IAAE 2ndGeneral Session
3-4 pm Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Iowa FFA Enrichment Center
The second general session was called to order by Brydon Kaster at 3:12 p.m. Craig McEnany was appointed as the session Parliamentarian. Bret Spurgin moved to adopt the agenda with flexibility, 2ndby Josh Day, motion passed. Susan Greubel presented the minutes Susan Greubel moved to accept the minutes, 2nd by Eric Weuve, motion passed.
Committee Reports
The Administrative Committee report was given by Louise Fleming. Louise Fleming moved to accept, implied 2nd, motion passed
The Conference Planning committee report was given by Monty Collins. Monty moved to accept, implied 2nd, motion passed.
The Educational Development committee report was given by Jennifer Dillon. Jennifer moved to accept, implied 2nd, motion passed.
The Membership Service Committee report was given by Zach Morris. Zach moved to accept, implied 2nd, motion passed.
The Policy Development Committee report was given by Bret Spurgin. Bret moved to accept, implied 2nd, motion passed.
Monty Collins stated a meeting will be held to redefine the purpose of the Past President’s committee.
Unfinished Business
Jim moved to approve the 2017-18 budget as presented, 2nd by Ben Booth, motion passed.
Monty presented the following ballot.
President – Jim Russ
President elect – Steve Kehoe
Treasurer Carrie Putz
SC – Jacob Bowers
SE – Ashley Weibe
NW – Micah Weber
Matt Eddy moved to accept the ballot as presented, 2nd by Melanie Bloom, motion passed.
Rhonda Clough moved to accept the by-law change making the fiscal year beginning on January 1 and ending December 31 and the membership year will be July 1 through June 30, 2nd by Craig McEnany, motion passed with a count of 106 in favor and 0 opposed.
Barb Lemmer gave an update on the 2018 Region III conference which will be held in Iowa. She asked for 2 people from each district to serve on the planning committee. She also indicated there might be a cost savings by starting the conference on Tuesday June 19th.
Brydon Kaster shared his insights and thoughts about his time serving as president.
Brydon Kaster present retiring board members Zach Morris, Casey Brown and Ben Wise with a certificate.
Newly elected officers were installed by outgoing President Brydon Kaster.
Jim Russ recognized Brydon Kaster for his year of service and made a few comments on what he would like to see our organization accomplish this coming year
Kevin Blair moved to adjourn, 2nd by Tim Baughman, motion passed and meeting was adjourned at 4:02
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Greubel