Biomass Industry Networking Seminar: Funding & Business Development Opportunities

1 November 2012, Palm Garden Hotel, IOIResortCity, Putrajaya

8.30 a.m. / Registration
9.00 a.m. / Welcoming Address
9.15 a.m / High Impact Programmes for SMEs under the SMEs Master Plan
Ms. Karunajothi Kandasamy,
Senior Director - Economics and Policy Planning Division, SME Corporation Malaysia
10.00 a.m. / Case Studies of Successful Biomass Commercialisation Projects Enabled by Green Technology Financing Scheme (GTFS)
Mr. Ahmad Zairin Ismail, Acting CEO
Malaysian Green Technology Corporation
10.45 a.m. / Coffee Break & Networking
11.00 a.m. / Opportunities for Venture Capital Investments in Green Technology: The Scenario in Malaysia
Mr. Jamaludin Bujang, Chairman
Malaysian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (MVCA)
11.45 a.m. / Domestic Investment Strategic Fund
Y.Bhg. Datuk Noharuddin Nordin, CEO
Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)
12.30 p.m. / Lunch
2.00 p.m. / Innovation Business Opportunities for Biomass Industry in Malaysia - AIM’s Perspective
Mr. Mark Rozario, Chief Executive Officer, Agensi Inovasi
Malaysia (AIM)
2.30 p.m. / SMEs on the Path to IPO: An Experience Sharing by MTS
Mr. Danny Ng, Managing Director, MTS Fibromat (M) Sdn. Bhd.
3.00 p.m. / Global Construction Ultimate Concrete Opportunities – Exploitation of Solid Wastes in Foam Concrete
Dr. Lee Yee Loon, Lecturer, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
3.30 p.m. / Tea Break
3.45 p.m. / Biomass Certification Systems – Keys to Global Market Access
Mr. Danny Ng, Managing Director, DQS Certification (M) Sdn. Bhd.
4.15 p.m. / Torrefaction Opportunities of Agro-Biomass in Asia
Mr. Oliver Harrison, Director, Panima Energy LLP for Torftech Ltd.
4.45 p.m. / Updates on the Pellets Industry in Malaysia: Global Opportunities
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Leong Kin Mun, President, Malaysia Biomass Industries Confederation (MBIC)
5.15 pm / End of Programme
REGISTRATION FORM «conprospectid»
20 Jalan Diplomatik, Presint Diplomatik, 62050, Putrajaya
Tel: +603-8884 8886/8922 Fax: +603-8884 8838 E-mail: Website:

MBIC Member: ( / ) RM 300
per person / Group of 4: persons ( / ) RM 350
per person / Early Bird: ( / ) RM 400
per person / Normal: ( / ) RM 450
per person
Company Name
Participant 1
Participant 2
Contact Person / Designation
Tel / Fax / E-mail
Approving Person’s Name / Official Company Stamp
Tel / Fax / E-mail
  • Early Bird Registration: Full payment before 1st October 2012(*Note: For payment made by Local Order (LO), early bird rate will only apply if the LO is executed and full payment released to us on or before the deadline of earlybird.)
  • Fees include tea breaks, lunch and training materials.
  • Any cancellations, kindly inform the secretariat in writing 3 working days before the programme; otherwise the fees will be billed to your company.
  • For outstation cheque a surge charge of RM0.50 is required to be included in the total cheque amount.
  • MBIC reserves the right to make changes to the venue, date or speaker should invariable circumstances arise.

Enclosed a bankdraft/crossed cheque no: ______for the sum of RM ______issued in favour of “Malaysia Biomass Industries Confederation” and crossed “A/C Payee Only”. We understand that the fee is not refundable if we withdraw after our registration is accepted by the Organiser but substitution of participants will be allowed. If we fail to attend the event, we will settle the registration fee in full. Upon submission of the registration form, it is deemed that the registration is accepted by the Organiser.