Agenda for Bath Cycling Club AGM on 14th November 2014

Chairman’s introduction

Matters arising from minutes of previous AGM

Matters arising from Treasurer’s report

Matters arising from the Secretary’s report – see page 13 below

Matters arising from the Membership Secretary’s report – see page 14 below

Election of officers & Delegates

Vice Chairman
General Secretary
Club Captain
Off Road
Time Trial Secretary
Road Race Secretary
Youth Officer
Club Welfare Officer(s) - ideally one each for male/female members
Membership Secretary
Two committee members who are first claim and who hold no other committee positions
British Cycling delegate
Cycling Time Trials delegate
Western Time Trials Association delegate

Road Records Association delegate
Western Counties RRA delegate


Proposals for AGM from Aileen Brown

This proposal has been split into 4 parts. All changes reflect current practice regarding club membership (club rule 3)

Rule 3a Membership Proposal 1

Amendment to reflect that new members are approved by the membership secretary & reported to the committee monthly rather than having membership approval delayed until the next committee meeting when a vote is made on their approval.

Rule 3a Membership Proposal 2

Amendment to remove a 50% discount on membership fees for those joining after 1st July

Revised wording of club rule 3a covering both the above changes

a)New Members will be approved by the membership secretary and reported to the committee at the next meeting. All applicants shall sign a form of application for membership provided for the purpose (On line applications do not require a wet signature). The membership form should point out that applicants cannot race as a member of the Club until their membership application has been accepted. New Members joining after 1st September and paying a full year’s subscription shall have all the benefits of the Club until 31st December of the following year.

Rule 3b Membership Proposal 3

Amendment to remove the need for associate members to apply to the committee for associate membership

Revised wording of club rule 3b

b)An Associate Member is a person who wishes to support the interest and welfare of the Club without taking out full membership. Such a member shall not be allowed to ride regularly with the Club, race under the Club’s name or vote at meetings.

Rule 3c Membership Proposal 4

Amendment to clarify the position for 1st claim members who have elected to race in the name of another club

Revised wording of club rule 3c (new sentence underlined)

c)A person, who is a member of multiple cycling clubs, may elect to be a second claim member of Bath CC, for a reduced membership fee. Second Claim members may not race in the name of the club. A Second Claim member is not eligible to vote at General Meetings, or hold office.

Footnote: A first claim member paying the full membership fee may elect to be considered 2nd claim in whatever race disciplines they choose. They must state this in writing/email to the Membership Secretary. Members may only compete for club trophies or records in a race discipline for which they have chosen to compete 1st claim for Bath CC.This will not affect their right to vote at General Meetings, or hold office.

Minutes of Bath Cycling Club AGM on 29th November 2013

Please note that following various amendments this is the final version of the minutes from our AGM. All amendments were either typographical or gave more information in comparison to the initial minutes. Thanks to Aileen Brown, Dave Summers and Mike Woodward for their assistance.

Present: Alan Pickard (AP)(President), Chris Atchison (CA) (Chairman), Richard Grigsby (RG) (Secretary), Matt Hargreaves (MH) (Treasurer), Derek Fisher, Tony Thorne (AJO) (Vice Chairman), Nigel Sherwen (NS) (Magazine Editor/Distributor), Tom Ryan, Darren Edwards (DE) (Road Race Secretary/Compliance & Welfare Officer), Maureen Thorne, Aileen Brown (AB) (Membership Secretary), Paul Arayan, Dennis Davis, David Summers (DS), George Rowntree (GR) (Committee member), Andy Greenham, Paddy Doble, Martin Croxford, Paul White, David Dew, Brian Turner, John Tooze, Natalia Sheppard, Simon Hodgson, Ron Whittle, Bob Bolwell, Ian Rogers, Paul Snow, Mike Woodward (MW) (Committee member), Andy Stewart (AS) (Off-road section/Youth Development), Rod Green, Paul Dale, David Stoyle, Daniel Taylor, Gary Sheppard, Ruan Bester, Eugene Kertzman, Michael Stanley, Jonathan Schofield, Jon Witty

Apologies: Simon Williams

Chairman’s introduction

After a brief introduction CA introduced Peter Wilson who raised a point of order. Please see below the letter written by Peter to our Chairman:

Dear Chris

I am writing to you in your capacity as Chairman of the Bath CC to raise a point of order about proposals under Item 9, paragraph 10; item 10; and Item 13.

