M.M. –80

General Instructions: Time- 3hrs

·  The question paper is divided into four sections.

·  All questions are compulsory.

·  The marks have been assigned against each question

·  The handwriting should be neat and clear

Section A: Reading 15 Marks

Section B: Writing 20 Marks

Section C: Grammar 20 Marks

Section C: Literature 25 Marks

SECTION – A (READING) (15 Marks)

Q1.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (10 Marks)

I used to be very shy and avoided all company. My books and my lessons were my sole companions. To be at school at the stroke of the hour and to return home as soon as the school closed- that was my daily habit. I literally ran back, because I could not bear to talk to anybody. I was even afraid lest anyone should make fun of me. There is an incident which occurred at the examination during my first year at the high school and which is worth recording. Mr Giles, the Educational Inspector, had come on a visit of inspection. He had set us five words to write as a spelling exercise. One of the words was “kettle”. I had misspelt it. The teacher tried to prompt me with the point of his boot, but I would not be prompted. It was beyond me to see that he wanted me to copy the spellings from my neighbour’s slate, for I had thought that the teacher was there to supervise us against copying. The result was that all the boys, except myself, were found to have spelt every word correctly. Only I had been stupid. The teacher tried to bring this stupidity home to me but without effect. I never could learn the art of ‘copying’. Yet the incident did not in the least diminish my respect for my teacher. I was by nature blind to the faults of elders. Later, I had learnt to carry out the orders of elders, not to scan their actions.

A. On the basis of your reading of the passage, complete the following by fill in the blanks with one word only. (1x8=8)

Mahatma Gandhi says that he, being shy ______all company. He used to run back home because he was ______of others. Once he ______the word “kettle”. The teacher wanted him to ______the right spellings, but he did not do so. Gandhiji could never learn ______but he had full ______for his teacher. He was by nature ______to the faults of his elders. This helped him later to ______out orders of his elders.

B. Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following: (1/2x4=2)

a) tolerate-

b) accurately-

c) reduce-


Q2.Read the poem carefully and answer the questions that follow. (5)

Whose woods these are I think I know,

His house is in the village though;

He will not see me stopping here,

To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer,

To stop without a farm house near;

Between the woods and frozen lake’

The darkest evening of the year.

He gave his harness bells a shake,

To ask if there is some mistake;

The only other sounds the sweep,

Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep;

And miles to go before I sleep,

And miles to go before I sleep.

A. On the basis of your reading of the poem, choose the correct option: (1x5=5)

1. The poet was passing through the ______

a) village b) woods

c) lane d) none of these

2. The poet stopped there to watch the ______

a) snow b) trees

c) birds d) people

3. Who wondered to see the poet stop between the woods and frozen lake?

a) villagers b) cattle

c) birds d) horse

4. The only sounds the poet and his companion heard were ______

a) dog’s barkings b) bird’s chirpings

c) horse’s neighing d) cold wind and the falling of snow flakes

5. ‘Miles to go before I sleep’ means that the poet will not ______

a) stop/rest till he has kept all his promises

b) sleep at all

c) eat till he has done his work

d) to keep his promises


Q1.The Lion’s Club, Subroto Park is organizing a ‘Diwali Fest’. As President of the Society draft a notice in about 50 words informing the residents of the fest. (5)

Q2. Suppose that you have received the bumper prize at a lucky draw in a shopping mall. Express your joy, in a diary entry. (5)

Q3. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the problem of frequent power cuts. (5)

Q4. Write an article for your school magazine on the need for cleanliness at home, school and in our surrounding localities. (5)


Q.1 Combine the following simple sentences with suitable corordinating conjunctions to create compound sentences. (2)

a) Mrs Gupta went to the market. She bought some dresses for her daughter.

b) You must take the medicines. You will not recover fast.

c) He worked hard. He failed the exam.

d) She was ill. She didn’t go to school.

Q.2 Rewrite these sentences by writing the opposite gender for the underlined words. (3)

a) The baroness will soon be here to meet the czar.

b) The gander and the drake were making such a noise in the afternoon.

c) The lad told the widow to stay at home.

Q.3. Rewrite the following sentences in passive voice. (5)

a) He was not driving a car.

b) Will she buy a computer?

c) He sings a song?

d) I killed a rat?

e) I am writing a letter.

Q.4. Rewrite the sentences as directed. (5)

a) He tried to start his bike in single kick. (Past perfect continuous)

b) She goes for morning walk daily. (Simple past tense)

c) My daughter slept when I reached home. (Past continuous tense)

d) The train left the station before I reached. (Past perfect tense)

e) The delegation left for Geneva on Sunday. (Simple present tense)

Q.5. Fill in the blanks with the noun forms of the words given in the brackets. (2)

a) The general’s ______has earned him many accolades. (brave)

b) India gained ______in the year 1947. (free)

c) The ______of the rope had to be 5m. (long)

d) We attended her ______ceremony on Saturday. (marry)

Q.6. Fill in the blanks with appropriate collective nouns. (2)

Flight litter fleet battalion

a) Wherever Danish went a ______of puppies followed him.

b) General Sharma headed a ______of soldiers.

c) It was amazing to view a ______of geese in the sky.

d) During the war, a ______of ships guarded the coasts.

Q.7. Correct the following sentences. (1)

a) This poultries is mine.

b) Mathematic is an interesting subject.


Q1. Read the following extracts and answer the following questions. (6)

1. All of the sights of the hill and the plain

Fly as thick as driving rain;

And ever again, in the wink of an eye,

Painted stations whistle by.

a) Why are the sights flying?

b) What does ’wink of an eye’ suggest?

c) What is the mood of the poem?

2. ‘You are faking, aren’t you….’

a) ‘You’ refers to whom here?

b) Identify the chapter.

c) By whom was this question asked?

Q.2 Give the meaning of the following words. (any3) (3)

a. chaplin-

b. gigantic-

c. vagrant gypsy-

d. glimpse

e) pathetically-

Q.3 Answer the following questions. (any3) (6)

a. How was the prince taken captive by the thieves?

b. Why has the poet compared speed of train to that of witches?

c. What was the reaction of the people in the court towards the artificial bird?

d. Why does the poet ask for a tall ship?

e. How did the doctor discover his bluff?

Q.4 Answer the following questions in brief. (5)

a. How did Plato hear of the lost world?

b. What are the narrator’s views on homesickness?

Q.5 Value based question. (3)

a.) I was homesick during the whole of my first term at St Peter’s. What does the statement imply? Did he finally settle in or not? Give reasons.

Q.6 Choose the right meaning for the idiom given: (2)

a. break a leg-

i) something strange ii) good luck iii) be optimistic

b. back to square one-

i) to start all over again ii) people’s intentions iii) very easy

c. stay on track-

i) very costly ii) to trick someone iii) to slow down

d. to call back-

i) to telephone back ii) instantly iii) something defective