CSI Meeting Minutes for 3/24/16

Introductions of our new officers

Reminder: don’t forget about the National Best Chapter Award next semester!

·  Our chapter has been doing great things – our own journal, many trainings, fundraisers, etc.


·  We hope that by the last meeting of this semester that you (the new officers) will be running it!

o  We will connect with you all in the meantime and help you figure out what to do and transition into your new role

Wrapping up the Induction Ceremony

·  Bethany & I (Maddison) need to get together to mail out certificates to those who could not be in attendance

CSI Hike Updates

·  We are moving the hike to another date (4/09/16)

·  10am @ Fatman’s loop

·  After the hike, we will probably get lunch together

o  People who weren’t able to hike can then meet up at the lunch

·  Counseling Representative! Start telling classes and whatnot.

o  Sabrina: Can you start promoting this event to classrooms and all that jazz?

·  Monica: put this event on Facebook & calendar!

End of the year celebration

·  April 29th!

·  Was anyone able to contact businesses for fundraiser donations? (fundraiser is for CSI to get more funds for future trainings and fun stuff next semester)

o  Let’s keep trying! Be on the look-out please! (look for items for silent auction type stuff)

§  Bethany will be contacting Uptown Billiards

§  Molly will look into Late for the Train

·  Mark: Have we ever considered soliciting CSI alumni?

o  Send mailers out to them?

o  Bethany: let me look into that

·  Bethany: We could go to NAzCA for involvement too!

·  Maddison: I will look into the possibility of renting the lawn for this celebration!

Stress Busters Update

·  Dr. Surmitis gave the OK for the backrubs during class April 12th at 4pm! (room 201)

·  Sabrina was spearheading this, but we aren’t sure what the status of this is and she is not at the meetings. Bethany: I will touch base with her and see where we are!

o  We still need to contact stressbusters to see if they are okay with that time-frame.

CSI Yoga Session

·  Going through NAU, it would cost us $50 to run this.

o  Alternatives?

§  Molly: What about Katie Cass to run the class?

·  Alexis: I have worked for National Parks Monument, and in the past we have had yoga classes there. I could look into this for next year!

Update on Foodbank and Humane Society?

·  Mark: For the Foodbank, all we need to do is tell them how many people we will have with us, and then we need to choose 3 possible days.

o  Available slots: Tuesday – Friday, 10am – 4pm

·  Mark: I checked on the Humane Society and either we need to take that class OR we can take one dog out at a time in groups and walk them in the yard.


·  Bethany: How many submissions do we have for the tee-shirt contest?

o  Can we do a poll online with the images?

o  Maddison to Monica: I will send you the images and you can do your Webmaster thing

·  Bethany: Also, we have Chili’s as a fundraising option

o  Monica: will you look into this?

Member of the Week! Devon Johnson!

Next CSI Meeting: Monica is sending out a doodle poll so that we can choose a more successful time/day for our next meeting