The Rules and Regulations of the Bath Cycling Club are only concerned with matters affecting the running of the Bath Cycling Club not its relation with another organisation.

The Bath Cycling Club can and does affiliate to other organisations but its rules and regulations do not contain commitments to those organisations nor should they. For example:

1. I represent the Club on the WTTA. I have undertaken certain duties for the WTTA but it would not be appropriate for the Bath CC rules to incorporate responsibility for those duties;

2. David Summers, as a member of the Bath CC, has undertaken duties both for the WTTA and the CTT West District. Similarly those duties should not be incorporated in the Bath CC rule sand regulations;

3. The Bath CC affiliates to British Cycling and Cycling Time Trials. It is encouraged to support these organisations by promoting events and it does this. But none of the assistance that the Club provides to these organisations is a responsibility incorporated in the Club’s rules and regulations;

4. Cycling Time Trials (CTT) has links to British Cycling but Cycling Time Trials rules and regulations do not contain commitments to British Cycling and I have no doubt that the reverse also applies.

Those people who have given their time to the Sulis Scorpions Youth Cycling Alliance should be applauded, as should all other helpers in the Bath CC. But this Alliance is no different to organisations to which the Club is affiliated and it is not appropriate for the Bath CC rules and regulations to contain commitments to the Sulis Scorpions Youth Cycling Alliance, another club.

The incorporation of the proposals detailed in the first paragraph above would breach current arrangements and best practice and I suggest that they should be ruled out of order.

Only the Chairman can rule whether a proposal is out of order and if you so decide I think that you should tell the AGM at the start of the AGM.

Copy goes to the President and Vice Chairman.

Yours sincerely

W P Wilson

CA agreed with Peter Wilson and item 9 paragraph 10 (latterly amended to para’ 6), item 10 and item 13 were deemed inappropriate.

CA suggested noting in the Bath CC Handbook that we were in alliance with Sulis Scorpions’.

Nigel Sherwen suggested that rules could be changed at the AGM and AS objected.

DS suggested that a Memorandum of Understanding between the various clubs that contribute to the Sulis Scorpions Alliance would maybe be a better way to proceed. All agreed that this would be a good idea.

Matters arising from minutes of previous AGM

DS noted that the minutes were incorrect with respect to the amendment to proposal 5, and that it was not passed at the previous AGM. DS suggested an update to the minutes with the words "The chairman stated a mistake had been made", and remove that the amendment had been approved. DS stated he had a proposal on the agenda of the current meeting to formally correct the mistake noted in the last AGM.

Matters arising from Treasurer’s report

MH said that the club made a £1160.42 loss in the 2013 financial year.

DS questioned subsidizing purchase of clothing and stocking of clothing and pre-orders for the up-coming season. MH said that clothing was ordered in advance and that club members bought stock quickly.

There was some discussion as to the merits of reducing senior membership to £15 but the proposal was passed.

Matters arising from the Secretary’s report

The secretary’s report was conspicuous by the absence of comments.

Matters arising from the Membership Secretary’s report

AB reported that ladies, juniors, families and on-line subscriptions were all up on last year.

AS made a vote of thanks to Aileen for handling all relevant correspondence in 2013.

Matters arising from the Road Race Secretary’s report

DE said how fantastic it was to have 14 members competing for the club in road races and thanked all organisers for the success of Odd Down track an also thanked MH for his Roman Road road race.

