
(Last Updated 1/28/17)

Thank you for taking the role of Net Control Station (NCS) for our team! This is an abbreviated version of the Net Script for experienced Net Control Operators

At 7:30 PM (1930 hours), please begin your net with the script below:

It’s 7:30PM! Hello and welcome to the Western Washington Medical Service Emergency Communications Team and Public Health ReserveCorps Thursday Night Training Net.

I am[yourname], [yourcallsign] and am locatedin[your current station location].netcontroloperatorfortonight'sNet.

Is there any emergency or priority traffic for the net tonight?


WelcometotheWesternWashingtonMedicalServiceTeamand PHRC Training Net. ThisnetmeetseachThursdayat7:30 PM local.Itspurposeistoencourage MST leadership and team members,members of the Public Health Reserve Corps and visitors to share informationabout training, exercises, ham fests, public service events, and relevant topics of interest.

Tonightwe’reusingtheW7SRZrepeatersystem.It’s a linked, multi-repeater, multi-band system,connecting Northwest Hospital, the VA Hospital overlooking downtown Seattle, Tacoma General Hospital in Tacoma, and Saint Peter Hospital in Olympia. Please see the MST website for frequencies and tones, found at

Shouldweexperienceafailureoftherepeatersystem duringthenet,wewillattempttocontinueoperating in simplex mode on146.90MHz VA repeater output frequency. In this mode, pleaseassistNetControlbyrelayingtrafficstations that may be isolated from Net Control due to terrain, output power, signal difficulties or other problems, if the 146.90 repeater is unavailable)

INSERT: Introduce a special activity or discussion topic for the evening to encourage participation NCS Choice


This is a directed net, so we’ll do check-ins, prioritized alphabetically by the first letter of your call sign suffix; (that is the letters following the number in your call sign).

When you check in, please identify with your FCC call sign using the ITU International Phonetic Alphabet, your first name, your assigned region number or county name, your MST assignment (if you have one) or let us know if you’re a PHRC member. Also, indicate if you’re on battery or emergency power and let me know if you’re holding any traffic or announcements to share withus. If you need to leave before the net closesplease let me know by requesting an early out.

We will begin check-ins with the Western Washington Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator for MST, N7LSL. N7LSL, please come now. This is net control [yourcallsign].

Waitforcheck-in and short announcement. Make note if she has any announcements in your log

(1st call) Thank you, Wewillnowtakecheck-insfrom stations in groups of two whose call sign suffix begins with the letters Alpha throughLima, Alpha through Lima please come now.

Wait for check-ins, and repeat if necessary. Note stations checking in with announcements/comments in your log as they check in, so you can come back to them later.


(1st call) OK, Wewillnowtakecheck-insfrom stations in groups of two whose call sign suffix begins with the letters Mike through Zulu, Mike through Zulu please come now.

Wait for check-ins, and repeat if necessary. Note stations checking in with announcements/comments in your log as they check in, so you can come back to them later.


(1st call) We will now take visitorswishingtocheck-intotonight’s Western Washington Medical Service Team and PHRC Training Net, Welcome! Please come now with your call sign presented with the ITU InternationalPhoneticAlphabet. Also, any late or missed team check-ins, please come now.

This is [yourcallsign]

Thankyoutoallstationsthatcheckedin tonight.It’s now time for announcements.

First, we’ll hear from our assistant section emergency coordinator for our Medical Service Teams, Marina. N7LSL, please come now

Thankyou Marina!.Thisis[yourcallsign],NetControlfortonight’s Western Washington Medical Service Emergency Communications Team and PHRC weekly training net. Does anyone have any Questions or Comments for Marina?


OK, We’ll now go to stationswithreports, announcements,trafficor othernetbusiness:

INSERT: Time to initiate whatever chosen activity or topic you chose.

MST and PHRC members are encouraged to improve their skills by taking a turn as Net Control Operator for future Thursday night training nets. Sign up in the Members Only section of or by contacting ______, our MST net control station manager directly at ______.(position is open at this time)Send sign up information to until position is filled.

Thankyoutoallthe stationsthatchecked in, and thank you to all the amateur radio operators who participate in Medical Service Team and other PHRC activities.

WewillmeetnextThursdayat1930 hours here ontheW7SRZrepeatersystem.

Onceagain,theWesternWashingtonMedicalServiceTeamand PHRC wishestothankthe


Thisis[yourcallsign]returningthisrepeatertonormalamateurradiouse. 73andgoodnight.

Sendyour reports, comments and questions to ______.

Include the information on the Training Net Control Worksheet. Make sure you include any relayed traffic. Also, include whatever your Special Activity was and how it went, duration, etc.

Thank you again for taking on the duties of the NCS for this weeks’ MST Net control! It is VERY MUCH appreciated.

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