Statistics on Supplemental Education Services and School Sanctions

Mineral County has been offering supplemental services to the parents at Keyser Primary Middle School who are eligible for free and reduced lunch for the past five years.

Parents are notified by U.S. mail, county website, and the principal does a news letter to each family with information concerning SES.

In 2011 seven hundred and ten letters were sent to parents with specific information on how to obtain supplemental services for their child at no expense to them. Response to this has been minimal at best. Most of the SES providers are web-based servers which has not been an attractive offering to eligible families. This year no letters were returned to the central office even though several more providers were added.

Keyser Primary Middle School has not made AYP for the past six years. The Federal Government places sanctions on schools after the first two years of not making adequate yearly progress. Thus the following sanctions are in place this year at KPMS: School Choice, SES, Corrective Action, Restructuring and Program Governance. School Choice means that parents may choose to send their child to another school making AYP at no expense; SES means that students may receive extra help off school hours at no expense to parents, Corrective Action means that the school must study data and make changes to correct situations, and Restructuring means that the school must make changes in the curriculum, staff or organization. KPMS is now organized into professional learning communities as a result. Program Governance means that outside experts are employed to provide guidance to the administration.

Mineral county schools have offered SES to the select population at Keyser Primary Middle School for the past five years. In that time few families have inquired about the program; but no has accepted the offer. Each year approximately 650 letters are sent to families explaining the SES process with an opportunity to apply. For the past two years the letters were sent out twice per year August and January.

Keyser Primary Middle School offers a remedial program after school which includes transportation and staffed with experienced teachers. This seems to be the preferred choice of the public.