Dear Colleagues,
Best wishes for a happy end of term and a very well deserved break.
Last week was eventful for news, with Ofsted’s annual report and primary performance tables. It’s a nice end to term to congratulate:
  • Kate Moore and her colleagues at Birch Primary School on their ‘outstanding’ inspection judgement
  • Debbie Rogan and her colleagues at The Wickford Church of England School on their ‘outstanding’ inspection judgement
  • Helena Mills and her colleagues at Burnt Mill for the excellent recognition in Ofsted’s annual report
  • All at Stisted Primary Academy, Millfields Primary School, Hamilton Primary School, Finchingfield Primary School, High Beech Primary School, Debden Primary School, St Thomas More's Primary School Colchester, White Notley Primary School, The Bishop William Ward Primary School, St Andrew's Primary School Marks Tey, Radwinter Primary School and Great Tey Primary School, all of which were listed across various measures as in in the top schools nationally in the country in the primary performance tables.
Have a good week,
Tim Coulson
Director for Education and Learning
School Updates
School Census – Spring Term 2014
Headteacher/ Administration Staff
All Phases
The spring 2014 School Census will be held on Thursday 16 January 2014.
Updated information and guidance about the 2014 School Census is now available on the Essex Schools Infolink:
ESI - School Census.
The Department for Education guidance notes, which can be accessed via the above link, include information about new and amended data items, as well as the selected time for primary and secondary schools to record their class information on the census day.
For further information:
Contact: Data Collection & Maintenance Team
Telephone: 01245 436 885
School Census - Free School Meals
Headteacher/ Administration Staff
All Phases
Schools are reminded of the importance of Census day with regard to Free School Meals to ensure the maximum Pupil Premium is achieved. Census day is Thursday 16 January 2014 and Essex County Council will ensure all applications received by close of business on Monday 13 January 2014 will be processed and the results available on Essex Schools Infolink.
For further information about Free School Meals:
Visit: Healthy Living and School Meals, Essex County Council
Changes to Pupil Premium for adopted children and those subject to Residence and Special Guardianship Orders
All Phases
The Department for Education have asked to remind schools about changes to the Pupil Premium Grant.
From April 2014, schools in England will attract the Pupil Premium for children adopted from care or who left care under a Special Guardianship Order (SGO) on or after 30 December 2005, providing they are recorded on the January 2014 School Census. Schools will also attract the Pupil Premium for children who left care under a Residence Order (RO) on or after 14 October 1991.
To attract the Pupil Premium for adopted children, and those who are the subject of a SGO and RO, parents and guardians will need to inform the school about their child’s circumstances and provide supporting evidence, for example, the Adoption (Court) Order or more appropriately the adoption certificate in time for the school to record the child’s status on the School Census (completed by schools on 16 January 2014).
This can be a sensitive and confidential issue for families so consideration will need to be given about how and to whom parents/carers will need to provide the relevant documentary evidence in school.
Please can you communicate with parents about the importance for them to self-declare before Thursday 16 January 2014.
For further information:
Contact: Achievement Service for Children in Care
Telephone: 01245 434957
Revised Essex guidance for Collective Worship
Headteacher/ RE Coordinator
All Phases
Essex SACRE has the responsibility for supporting the teaching of RE in all phases across the county. We have worked through the previous guidance for Collective Worship and updated it in the context of changes in legislation and national guidance. We trust that colleagues will find this helpful as they plan this important aspect of their school day. The updated guidance can be found on the Director for Education and Learning’s Area on Essex Schools Infolink.
During the spring term Trevor Scott, from the Local Authority Education Consultancy team, will be running some courses to support schools in the planning and delivery of Collective Worship.
SACRE also produces the Locally Agreed Syllabus for RE. This is also due for revision. In the spring term a series of local consultation meetings for RE subject leaders will take place to enable those with the responsibility for delivering RE in schools to discuss what changes they would like to see and to help shape the new syllabus. Further details will follow in January.
For further information:
Contact: Graham Lancaster,Lead Commissioner for Primary – Mid and North East, LA SACRE representative
Infant/Junior School Partnerships
Headteacher/ Administration Staff
Our thanks to all headteachers and governors who have responded to the letters earlier in the term. There are clearly some excellent examples of partnership working between Infant and Junior schools across the county. In some cases this is at an earlier stage of development, but with the clear intention of creating greater continuity for the benefit of the whole school community. Should you wish to send any further information we would be delighted to receive it and to support your work together in any way that we can through our Primary Standards and Excellence Commissioners.
For further information:
Contact: Graham Lancaster, Lead Commissioner for Primary – Mid and North East
Education Welfare Service Consultation
All Staff
All Phases
The Department for Education removed much of the guidance on penalty notices in their latest advice. The annual meeting for the Essex Code of Conduct steering group is scheduled to take place early in January 2014 and it is therefore timely to consult with schools and other establishments prior to the group meeting. The Education Welfare Service is keen to gather the views of as many schools and academies as possible and would appreciate you taking part in the survey for inclusion in the steering group discussions.To assist, please find attached all related documents, including the current code of conduct and the penalty notice regulations and amendments.Please click to access the survey.
