Title I, Part D, Subpart 1 – State Agencies (SA’s)

FY 2011 ND Plan

Complete the following in narrative form for upload to your online EWEG application.

  1. Provide an overall description of the agency’sTitle I ND program. Identify all the sites where Title I ND program activities will take place. Include only staff and services provided with Title I ND funds. Include:
  • The planning process,
  • The state agency staff responsible for program oversight and compliance,
  • The populations served,
  • A list of Title I services by site.
  1. Institution-Wide Programs.

If the SA uses Title I ND funds to serve all children in and upgrade the entire educational effort of any facilities, provide a separate plan for each institution-wide program.

Include for each institution-wide program site a description of the following in order:

  • The comprehensive assessment of the educational needs of all children and youth in the institution or program, including the measures and procedures that will be used to assess student progress;
  • The steps the State agency has taken, or will take, to provide all students with the opportunity to meet challenging State academic content standards and student academic achievement standards in order to improve the likelihood that the children and youth will complete secondary school, attain a secondary diploma or its recognized equivalent, or find employment after leaving the institution;
  • The instructional program, pupil services, and procedures that will be used to meet the needs described in paragraph (1), including, to the extent feasible, the provision of mentors for the children and youth described in paragraph (1);
  • Specifically how ND funds will be used, including staff;
  • How the agency has planned, and will implement and evaluate, the institution-wide project in consultation with personnel providing direct instructional services and support services;
  • An assurance that the State agency has provided for appropriate training for teachers and other instructional and administrative personnel to enable such teachers and personnel to carry out the project effectively, along with the description of such training.

Institution-wide programs should not be included in your responses to the following items #3-7.

3. Include a complete list of staff to be funded. List title, amountof funding and location of each, includingstate agency staff.

4. Describe the procedures used to assess the educational needs of students to be served with N&D funds. Include the name of the assessment and how often it is used.

5. Describe how the SA encourages facilities receiving ND funding to coordinate the sharing of appropriate academic records with students’ LEA’s or other schools.

6. Describe how the SA provides appropriate professional development to ND teachers and other ND staff.

7. Describe how the SA endeavors to coordinate with businesses for training and mentoring for participating ND students.

8. Provide a budget narrative describing major line item expenditures, e.g., FTE’s under instructional salaries and supplies, educational consultants, equipment, and transition set-aside. Specify what programmatic functions eacharea of major expenditure fulfills under the program description in item #1, above.

9. Include a description of the transition services that will be provided with the mandated set-aside of not less than 15% and not more than 30% of the total amount awarded.

10. Provide the name and email addresses for questions in regard to this application, program and fiscal components.

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