the semester plus a non-cumulative final exam administered during finals week. There are no make up exams except under exceptional circumstances. Exams will be held on 2/9, 3/2 and 4/6 in Knox 20from 6:00-8:00 PM. In case of a conflict, an alternate exam will be given early morning on the exam day. SIM students should consult with the Singapore Institute of Management for information on the exact dates and times of their exams.

Course Conduct:

You are required to observe the rules of academic integrity and classroom conduct established by the University at Buffalo. Cheating will not be tolerated. Students found cheating will receive a grade of F for the course and be subject to further disciplinary action by the School of Management and/or the University at Buffalo. The University at Buffalo Academic Integrity policies are posted on the course website and should be reviewed carefully.


Assignment / Points
Exam I / 50
Exam II / 50
Exam III / 50
Final Exam / 50
Final Database Project / 35
Homework 1: Grauer Chapter 1, Practice Exercises 2, 5 / 5
Homework 2: Grauer Chapter 2, Practice Exercise12 / 10
Homework 3: Grauer Chapter 3, Practice Exercises5, 6 / 10
Homework 4: Grauer Excel Chapter 7, Practice Exercises 2,3 / 10
Homework 5: Grauer Chapter 5, Practice Exercises 9, 10 / 15
Homework 6: XHTML Assignment / 10
Lab Attendance and Participation / 5

A course grade of A is 285 points and above, A- is 270 points and above, B+ is 262.5 points and above, B is 255 points and above, B- is 240 points and above, C+ is 232.5 points and above, C is 225 points and above, C- is 210 points and above, D is 195 points and above and a grade of F is earned if you receive less than 195 points. Depending on the overall class performance, I reserve the right to adjust the scale. My decision to adjust the scale will only be made at the end of the semester once all of the course grades are in.

According to University Regulations, a grade of Incomplete can only be given if the student is currently passing the course and circumstances prevent them from completing the semester. Incomplete grades will not be given once the student has taken the final exam. **March30th is the last day to resign the course.

Tentative Course Schedule:








Assignments (Dates Due)
1/18 / Course Introduction / Download & Read Syllabus
Haag / 1 / The Information Age in Which You Live
Grauer / 1 / Introduction to Microsoft Access
1/25 / Haag / XLM A / Computer Hardware and Software
Grauer / 2 / Tables and Forms
2/1 / Haag / XLM B / The World Wide Web and the Internet / HW 1 due in lab this week
Grauer / 3 / Information from the Database
2/9 / Exam I (Haag Ch. 1, XLM A, XLM B and Grauer Ch. 1-2) – Exam held in Knox 20 from 6:00-8:00 PM
2/15 / Haag / XLM C / Final Project Overview – Relational Database Design / HW 2 due in lab this week
Haag / 3 / Databases and Data Warehouses
2/22 / Grauer / 4 / Proficiency / HW 3 due in lab this week
Haag / 4 / Decision Support and Artificial Intelligence
Project Design Due in Lab week of 2/26-3/2
3/2 / Exam II (Haag Ch. 3, 4, XLM C and Grauer Ch. 3) – Exam held in Knox 20 from 6:00-8:00 PM
3/8 / Grauer / 5 / One-to-Many Relationships / HW 4 due in lab this week
Haag / 5 / Electronic Commerce
3/15 / No Class. Spring Break
3/22 / Grauer / 6/7 / Many-to-Many Relationships
Haag / 6 / Systems Development
3/29 / Haag / XLM E / Network Basics / HW 5 due in lab this week
Haag / XLM F / Building a Web Page with HTML
4/6 / Exam III (Haag Ch. 5, 6 and XLM E) – Exam held in Knox 20 from 6:00-8:00 PM
4/12 / Haag / 8 / Protecting People and Information / HW 6 due in lab this week
Haag / XLM H /
Computer Crime and Forensics
4/19 /
Team Project Assistance
4/26 / Final Exam Review / Project due in lab this week
TBA / Final Exam (Haag Ch. 8, XLM F and XLM H)