The survey will close at midnight on Friday 20 December 2013.
Essex ICT Support Service Survey
All Staff
All Phases
The aim of this short survey is to ascertain what level of interest schools have in maintaining and growing an Essex ICT Support Service (e-ICT Support).
We are proposing three levels of service for schools:
A) Basic annual subscription (£300) which would include:
a)Access to the ICT Helpline and Help Desk;
b)An electronic copy of the newly written Essex Primary Computing Curriculum (we hope to be able to enhance this scheme of work with exemplar material);
c)Continued access to expert advice, training and consultancy.
B) Enhanced annual subscription (£570) which would include:
a)All of the above;
b)One half day adviser visit to the school per financial year (focus to be agreed between school and adviser).
C) ‘Pay as You Go’ ICT Consultancy provided by Associates. (No access to services listed above.)
Please see the attached letter for further information. Colleagues are encouraged to respond to the survey by Tuesday 14 January 2014.
Continuous Professional Development
Your School Local Offer
Headteacher/ SLT/ SENCO
All Phases
The Your School Local Offer conferences will help:
  • Meet the requirements of the School Local Offer, in partnership with parents with reference to the new Code of Practice and SEN Legislation.
  • Support the school in the area of SEN School Improvement.
  • Additional support to the school accountability and Ofsted frameworks for children and young people with SEN.
To secure your place please complete the booking formand return to:
Contact: Joanne Cannings
Fax: 01245 436395
Post: Joanne Cannings, Standards & Excellence, PO Box 47, County Hall, Chelmsford, CM2 6WN
For further information about the conference:
Contact: Karen Woolhouse, SEN Inclusion Officer
Essential information for schools using independent contractors
Headteacher/ Administration Staff
Do you understand your school’s liability when using independent contractors? Sign up for a free Essex Legal Services briefing session to find out more.
Following the recent coverage of the Woodland School judgement, Essex Legal Services is offering free
briefings to Essex schools about the risks of using independent contractors and how to limit those risks.
For more information please visit the new Essex Legal Services area on Essex Schools Infolink.
Mathematics Mastery
Headteacher/ Maths Coordinator/ SLT
Mathematics Mastery is a not-for-profit programme, developed by ARK schools. Linked to Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) funding and drawing on the curriculum and pedagogy of the highest performers in PISA and TIMSS the approach aims to support achievement for all pupils in mathematics.
In partnership with Mathematics Mastery, Essex Education Services have arranged for an information session to take place on Thursday 6 February 2014 at the Danbury Outdoors Centre from 4.00 to 5.30p.m. At the information session, further details of the programme and its full costs will be given.
There is no charge to schools for this session but as places are limited we recommend you apply early. To book a place please visit Professional Development.
For further information:
Contact: Professional Development Team
Telephone: 01245 434 300
Visit:Mathematics Mastery
SENCO Bulletin – 17 December 2013
All Phases
Season’s greetings to our Essex SENCOs!
In this issue you will find information on:
  • Our plans to create a bank of examples of work assessed/moderated using the P Scales descriptors
  • Dates for your diary – the February SENCO up-date meetings
  • A Christmas present from us – a little light reading for dark winter evenings
Please visit the SENCO Bulletin page to view the latest issue and we hope you find it useful.
Also, visit the new Useful Resources for SENCOs.
Please contact us if you need any further information:
Contact: INSET Team
Telephone: 01268 632 360
Visit: SENCO Bulletin, Essex Schools Infolink
Finance Helpdesk
School Business Manager/ Finance
All Phases
The Education Finance Support Helpdesk will be closed during the Christmas holidays from Monday 23rd December 2013 to Friday 3rd January 2014. Although you can leave a message on the answerphone or email your query, please be aware that these will not be picked up until we return to normal hours, as shown below, on Monday 6th January.
Monday - Thursday 9.00am to 5.00pm,
Friday 9.00am to 4.30pm
Please use the contact details below to leave a message for the team over the Christmas break:
Telephone: 01245 436 248
Events and Resources
Daisy Primary Library Award 2014 Launched
Headteacher/ Literacy Coordinators
InfantJuniorPrimary Special Schools
Following last year’s success, the second Daisy Award has just been launched. The aim of this project is to celebrate good practice in school libraries and encourage children to read for pleasure. Participation is open to all primary schools in Essex, Southend and Thurrock. The winning schools will each receive a prize of quality new children’s books and prizes will also be awarded for the best pupil contributions.
Schools wishing to take part are invited to contact Essex School Library Service for a Daisy Application Pack. This gives full details on how to produce the written submission that will be assessed by our panelof judges.
The closing date for the receipt of completed submissions is Friday 28 February 2014.
For further information and to apply for an application pack:
Contact: Essex School Library Service
Tel: 01245 542600
Free Dogs Trust workshops, lessons and assemblies
Headteacher/ Year Group Leaders/ Teaching Staff
Curriculum-linked and tailored to fit your school’s individual needs.
