Office of Academic Programs • 1000 East Victoria St. • Carson, CA 90747


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

9:00am-12:00pm – Provost’s Conference Room

  1. Call To Order
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Curriculum- Old Business
  1. UCC 12-13052BS Business- Management ConcentrationMP
  2. UCC 12-13053MGT 418MC
  1. New Business- 120 Unit Requirement Curriculum Proposals

BUS- Computer Info Systems

1.UCC 12-13085CIS 275MC


  1. UCC 12-13083ECO 210MC
  2. UCC 12-13084ECO 211MC

Liberal Studies

  1. UCC 12-13112BA- Liberal StudiesMP
  2. UCC 12-13113LBS 203NC
  3. UCC 12-13114LBS 205NC
  4. UCC 12-13115BA- Liberal Studies: Early Teaching & Learning MP
  5. UCC 12-13116LBS 310MC
  6. UCC 12-13117LBS 320RC


  1. UCC 12-13141BS- Biology- Microbiology Option (120 requirement)MP
  1. UCC 12-13142BIO 340MC
  2. UCC 12-13143BIO 490MC

New Business


  1. UCC 12-13086BA- Art: CoreMP
  2. UCC 12-13087BA- Art: Design OptionMP
  3. UCC 12-13088BA- Art: Art History OptionMP
  4. UCC 12-13089BA- Art: Studio Art OptionMP
  5. UCC 12-13090Design Minor (Art)MP
  6. UCC 12-13091Digital Graphics Minor (Art)MP
  7. UCC 12-13092Design Certificate (Art)MP
  8. UCC 12-13093Digital Graphics Certificate (Art)MP
  9. UCC 12-13094ART 111 (O & H)MC
  10. UCC 12-13095ART 160 (O & H)MC
  11. UCC 12-13096ART 170 (ONLINE)MC
  12. UCC 12-13097ART 331 (O & H)MC
  13. UCC 12-13098ART 333 (O & H) MC
  14. UCC 12-13099ART 335 ( O & H)MC
  15. UCC 12-13100ART 341 (O & H)MC
  16. UCC 12-13101ART 342 (O & H)MC
  17. UCC 12-13102ART 343RC
  18. UCC 12-13103ART 344 (O & H)MC
  19. UCC 12-13104ART 345 (O & H)MC
  20. UCC 12-13105ART 346 (O & H)MC
  21. UCC 12-13106ART 347 (O & H)MC
  22. UCC 12-13107ART 348 (O & H)MC
  23. UCC 12-13108ART 443 (O & H) NC
  24. UCC 12-13109ART 446 (O & H)MC
  25. UCC 12-13110ART 447 (O & H)MC



FC = frozen course, MC = modified course, NC = new course, RC = retired course FP=frozen program, DP=discontinued program, MP = modified program, NP=new program