HSCB Topic Group – 23 March 2009Item 1 – Paper 1
Scrutiny Remit:
Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board
Annual Report 2008-09
To scrutinise the progress and performance of Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board (HSCB) in 2008-09
1. What progress has Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Board(HSCB) made since the Joint Area Review in 2007, and what are the challenges the Board faces in the future?
2. How successful has HSCBbeen in achieving the objectives set out in the HSCB Business Plan2008-09?
For Members to understand the work of HSCB, be confident that the challenges can be addressed and be clear whether HSCB has met the objectives set out in the HSCB business plan 2008/09.
METHOD: One-off/topic groupDATE:23 March 2009
DerekHills, Roy Clements (nominated Chairman), Ken Coleman, David Billings, Aislinn Lee Peter Ruffles,
Parent Governor Member:David Thompson
HSCB Membership List
HSCB Framework
Lord Laming Review
HSCB Annual Review Report 2008-09
Children First Review
Ofsted Annual Performance Assessment letter – December 2008
HSCB Business Plan 2008-09 - Progress Report March 2009
CYPP 2008-09 3rd Quarter Performance Monitoring report
John Harris, Director of Children’s Services/ member of HSCB
Ann Domeney, Deputy Director Social Care, CSF/ member of HSCB/ co-chair of Improving Outcomes Group
Deborah Brice, Designated Nurse Safeguarding Children, West and East & North Herts PCTs/ member of HSCB/ chair of Training Sub-Group
Teresa DeVito, HSCB Business Manager/ member of HSCB
Andrew Wellington, Head of Children’s Trust Arrangements/ member of HSCB
Alan Dinning, Deputy Director, Integrated Children’s Services/ member of HSCB/ chair of Safer Staffing Group
John Hughes, Assistant Chief Officer, Herts Probation Service/ member of HSCB/ Theme lead for the Managing Risk theme in HSCB Business Plan
Chris Miller, Assistant Chief Constable/ member of HSCB/ Theme lead for the Domestic Violence and Missing Children themes in HSCB Business Plan
Andrew Simmons, Head of Youth Connexions/ member of HSCB/ chair of Policy & Procedures Group
Gill Jones, Head of Standards & School Effectiveness, CSF/ member of HSCB/ Theme lead for the Bullying theme in HSCB Business Plan
Liz Biggs, Healthy Schools Adviser CSF/ assistant to the Theme lead for the Bullying theme in HSCB Business Plan
The Scrutiny will not include a review of the progress or performance of individual agencies e.g. CSF, the PCTs, except as constituent members of HSCBand contributors to the HSCB Business Plan.
Head of Scrutiny: Tom Hawkyard
Lead Officers: Andrew Wellington
Democratic Services: Elaine Gibson
HCC CHALLENGES: how this item helps deliver the Challenges
- Helping people feel safe & secure
- Maximising opportunities for children and young people
- Supporting the independence of the growing number of older people
- Tackling the causes and impact of congestion
- Dealing with worn out roads and pavements
- Reducing the impact of new development on the environment
- Maximising efficiency savings
The item will mainly address the following challenge:
1. Helping people feel safe & secure
2. Maximising opportunities for children and young people
CfPS OBJECTIVES – how the item delivers these objectives
- Provides a critical friend challenge to executive policy makers and decision makers
- Enables the voice and concerns of the public
- Is carried out independent minded governors who lead and own the scrutiny role
- Drives improvement in public services
090310 Scoping Doc SCB