Mr. Luther, Room 707

7th Grade Language Arts


Welcome to 7th grade language arts! My name is Mr. Garrett Luther. This is my first year teaching language arts at Eaton Middle School. Prior to my teaching here, I spent six years in Columbus, Ohio earning my teaching license. I am a graduate of The Ohio State University, where I received my Bachelor’s Degree. I went on to continue my education at Ohio Dominican University, where I completed my licensure in Middle Childhood Education. I look forward to sharing this school year with you!

This class is designed to review and develop essential skills in public speaking, listening, reading, spelling, vocabulary, grammar and conventions, plus focus intensively on narrative, argument, and research-based writings. We will have time for independent readings, plus as a class, study folk tales, legends, short stories, poetry, and non-fiction writing. Competency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening is necessary to function and be successful in our communication-based society. The skills you learn here will give you the tools necessary to achieve your life goals and aims, as well as teach you more about yourself, others, and new ideas.

The following is a list of my class rules, policies, and what behavior is expected from you while in room 707! PLEASE KEEP THIS SHEET IN FRONT OF YOUR 3-RING BINDER ALL YEAR FOR EASY REFERRAL.

Required Materials:

Binder (1” or larger) Composition Notebook (1) Paper Highlighters

Blue/Black Ink Pen Independent/Silent Reading Novel Pencils Post It Notes

Binder: This needs to be brought to class each day. It should have loose-leaf paper and all class notes in it. Your binder will be divided into five sections: MUGS, Reading, Writing, Novels, and Assessments.

Composition Notebooks: One composition notebook is required: Your Writer’s Notebook will stay in the classroom for daily use. Independent practice, Bell Work, journals, reinforcements, etc. will be kept in this notebook.

Silent Reading Book/Independent Reading: Starting the second week of school, you will be required to carry an independent/silent reading book to each class on a daily basis. This will be used for log letters, book reports, Post-It Note reading notes, and other activities.

Novels: We will be reading at least two class books together this year: Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief, and The Outsiders. We will use these books to work on focus reading strategies and skills required for eighth grade.

Class Rules:

-Be respectful of yourself, Mr. Luther, visitors in the classroom, and classmates.

-You may borrow items if you are given permission to do so. Please make sure to return these items promptly.

-No gum, cell phones, iPods, or other electronics that are not school related. I will confiscate these items!

-Be prepared for class. Bring all supplies to class with you daily. It is not my duty to supply you with items for daily use.

-If you are absent, it is your responsibility to see me (or the “Previous Assignments” bin) for your make-up work. If you do not see me upon your return to school, your work may be considered late.

-Be punctual. Three tardies=Thursday School!

-Be open-minded. Not everyone has the same opinion on certain topics, and that is okay!

-Ask questions! I do not know you have a question if you do not ask!

***Failure to abide by these rules may result in disciplinary action, such as: phone call home, detention, office referral, or any combination of the three. Please refer to the Student Handbook for school-wide rules. These are expected to be followed in room 707 as well.

Homework Policy:

*Teachers consider an assignment to be “late” when it is not turned in during teacher collection. Because incomplete, late, and/or missing assignments are a main reason for poor grades and progress, it is important to have a policy in place as to how these situations will be dealt with.

*A late assignment will never receive full credit; rather partial credit when turned in (teacher discretion).

If the assignment is not turned in before the content/assignment’s assessment, it will be scored a zero. This zero cannot be made up and ProgressBook messages will reflect this.

If you child has two (2) missing assignments, a parent contact will be made by the appropriate teacher.

** Although student missing assignments may not be credited, students should complete the work in preparation for the assessment and future progress in the classroom.

-For an excused absence, you may have the amount of days missed plus one to make up the work. It is your responsibility to obtain the work as mentioned in the rules.

-Homework will be turned into the Turn-In Tray, as labeled on the student counter.

-Homework may be collected and graded for correctness or completeness.

-We will journal in this classroom. If you are absent, be sure to get the missed journal prompt to ensure full point value when journal checks are conducted.

Return this paper by August 24, 2015

I, ______have read and understand what is expected of me in Mr. Luther’s class.

I have read and discussed Mr. Luther’s “Class Rules, Policies, and Expectations” with my student,______. As a supportive parent/guardian, I will do my best to aid my student in being the best student he/she is capable of being this school year!

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date:______

If Mr. Luther needs to contact me, I would prefer to be:

_____ called at home at home/cell # ______

_____called at work at work # ______

_____contacted by email: ______

If you have any further questions or comments, please feel free to include those here:
