Specialty Priests of Malar (Talons)
Requirements: / Strength 13, Wisdom 12Prime Req: / Strength, Wisdom
Alignment: / CE
Weapons: / All nonmissile bludgeoning (wholly type B), weapons, daggers, and the claws of Malar
Armor: / Any
Major Spheres: / All, animal, combat, healing, plant, summoning, sun, war, weather
Minor Spheres: / Divination, elemental, protection, travelers
Magical Items: / Same as Clerics
Req. Profs: / Animal Lore, claws of Malar
Bonus Profs: / HuntingX4 (for a Wisdom check modifier of +2), survival (pick one type of terrain)
· Although most Talons are human, their ranks include renegade wemics, half-orcs, half-ogres, and other evil humanoids.
· Talons can select nonweapon proficiencies from both the priest and warrior groups with no crossover penalty.
· Talons can employ claws of Malar. These weapons are described later. Claws of Malar are acquired through the church and are not normally for sale on the open market. Talons can attack twice a round using the claws of Malar at no penalty to their attack rolls, once with each hand/claw.
· At 3rd level, talons can identify plants, animals and pure water with 98% accuracy.
· At 3rd level, talons are able to cast beast claw (as the 2nd level priest spell) once per day.
· At 5th level, talons can track any animal by its spoor. This is treated as gaining the tracking nonweapon proficiency for free. If a talon is already proficient in tracking, at 5th level he or she gains a +4 bonus when tracking wild animals.
· At 7th level, talons are immune to the effects of charm spells cast by woodland creatures (similar to druids).
· At 7th level, talons can make three melee attacks every two rounds (or gain one extra attack per every two rounds with one claw of Malar).
· At 10th level, talons can cast rage (as the 5th level priest spell) or animal transfer (as the 6th level priest spell) once per day.
· At 13th level, talons can make two melee attacks per round (or gain one extra attack per round with one claw of Malar).
Malarite Spells
2nd level
Beast Claw (Alteration, Necromancy)
Sphere: / Combat, NecromanticRange: / 0
Components: / V, S
Duration: / 1 round / level
Casting Time: / 5
Area of Effect: / The caster’s arms
Saving Throw: / None
This spell temporarily transforms the casters arms into extremely durable furry limbs with raking talons and gives the caster 18/72 Strength so that he or she can rend and rake for 2d4+4 points of damage (total), striking twice per round (once with each claw, unless holding something) at a +2 bonus to attack. The caster may employ a normal weapon with these limbs if desired, but the limbs only convey their Strength bonus to such attacks and the caster otherwise follows all normal rules for attacking with the held weapon.
The spell can be ended at any time at will so the caster’s limbs instantly revert back to normal. The reversion banishes any damage to the limbs, wiping out both hit point damage and any mutilations or even magical witherings suffered.
The claws are as dexterous as the caster’s own hands and are capable of manipulating small objects and performing any delicate tasks the caster is normally able to do. They are also immune to any magic that transforms physical shape. In other words, if a foe polymorphed the caster into a frog he or she would still retain the two mighty limbs – or if the caster employed shape change to take another form, the beast claws and their limbs would remain.
4th level
Animal Sight (Alteration)
Sphere: / AnimalRange: / Touch
Components: / S
Duration: / 1 turn / level
Casting Time: / 7
Area of Effect: / One touched creature
Saving Throw: / None