Namibia is a developing country that is striving through developmental activities to live a better and healthier life. Most of the youth in Namibia live in the remote area of the country communities. Their education level is mostly at the junior secondary level. Computer literacy is a dream that will never come true. Life in town where they can access more educational opportunities is limited to a number of youths. The best life they can imagine is to have a homestead and work in the Mahangu field to make a living, the life that our ancestors have been living.
Only one thing allows youth to explore and understand life beyond their community. This is sport. Investment in sport provides a unique opportunity for the youth and the youth and the community as a whole. The communities receive the skilled and supportive programs will provide. And the youth get the support and opportunity to learn about the world while benefiting from the health aspects, only sport can provide this.
SSDP is a Non Governmental Organization and non profit making, which was founded by community youthin October2008 that identified the need for a standardized sport development program to promote all accessible sport codes in the unreached communities. This will be done with the involvement of all stakeholders locally, nationally and internationally and the guidelines of the directorate of sport.
Theme: “Live the life you wish your children will live” the theme was adopted to convey the idea that all people should live the life they wish their children will live.
To Develop and promote sport as a tool to strive toward community development and eradication of HIV/AIDS, alcohol and drug abuse since the youth will be focused on their talents in sports and goals in life.
SSDP commits itself to offer a diversified sustainable sport programs and providing opportunity and support and to the community of the far north regions of Namibia , use sport as a tool to reach more youth that are made vulnerable by HIV/AIDs pandemic.
- Motivate the youth to adopt sport as a tool to discourage them from being involved in drug and alcohol abuse and engaging in sexual activities at an early age.
- Provide quality sport activities at a community level.
- Empower youth with Knowledge of HIV/AIDS Prevention
- Equip the youth with coaching skills.
- Provide Opportunity for the youth to Volunteer and exchange their skills and experience.
- Allow the youth to indentify their talents and proceed to a national and international level.
- Provide more managed community sporting activities.
- Promote youth involved in HIV/AIDs programs in their communities.
- Strive toward sustainable programs that will allow the community sport code to proceed independently.
Target group
The program will start within Ongwediva town and expand to reach all far northern regions of Namibia depending on the availability of Resources, the program will target the youth from the age of 6 years to the age of 20. This age excludes the coaches and the team’s management members are on voluntarily basis.
Management structure
The management of the program will be composed of the Board of trustees, Director, Finance officer, Office administrator, Sport codes Developing Officers, Marketing and promotion officer, Multi Volunteers.
Programs or Activities in SSDP,
- Identify sponsor and technical supporters
SSDP will identify sponsor that are willing to work together in this program and provide technical and financial support to SSDP, this is the first step that have to be taken for the implementation of programs.
- Training youth coaches and teams managers
The program will support the community through identifying the youth that have passion for sport and empower them with couching and team management skills. Sport codes will be developed upon the availability of useful and standardized tools and resources.
- Develop Communities Management Committees (CMC) and sport teams in different sport codes.
Team will developed by the trained coaches and will start a Community committee that will be responsible for the over all management of trainings and sport codes in their respective communities. The community teams will be under the management and support of SSDP. All the material used by the teams has to be provided by SSDP and should remain properties of SSDP.
Teams are independently allowed to participate in other organized community and national events, provided they are not violating the national sport codes policies.
- Organize Tournaments
SSDP will be responsible for organizing tournaments for the communities. Invitations will be sent to different national institutions to come and witness the event. This will encourage and promote the youth to go on next level of their talents and pursue theircareers at a national level.
- Provide HIV/AIDS prevention education in introduced sport communities
All community teams will be provided with a HIV Prevention programs. As stated: SSDP is using sport as a tool to strive toward the eradication of HIV/AIDs in the communities. Were most of the youth reached by these programs live.
- Sport, cultural and Educational Youth exchange programs
This program will allow youths to exchange their way team management styles, encourage cultural exchanges, provide educational Opportunities, and expose youth to mainly the living of life in other communities. This will be done between communities or countries that are networking or supporting SSDP.
- provision of Community Projects and income generating projects
This programs will strive SSDP toward sustainability and communities self developments these programs have to be monitored by the SSDP and managed by the respective communities. These might be any type of programs but have to exempt dugs, alcohol, sexual motivations and other destructive activities for the community.
- Advocate for youths on developmental of recreational areas in town and communities.
SSDP will advocate to regional and local authorities to preserve areas or peaces of lands to be officially development with the purpose of recreational activities, e.g. Soccer fields, Volley ball, net ball basket ball and other sport codes areas owned and managed under the community or local authority.
- Identify sport Sponsors and technical supporters who are skilled and experience in mentoring the specified sport code.
It will be SSDP duty to identify Professional volunteers to get involved in the program and make sure that the community managing committee are provided with competitive trainings and skills so that they can provide quality services within their committee.
With the support of donors and other stakeholders SSDP make sure that their objectives are reached and have made a positive impact in the Namibian communities, it is wealth to invest in SSDP and be proved that a different can be achieved by a group of people.
Contact person
Director: Lisias S Nahambo
Tel: +26465232017
Fax: +264 62 230131
Cell: +264 812949584
Live the life you wish your children will live