Election of officers


AP said he has done 10 years and was standing down.

Aileen nominated Brian Turner (BT) and Paul Arayan seconded him. BT became president of Bath CC.

Ian Pritchard made a vote of thanks to Alan Pickard for his presidency.

Rod Green reminded the club that presidents should hold a 3-year term with an option for a further 3 years before voting in a new president. AP commented that he was aware of the situation but had agreed, with the club’s blessing, to continue beyond the guidelines.


CA stood down as chairman.

AJO nominated GR for chairman and MH seconded this nomination.

AB nominated Simon Hodgson (SH) for Chairman and John Witty seconded her nomination.

A vote was made and GR was voted in 27 to 9.

GR agreed and became the new chairman for Bath CC.

Vice Chairman

AJO happy to continue in role.

AB proposed SH for role, seconded by DS.

A vote was made and each delegate gained 15 votes. AJO stood aside to allow SH to adopt role of vice chairman.

CA made a vote of thanks for AJO in his role as vice chairman.


MH said he would continue as treasurer for one more year.

Committee members

MW said he was happy to continue as part of the committee.

Ian Pritchard proposed AJO as second committee member and Bob Bolwell seconded. AJO agreed.

Ruan Bester nominated David Stoyle for the second committee member and was voted in 19 to 17 from AJO.

Club Captain

Brian Turner proposed Andy Greenham (AG), Paul White seconded, as club captain. AG agreed.

Off-road section

AS was proposed by Martin Croxford and seconded by David Stoyle. AS agreed.

Road Race Secretary

DE was proposed by Ruan Bester and seconded by David Stoyle. DE agreed.

Time Trial secretary

Nigel Vaugnaux (NV) was proposed by AB and seconded by AJO. NV was absent from the meeting.

Membership Secretary

Nigel Sherwen nominated AB and DS seconded. AB agreed.

Compliance and Welfare Officer

DE was prepared to continue in this role.

Second position to be left open for a potential female volunteer.


AS stood down.

RG proposed GR for role, seconded by SH. However GR was unable to agree due to existing commitments.

AS outlined role being largely Bath CC representative at Sulis Scorpions committee meetings.

Proposal made by John Witty for SH to be Youth Development representative and seconded by Daniel Taylor. SH therefore elected.

Assistant Treasurer

Derek Fisher stood down


CA Stood down. Nigel Smith the remaining incumbent was not present at the AGM.

Social Secretary

AB stood down.

Club Dinner Secretary

Maureen Thorne stood down.

Press Secretary

It was left to see how Derek Pierce recovers from his accident before reallocating this role.


Paul Arayan and Dennis Davis happy to continue in this role.

RG made a vote of thanks for Paul and Dennis for their work in 2013.

Vice Captain

Paul White stood down.

Run Leaders

BT and Paul White added. Andy Greenham removed as he has been voted in as Club Captain.


Paddy Doble was happy to continue in this role.

Magazine Editor

Nigel Sherwen was happy to stay in this role.

RG voted thanks to Nigel for his work.

WTTA representatives

PW and AJO were happy to continue in their role.

West DC

DS and AJO were voted in.

British Cycling Representatives

MH stood down. Dan Taylor was nominated to take Matt’s place and accepted.

AS was willing to continue.

Hilly Time Trial Secretary

DS was willing to continue.

10-mile Time Trial Secretary

Rob Pears stood down in his role and Chris Atchison volunteered to run this event.

25-mile Time Trial Secretary

RG agreed to continue in this role.

Open Hill Climb Secretary

AB agreed to continue in this role.


Paul Dale agreed to continue in this role.

Magazine Distribution

NS was happy to continue in this role and said it could be combined with the magazine editor’s role.

Clothing Secretary

Simon Williams was happy to continue in this role.

Cycling Rights Officer

NS was happy to continue in this role.

A vote of thanks was made by RG to NS for his work in 2013.

