Dickson County Youth Athletic Association
Bylaws Meeting
August 11, 2013
I. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 3:38 pm. The attendance sheet is attached to these minutes.
II. Article II- Membership. Item (2): The Annual Membership meeting will be held on the second Sunday of June.
A. Proposed change: The Annual Membership meeting will be held the last Sunday in August.
1. Reasoning: The current Board ends their term when the new Board takes over on September 1st. It makes sense to have the Election date closer to the change in leadership.
2. A motion was made by Joe, a 2nd motion was entered by Donnie and all were in favor of changing the DCYAA Election day to the last Sunday in August. The new bylaw will state: The Annual Membership meeting will be held the last Sunday in August.
III. Article III- Administrative Organization. Section A – The Board. Item (4) Number 4, the Treasurer. All association checks must have two Association officers’ signatures.
A. Proposed change: Association checks may be signed by one Officer. The Officers that are allowed to sign checks are the President, the Treasurer, and the Secretary.
1. Reason: It is not always possible to have two members present to sign the checks. Payment should not be delayed because of this. An example is payment of umpires, and player refunds.
2. This motion was amended by adding to the above proposal that monthly electronic bank statements be made available on the league website. A motion was entered by Carrie, with the 2nd motion by Butch; all members were in favor of this change. The new bylaw will state: Association checks may be signed by one Officer. The Officers that are allowed to sign checks are the President, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. All monthly electronic bank statements will be made available to the public on the league website.
IV. Article XX- Amendments. Item (1) - Effective January 1, 2008, any changes to the existing set of Bylaws can only be modified, added, or deleted at a Bylaws meeting so that all voting members of the Association can cast a vote. Any new bylaws can only be added at this set Bylaws meeting, at which all members will have a chance to prepare (reason: to eliminate the possibility of self serving and/or manipulation of the rules/bylaws by a small group of Board members. This will ensure that all members of the Association can have a voice in the rules/bylaws).
A. Proposed change: The bylaws of DCYAA may be adopted, amended, or repealed, and new bylaws adopted by the Board of Directors by such votes as therein specified.
1. Reason: the above statement is taken directly from the original Charter of Dickson County Youth Athletic Association that came into existence in 1986. We propose the Association trust their own judgment in the Board that they vote in, and allow that Board to govern as all other Boards across the country.
2. This proposed change was considered null. After a lengthy discussion it was decided that a Bylaws Committee will be formed to address changes in the Bylaws, and will meet several times per year.
V. Roundtable
A. Joe Riley: Joe requested that Article XV, Section B be addressed. It was agreed that we add to item 1 that all players will receive a participation trophy. A motion was entered by Shannon, with a second by Ralph, and all were in favor. The new bylaw will state: Each player of the winning team in each age group will receive trophies on the night they win this title, if possible. All players who participate will receive a participation trophy.
B. Joe Riley requested that Article IX, Season, be addressed. He proposed that we do away with a split season (first half winner and second half winner). He proposed: eliminate this bylaw in its entirety and have the team with the best overall record be league champion. Joe entered the motion and Enid entered the 2nd. The motion was defeated by a 12-5 vote.
C. Todd Potter requested a change in Article IX , Section A, Item 3, number 2 League Champions that instead of a 3 game playoff system to determine a winner, we do a one game only playoff for Coach pitch, and the 3 game playoff system apply to player pitch only (ages 9 and up). The motion was entered by Todd Potter, the 2nd was entered by John and the motion passed 16-1. The new bylaw will state: In all other age groups, except 15-18 baseball and 16-18 softball, a split-season format will be used to determine the league champion. The Board will designate a half-way point in each league, and the team with the best win-loss record at this junction will be declared the first half champions. A second half champion will then be declared by determining the best won-lost record for the last half of the season. If the winner of the first and second halves is the same, that team will be the league champion. Coach pitch: if the winners are different, a one game playoff game will be played to determine the league champion. Player pitch: if the winners are different, a best two out of three game play-off will take place. This play-off game will be played in three consecutive days, unless a rain out occurs and if time permits. If two teams are tied at the end of the half, a one game play-off will determine the champion for that half. If more than two teams tie for a half, their overall record will be looked at to determine that half’s champion. If two or more teams have the same overall record then a playoff will take place to determine the champion.
VI. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 pm with a motion by Shannon and a 2nd by Paula. All were in favor.