[ ] 10/9/2016 #1169


Romans 13:1-7

Introduction: All across America, there is a call to prayer. True Christians understand the seriousness of the times in which we are living. They understand our only hope is repentance and turning to the Lord.

Politicians and political parties are not the answer. Christians are called of God to be salt and light in society. While the answers are not political, Christians are to be involved in the election of government leaders because God has ordained it.

We are hearing about Americans suffering from "election stress disorder." Dr. Wendy Walsh said the presidential debate between Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and GOP hopeful Donald Trump triggered some very old fears for some viewers.

"It's like we are children in a dysfunctional family watching bickering parents. It's bringing up stuff for people from their own families," she said.

Dr. Walsh says people are suffering higher blood pressure, heart palpitations and stomach problems from the campaign's testiness. The truth is our society is like a dysfunctional family and our nation is suffering. We have major problems facing us today.



We are witnessing a clash of views in our society. It all starts with our presupposition. There are only two worldviews. We have either a Christian worldview or a secular (humanistic) worldview. Our worldview is how we see and interpret the things around us that form our values, goals and priorities. It is a collection of beliefs about the world, the universe and life. For this reason, we have differences of opinions on moral and social issues. We are becoming more divided as a nation.

I don't know if you read the October issue of AFA Journal. There was an article entitled, "Humanism's bloodless coup." The article starts by saying, "For well over a century, secular progressives in the United States have worked tirelessly to alter the very nature of our republic. In all of the ways that count the most, they have very nearly succeeded. Moreover, they never asked most Americans for permission to do so."

"Humanism as an ideology is the rejection of God and the elevation of man to the highest place on earth; and if humanism is the engine, then secular progressivism is the steering wheel. It is a belief in the power of man - to specifically unlimited government - to 'progress' or better the world."

The belief that our republic was founded upon the concept of natural law and natural rights which are rooted in the Judeo-Christian worldview causes a conflict between Christians and secular progressives.

The Founding Fathers believed the government had a well-defined and limited role to play in the lives of citizens—essentially leaving people alone to lead their lives—the Progressives favored a much more active role for the government in overseeing civil society, regulating the economy, and redistributing wealth.


A biblical worldview is based on the infallible Word of God. You follow the Bible's teachings which in turn change your thinking and behavior. Your beliefs about abortion, immorality, murder, and a host of other issues are determined by the Bible. When it comes to electing a president, you follow the principles taught in God's Word. You take seriously the mandate in Romans 13 to honor the governing authorities. You research the candidates and issues. Voting is a priority because you understand that it is God's will for you to cast your ballot.

A recent nationwide survey completed by the Barna Research Group determined that only 4 percent of Americans had a "biblical" worldview.

In the September edition of the "Decision" magazine, there is an article entitled "Two Visions. Two Americas." The beginning sentence states: “Secular progressivism has frayed the moral fabric of America. Religious freedom is trampled underfoot. Marriage is being defiled. Unborn life has been devalued.”



At their convention, each political party sets their principal goals and their positions on issues. They determine their goals and strategies to appeal to voters. Eachparty's platformis broken down into "planks," or declarations that speak to each specific issue such as abortion, terrorism, or religious freedom. The candidates run on the principals and issues established by the party.


The selecting of candidates from the two parties is a complicated process that most Americans do not understand. Our choice of president comes from the parties' national conventions that have the power to select their party's presidential nominee.

Someone has said, "The five traits of a good president are: Intelligence, Honesty, Connectivity, Persistence, and Leadership." We are lacking candidates with godly character today. One poll showed a majority of American voters have an overall "unfavorable" view of both main candidates.

When we lack a choice for president from the parties' selection, what do we do? We have to elect the candidate whose party has the best platform. This must be taken into consideration. Issues such as religious freedom, federal judges, marriage, national defense, immigration and Israel are issues that should guide a Christian.

The American people must protect the first and second amendments to the Constitution. If we lose these two amendments, all other rights will be lost also. We will be a third world country ruled by a socialist government.



The Bible teaches that God establishes governments. God has given us a special form of government. Our government is a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. As Christians, we are to participate in our government. It is a God given privilege and duty for us to be involved. Governments are ordained of God. The Bible teaches clearly to resist the government is to resist the ordinance of God. We are to obey the laws of the land unless they are contrary to God's Word. (Romans 13:1-4)


Let me give you four commands from Scripture that show us ways we are to participate.

1) We are to submit to our government and obey the laws of the land. (Romans 13:1-5; 1 Peter 2:13-14)

2) We are to pay taxes to our government. (Matthew 22:21)

3) We are to pray for our government leaders. (2 Timothy 2:1-3)

4) We are to honor our leaders. (Romans 13:7, 1 Peter 2:17)

Our forefathers believed in a limited form of government. We see the wisdom of our Founding fathers who resisted having bigger government. Our government today is intruding into our lives and removing our freedoms. Civil disobedience is justified when authority is exercised in ways contrary to God’s purposes and commands for his people.


Jesus said, "Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men." (Matthew 5:13)

As Christians, we are to be the salt and light of the world. (Matthew 5:13-16) Pure salt was of great value in the days of Christ. It was so rare that it was considered a delicacy. It was often used as a form of exchange. We get our wordsalary, from that word. It literally means "salt-money," hence the expression, "That man is worth his salt."

Salt is known to preserve and to irritate. Salt penetrates and it can aid in healing. It is used as a seasoning to give food flavor. Jesus used salt as an example of what a Christian's life should be like. Christians are to influence the world. As lights in the world, we are to give witness to Jesus who is the light of the world.

Like salt, Christians are to have a godly influence. We are to penetrate the forces of darkness in our culture. We must speak the truth in love even when it stings like salt to an open wound.

As salt adds flavor to food, Christians should flavor the world with God's grace and truth. We should bring out the best in the people around us.

Tony Perkins, Family Research Council: “This is not a time to stand on the sidelines. If we do not stand up and exercise our freedom to protect our freedom, I see a spiritual dark age descending upon us.”

David Jeremiah: “We’re down to the point where we need to elect somebody whom we’re pretty certain won’t be against us, somebody who will allow us to live out our faith.”


God has commissioned each of us as Christians to be active in politics. Voting is one of those rights we have from God, and it is our duty to vote. We have the responsibility to influence our culture by being witnesses for Christ. We have to share His love and truth with those who are lost. Protecting our religious rights is essential so we can accomplish getting the gospel to a lost world and fulfilling the Great Commission.