The Dogs Trust Essex Education Officer is now taking bookings for 2014 and will be contacting primary schools across Essex in early January about the free, bespoke service The Dogs Trust can offer.
The key messages for the sessions are concerning ‘Responsible Dog Ownership’ and ‘Safety Around Dogs’, but can be adapted to relate to any subject, theme or event that the spring term has to offer.
To secure a booking, please contact Maria Gill, Dogs Trust Essex Education Officer, by Friday 31 January 2014. It is recommended to book early to avoid disappointment.
For more information about the education programme we offer at Dogs Trust and to book a session:
Contact: Maria Gill, Dogs Trust Essex Education Officer
Telephone: 07443 981752
Visit: Learn with Dogs
This is Abuse – Home Office Campaign
All Staff
SecondaryPost 16
The Home Office has been running two national campaigns since 2010, across England and Wales, with the aim of preventing teenagers from becoming victims and perpetrators of abusive relationships. Both campaigns were targeted at 13 to 18 year old boys and girls and aimed to encourage teenagers re-think their views of violence, abuse, controlling behaviour and what consent means within their relationships. The campaigns were supported by the This is Abuse website where teenagers can get further help and advice on these issues.
Please see the attached brief for further information about the campaign including how schools can support raising awareness to teenagers.
What’s New on Essex Schools Infolink
Please see details below regarding new and updated information available this week on Essex Schools Infolink:
New: Essex Legal Services
Area providing information and services available to support schools.
New: Useful Resources for SENCOs
Area for information, documents and useful websites. Resources referred to in the SENCO Bulletincan be found here.
New Location: EMTAS Service
Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service area has moved to Special Educational Needs and Additional Educational Needs.
New Location: Guidance on reporting
Temporary School Closures
Guidance can now be found under Responding to Critical Incidents.
Updated: SHEU Survey: Supporting the Well-being of Children and Young People
Updated documents are available included 2013 report and findings.
/ Issue 15
17 December 2013
Diary Dates
22/01/14 ASHE Meeting, The Rivenhall Hotel
20/12/13 Teaching about Consent, PSHE Consultation closes
20/12/13 Education Welfare Service survey closes
13/1/12 Applications for FSM to be received
14/1/14ICT Survey closes
16/1/14School Census
31/1/14 Complete H&S Monitoring Checklists (Community and Voluntary Controlled Schools only)
30/4/14 Deadline for completing Schools Financial Value Standard template
Sign up to the Education Essex mailing list
In this week's issue:
School Updates
School Census – Spring Term 2014
School Census - Free School Meals
Changes to Pupil Premium for adopted children and those subject to Residence and Special Guardianship Orders
Revised Essex guidance for Collective Worship
Infant/Junior School Partnerships
Education Welfare Service Consultation
Essex ICT Support Service Survey
Continuous Professional Development
Your School Local Offer
Essential information for schools using independent contractors
Mathematics Mastery
SENCO Bulletin – 17 December 2013
Finance Helpdesk
Events and Resources
Daisy Primary Library Award 2014 Launched
Free Dogs Trust workshops, lessons and assemblies
This is Abuse – Home Office Campaign
What’s New on Essex Schools Infolink
Look out for the next issue of Education Essex on Tuesday 7 January 2014
Visit Essex Schools Infolink
Top 5 Essex Schools Infolink Areas visited this week:
Human Resources
Health and Safety
Education Essex
Essex Schools Infolink
For enquiries and password assistance regarding the Secure Area on Essex Schools Infolink contact the Password Team
Department for Education News
Pupil premium funding
Confirmation of pupil premium allocations for the 2013 to 2014 and 2014 to 2015 financial years.
Primary school pupils on free school meals close gap on their peers
The test results for more than half a million 11-year-olds (key stage 2) show 74% of pupils receiving free school meals (FSM) achieved the expected level (level 4) or above in maths compared to 87% of all other pupils. However, the attainment gap between FSM pupils and their peers continues to narrow - by 3 percentage points since 2011 when children first started receiving the pupil premium.
New engineering qualifications for 14- to 16-year-olds
Rigorous new vocational courses in engineering and construction for 14- to 16-year-olds as part of the government’s long-term plan for the economy have been announced. The qualifications have been specifically designed by industry leaders and will help Britain’s teenagers compete in the global jobs market.
Firms back Tech Levels - helping students compete in global race
As part of the government’s long-term plan for the economy, Ministers have announced the first Tech Levels - gold-standard vocational qualifications backed by top employers so young people know which courses have the best job prospects.
Technical Baccalaureate measure for 16- to 19-year-olds
The government is introducing a new 16-to-19 school and college performance tables measure which will recognise the highest level of technical training. This will be known as the Technical Baccalaureate (or TechBacc) measure. It will recognise the achievement of students taking advanced (level 3) programmes which include a DfE approved tech level qualification, a level 3 maths qualification and an extended project. It will be introduced for courses beginning in September 2014, for reporting in the 16-to-19 school and college performance tables from 2016.