9b E (Fb)

Useful phrases for analysing texts

In general: “bedient sich adäquater Mittel der LESERLEITUNG

= Vor-, Quer- und Rückverweise, e.g.:

-In the following, I’m going to … [= tell your readers what you are about to do]

-As I said before / in the beginning … (etc.)

-I will enlarge upon this later / in the next paragraph … (etc.)

-Concluding one can say / In brief / To put it in a nutshell / From all this follows that … (etc.)

Make it easy for readers of your text to follow your argumentation!

Task 1:

The text at hand / the given text is [an extract/excerpt from] … [a short story/speech/newspaper article/novel/poem a.s.o.] written by […] [and published in (the New York Times etc.) on [date] / in [year]. It is about /deals with / treats of / describes / is concerned with / presents … [topic = general topic, no details!].

The general/essential/main idea expressed is …

The [author/writer/speaker/poet] starts off by [+ gerund, e.g. statingthat …].

He/She goes on by [+ gerund]…

He/She speaks about / discusses / gives his (her) opinion on … / expresses his (her) view concerning … / holds the view that … / comments on … / presents the thesis that … / draws (come) to the conclusion that …

Use the present tense; don’t quote; use neutral language, i.e. don’t evaluate; use your own words / paraphrase.

Task 2:

In the following, I’m going to … [say what you are about to do, e.g. … characterise Molly while putting special emphasis on the reasons for her behaviour in this excerpt… cf. task!]

When analysing the structure of a text:

The text/story/speech can be divided into / is divided into / falls into / is composed of / contains / consists of […] parts / paragraphs / chapters / sections.

The first / […] / last part / paragraph / sentence constitutes / gives us / comprises the introduction / central problem / principal part / solution.

In the first / […] / last part the author varies the theme / changes the topic / goes into detail / passes from … to …

When characterising:

The author describes the characteristics / outer appearance / intellectual qualities / mood / activities / social and psychological condition / character traits of …

The author gives a realistic / detailed description of / only gives a rough description of ..

The character is described / presented / characterised as …

The basic traits of A’s character are …

One of A’s striking characteristics is …

When analysing rhetorical / stylistic devices:

The author makes use of / employs …

This is done in order to stress / put emphasis on / emphasise / draw attention to / highlight …

The author wants to involve the readers/listeners by [+ gerund] / convince them of …

He/She wants to appeal to (e.g. the readers’ conscience) …

He/She wants to imply / implies that …

He/She wants to arouse interest / simplify / illustrate …

He/She refers to an example

He7She makes use of / employs / uses formal / informal / colloquial words / expression / language.

This word / phrase / expression refers to / underlines / emphasises / means / stands for …

When referring to the text:

As it is written in l./ll.: …

As one can read in l./ll.

This is indicated by l./ll. where it is said that …

This can be proven with l./ll.

L./ll. (…) suggest(s) that … as it is said that …


Don’t forget to sum up your main results.

Use the present tense in your analysis only; use your own words; always PROVE what you’re claiming by REFERRING to the respective lines.

Don’t just list rhetorical or stylistic devices, but always explain their function and their effect on the reader/listener.

Try not to repeat what you’ve already written in task 1.

ANALYSE doesn’t mean SUMMARISE, i.e. read between the lines.

Task 3:

Task 3 can either be an EVALUATION (i.e. pro- and counter-arguments + own opinion) or a RE-CREATION OF TEXT (e.g. a diary entry).

You usually DON’T quote in task 3, but for a re-creation of text task it might be necessary to refer to the text again (e.g. in case you’re asked to refute an argument etc.)