Autumn Road Race

MH stood down. Position needs to be verified by 5th December 2013.

Female Compliance and Welfare Officer

Position held open for potential candidate.


1. Proposal by Aileen Brown

Proposal: Amendment to 4d of the club rules, which currently reads:

4d. The Committee of management shall meet every first Friday of the month and should only be cancelled with the agreement of the majority of the Committee. Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairman and General Secretary.


4d The committee will meet as frequently as required to discuss and vote on club matters.

Voted – 21 for and 13 against – proposal carried.

2. Proposal by Peter Wilson

Add the following sentence to paragraph 4a:

No Committee business shall be conducted by email.

Voted – 6 for and 22 against – proposal rejected.

3. Proposal by Matthew Hargreaves

Proposal: To be added to the club handbook:

Club assets and equipment held for the promotion of club events is to be collected and signed for by the organiser from the designated keeper(s). The equipment/assets are to be returned and signed back to designated keeper(s) shortly after the completion of the event for inspection, maintenance or repair. Any known damage or loss is to be recorded and reported to the designated keeper(s) for the club to make good before the next usage at club events.

Voted – Unanimous – proposal carried.

4. Proposal by David Summers

Proposal: Update rule 3c: Second Claim Membership

Replace the text for rule 3c with:

A person, who is a member of multiple cycling clubs, may elect to be a second claim member of Bath CC, for a reduced membership fee. Second Claim members may not race in the name of the club. A Second Claim member is not eligible to vote at General Meetings, or hold office.

Footnote: A first claim member paying the full membership fee may elect to be considered 2nd claim in whatever race disciplines they choose. They must state this in writing/email to the Membership Secretary. This will not affect their right to vote at General Meetings, or hold office.

Voted – Unanimous – proposal carried.

5.Proposal by David Summers

Update rule 4a: The Committee of Management

Split paragraph 4a into multiple paragraphs – renumber as appropriate, and reword, as follows:

The Committee of Management shall be responsible for managing the Club’s programme in accordance with the Club’s rules, custom and practice.

The Committee of Management shall consist of: General Secretary, Treasurer, President, Chairman, Vice chairman, Club Captain, Off Road, Time Trial & Road Race secretaries, Youth Officer, Club Welfare Officer(s), Membership secretary, and Webmaster, plus two other members who hold no other committee positions.

The members of the Committee of Management must be either first claim or life members of the club.

Titles and names of current Committee of Management shall be published in the Club Magazine and on the Club’s website.

Any club member may attend committee meetings, but only the Committee of Management shall have voting rights at such meetings.

Voted – Unanimous – proposal carried.

6.Proposal by David Summers

Update rule 4c: The Committee shall have the power ...

Split paragraph 4c into multiple paragraphs, and renumber, and reword as follows:

The Committee of Management shall have the power to add to their members for special purposes, and to form sub-committees. and to fill any vacancies that may occur in their numbers during their term of office.

The Committee of Management shall have the power to temporarily vary the custom and practice of the Club during the year should the Committee find this necessary.

The Committee of Management may appoint club officials, or delegate others to appoint club officials.

Voted – Unanimous – proposal carried.

7.Proposal by David Summers

Update rule 5a: The Annual General Meeting to:

The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in November for the presentation of reports and accounts and for the election of the Committee of Management, and Delegates to the organisations that Bath CC affiliates to. The end of the Club’s financial year shall be the 30th September.

Voted – Unanimous – proposal carried.

8.Proposal by David Summers

Update Regulation 2. members entering races

Replace the text of Regulation 2 with:

A member of the club competing in an event in the name of the club, must be a first claim member of the club with respect to that discipline.

Voted – Unanimous – proposal carried.

9. Proposal by Alan Pickard

Please note that Alan’s original proposal was amended during the AGM as follows:

Paragraph 9. changed to Paragraph 6.

‘normally’ added after 4th word ‘not’ in first sentence