Btec National Diploma for IT Practitioners
13 / Human Computer Interaction / Title / Design of HCI
/ Castle College, Nottingham
National Diploma for I.T. Practitioners
Unit Leader / Caroline Glorioso
Assignment 2 / Hand-in date
To be completed by the student
Students Name:
To be completed by the student / Students signature
This submission is the result of my own work. All help and advice other than that received from tutors has been acknowledged and primary and secondary sources of information have been properly attributed.
This submission is the result of group / collaborative work as allowed in the assignment criteria or agreed with the lecturer. All people involved in the collaboration have been identified on the title sheet of the work and any specific section of work that is solely the work of one individual is clearly identified.
Comments: To be completed by the tutor
Assessed by / Date assessed

Assignment Brief


Dr Hemlock, the local author for whom you are working as a researcher, was

impressed by the work you did on HCI and society, economy and culture. He wants

you to pursue the topic further by putting together a presentation and

demonstration on some HCI topics.

Task 1

Create a report explaining two principles of HCI design:

A) principle 1 must be based on perception

B) principle 2 must be based on either behaviour models or information processing



Task 2

Design and create six HCIs which you can demonstrate and discuss using the interactive whiteboard. Each must be designed to serve a specific need and you should include the following types:

A) input using keyboard/mouse/monitor

B) output to a monitor or printer

C) input using a different input device from a

D) output to something other than a printer or monitor (speaker, projector,

interactive whiteboard, etc)

E) input for a specialist need (eg visually, orally, aurally or physically challenged, or

within a challenging environment)

F) output for a specialist need.

P3, P4, part M2

Task 3

Considering your work for Task 2 E or F, indicate how some of the fundamental

principles of HCI have been applied and how the specific need has been met.

part M2

You will need to successfully complete both Task 2 and Task 3 to be awarded M2.

Task 4

·  Briefly describe how each of the input and output HCI you have created meet the specifications provided.

Task 5

In report form describe using examples:

·  How can HCI be measured

·  Compare 2 of your HCI designs (1 input and 1 output) with those already commercially produced, indicating the good and less good features of each and any improvements which could be made.

P5, M3, D2

Btec National Diploma for IT Practitioners
13 / Human Computer Interaction / Title / Design of HCI

1st Marking Date:______


Grading Criteria
To achieve the indicated grade there must be evidence showing: / Outcome / Tasks / Achieved / Feedback comments
Explain two
principles of HCI
design / P2 / 1 / ü
Design and create
three input HCI to
meet given
using a variety of
techniques / P3 / 2
Design and create
three output HCI
to meet given
using a variety of
techniques / P4 / 2
Briefly describe how each of the input and output HCI created meet the specifications provided. / P5 / 4
Design one HCI
dedicated to
specialist needs
indicating how
some of the
principles have
been applied and
how the needs are
met. / M2 / 2
Describe how effectiveness of HCI may be measured / M3 / 5
Compare the HCI developed with those commercially produced for similar products, indicating the good and less good features of each and any improvements that could be made. / D2 / 5

2nd Marking Date:______


Grading Criteria
To achieve the indicated grade there must be evidence showing: / Outcome / Tasks / Achieved / Feedback comments
Explain two
principles of HCI
design / P2 / 1 / ü
Design and create
three input HCI to
meet given
using a variety of
techniques / P3 / 2
Design and create
three output HCI
to meet given
using a variety of
techniques / P4 / 2
Briefly describe how each of the input and output HCI created meet the specifications provided. / P5 / 4
Design one HCI
dedicated to
specialist needs
indicating how
some of the
principles have
been applied and
how the needs are
met. / M2 / 2
Describe how effectiveness of HCI may be measured / M3 / 5
Compare the HCI developed with those commercially produced for similar products, indicating the good and less good features of each and any improvements that could be made. / D2 / 5