Cyadonia Level Editor
Cyadonia Level Editor
Welcome the Cyadonia Level Editor! You can use the editor to create your own Cyadonia levels to share with your friends and submit for inclusion in the website game! Email your creations to for consideration.
Command Summary
MousePosition cursor
Left buttonDraw object
Shift+MouseDraw block
Shift+Cursor keysMove screen
Selecting Objects
ASelect previous object + shift to jump 5
SSelect next object + shift to jump 5
SpacePick up object
0-9*Jump to object 1-90
Shift 0-9*Jump to object 100-190
*not numeric keypad
Menu items
Shift+DSet Diamond change object
Shift+RSet Level Properties
Shift+WSet Switch
Shift+TSet Teleport
Shift+ZSet Zoom
Shift+FFind/Replace Object
Shift+CClear screen
Shift+QQuit Editor
The Basics
Use your mouse to move the cursor around the screen.Press the mouse button to draw objects onto the screen. Press Shift and hold the mouse button down to draw a block.
Selecting Objects
Each object has a number. Objects 1-69 are the game objects (e.g. diamonds, mines, etc) and 100+ are the walls. There are 4 ways to select an object:
- Press A or S to cycle forward and backwards through the objects. Hold Shift with A or S to change the object faster.
- Press Space to pick up the object under the cursor.
- Press the number keys on the keyboard (not the numeric keypad) to select game objects. Hold Shift when pressing the number keys to select walls.
- Click on the Obj menu in the status bar and select the object you want.
Move Screen
You can move your entire level design around the screen to give yourself more space. Simply hold the Shift key and press the cursor keys.
Tips for designing a great level
It helps to start with an idea for your level, for example: having to get 4 keys into 4 locks, or moving a pushblock round the screen to access diamonds. For more complex levels you can string together a series of smaller puzzles. For an added twist you can overlap the puzzles so that they are inter-related.
Try to make your designs aesthetically pleasing. Using symmetry can help. It also helps to design your puzzle with just one wall block, then at the end decorate your design with different walls.
Getting someone to test play your levels can be very helpful, particularly because they can often find shortcuts that you hadn't anticipated!
The more levels you design the more you'll work your puzzle muscles!
Edit Menu
Click on the Menu in the status bar to access the editor options.
Open (Shift + O)
Copy and paste your saved level string into the blue area
and click the OK button to load your level.
Save (Shift + V)
Select and copy the level string from the blue area and paste it into a notepad or word processor program and save it.
Play (Shift + P)
This allows you to play test your level. Press Q to quit and return to the editor.
Set Level Properties (Shift + R)
You can change the level name, the help text (a level description or hint) and time limit (use 0:00 for no time limit).
Set Diamond Chg Obj (Shift + D)
Set the diamond change object. Select the object you want to appear when all the diamonds are collected (using any of the 4 methods). Once selected, move the cursor to the location you want it to appear and click the mouse button.
Set Switch (Shift + W)
This allows you to link a switch to an object. Always put the switch on the screen before you set it up. There are 40 switch slots. Pick a slot number with the mouse (the blue squares show the currently used slots) and click the button. Go through these 4 steps clicking the mouse button after each one:
1) Select the position of the switch
2) Select the position of the object
3) Select the from-object
4) Select the to-object
If you want a mine to turn into an arrow and back again as you hit the switch select the mine as the from-object and the arrow as the to-object. If you want the mine to turn into an arrow and never turn back into a mine specify the arrow as the from- and to-object.
Move Switches
If you are setting up a move switch you only need to select the switch and the object (the last two steps are skipped). Do not link a move switch and normal switch to the same object. Move switch objects must not be changed.
Set Teleport (Shift + T)
This allows you to link teleports and landers together. Always put the teleport and lander on the screen before you set them up. There are 40 slots in which to set up teleports. Pick a slot number with the mouse (the blue squares show the currently used slots) and click the button. Go through these 2 steps clicking the mouse button after each one:
1) Select the position of the teleport (green)
2) Select the position of the lander (red)
Teleport Notes
You can use switches to make a teleport appear, but the lander must always be present on the screen.
Set Zoom (Shift + Z)
The zoom allows the player to enlarge the puzzle. Imagine drawing a frame around your puzzle. Go through these 2 steps clicking the mouse button after each one:
1) Select the upper left of the frame
2) Select the lower right of the frame
Find/Replace Object (Shift + F)
Go through these 3 steps clicking the mouse button after each one:
1) Select the object you want to find
2) Select the object you want to replace it with
3) Hold shift and click and drag to define the area you want to search and replace in
Help (Shift + H)
Access the help pages.
Clear Screen (Shift + C)
Select this option to erase the current level. Press Y to confirm.
Quit Editor (Shift + Q)
Press Y to confirm that you want to quit the editor (you'll lose any unsaved data).
Bits and Pieces
Laser Cannons
Objects 45-48 are laser cannons. You don't need to draw the lasers in, they will fire out of the cannons when the level starts. The "off" laser cannons are just wall blocks 191-194.
Submitting your Level
I'd love players to submit their levels for inclusion in Cyadonia. Send your level string to me at and it’ll be considered for inclusion in the game for everyone to play!
Also use this email address if you have any questions about the level editor. Let me know if you find a bug or can think of any improvements. I'm always pleased to hear from people.
I hope you have fun with the level editor and I'm looking forward to playing some fantastic new designs!
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