UW FMRN Coordinators Meeting Minutes

October 20-21, 2011

Thursday, October 20th

Attendees: Sonya Fukeda, Jason Blaize, Lisa-Ann Roura, Deb Frew, Holly Taniguchi, April Yates Hardy, Jena Huck, Rachel Grady, Cindy Ness, Nancy Moyer, Tiffany Jones, Traci Farley, Teresa Bess, Amy Bingell, Julie Sherwood, Bobby Gauthier, Lyn Garvey, Brenda Zemba, Roger Japp, Lisa Luu, Crystal Corpuz, and Amanda Harris.

Election Results for New Co-Chair: Cindy Ness was voted to be the next co-chair for the coordinators group and she graciously accepted to fill that role. The term will be two years and the co-chairs are staggered so there will always be one with a year of experience under his/her belt when the new one starts.

Network Update: Tiffany provided an update regarding network issues and changes.

  • Tom Norris is now the Chair of the Department of Family Medicine at UW SOM.
  • Judy Pauwels stepped down as the Program Director for the UW Family Medicine Residency program and joined the network as a .1 FTE working with developing programs.
  • Amanda Harris, new Program Analyst, was introduced to the group.
  • Teresa Bess and Paul Ford have been promoted.
  • There are several new programs in development and the group reviewed the timeline document showing where each of these programs are at in the process.
  • There has been a lot of turnover in the administrators group – most are no longer in their positions.
  • Medex, the PA training program, has joined the department.
  • The group reviewed the strategic outcomes document and discussed the educational quality assessment.
  • Tiffany shared information that came from the most recent Program Directors’ meeting regarding dual accreditation. A proposal was made to investigate whether network programs could work with the AOA accreditation commission to seek dual accreditation under one umbrella rather than seek dual accreditation individually. Interested Program Director’s were going to discuss this further.

Hot Topics: The following hot topics were identified and discussed:

  • In Training Exam – Programs that have done the ITE online shared their experiences (versus using the paper-based format). The exam will soon be offered online only, but there is a discrepancy between what coordinators were told on a recent webinar and what is listed on the ABFM website re: the effective date. The webinar attendees were told 2012, but the website indicates 2013.
  • Definition of Applications – Different programs have different definitions regarding how to count applications (ie, received versus completed). The group discussed this issue and decided to report total applications received. Rural Training Tracks will lump all of their applications together.
  • Interviews – Several group members shared their typical interview day format and each coordinator described how many support staff are involved in preparing for and running interview days.

UW Student Advising Update: Dr. Amanda Kost and Taylor Trippe shared data regarding match statistics, as well as the information they communicate to students when advising them about applying and interviewing for residency positions. The coordinators provided tips to them regarding pitfalls that students should avoid.

Workgroup Committees: The committees that were established several meetings ago were disbanded, however the group agreed that it would be beneficial to have a professional development committee. How to conduct a presentation was suggested as a potential future professional development topic. Nancy Moyer is going to update the photo roster. Julie Sherwood and Amy Bingell are going to send Tiffany timelines/schedules for residency activities and deadlines so they can be consolidated and generalized for new coordinators. Once she has the information, Bobby Gauthier volunteered to review it. The goal is to develop a tool kit for new coordinators. Various resources for coordinators were also mentioned: UW GME orientation for new coordinators and program directors, AFMA, ACGME conferences and RPS.

Sub-Internship Update: Dr. Tom Greer and Toby Keys discussed what sub-I’s are and why we do them. They also shared the tentative schedule for the upcoming year. Evaluations have been more timely and meaningful. It’s important to keep in mind when completing evaluations that they should be mastery-based and focus on what the student learned by the end of the rotation. Dr. Greer also discussed the TRUST program and shared that students will be able to match with network programs outside of the regular match. NRMP has provided documentation supporting this exception for 2012.

Friday, October 21st

Attendees: Sonya Fukeda, Jason Blaize, Lisa-Ann Roura, Deb Frew, Holly Taniguchi, April Yates Hardy, Jena Huck, Rachel Grady, Cindy Ness, Nancy Moyer, Tiffany Jones, Traci Farley, Teresa Bess, Amy Bingell, Julie Sherwood, Bobby Gauthier, Lyn Garvey, Brenda Zemba, Roger Japp, Lisa Luu, Crystal Corpuz, Melissa Yeager, BJ Berry, and Alex Stoller.

Program Updates: The following updates were provided –

  • Vancouver, Group Health and the UW program shared updates regarding faculty staffing.
  • Rachel Grady updated the group where her new program is at in the development process. They are currently writing the PIF, recently receiving zoning for their building and a Program Director has been hired.

ERAS Review: Michelle Rickert provided a presentation on ERAS, including tips and tricks that help her to run an almost paperless recruitment season. ERAS will be moving to an online platform, but it is unclear when this will happen.

Coordinator Meetings-Needs Assessment, Goals and Next Steps:

  • A proposal was made to see if programs might be willing to pay travel costs so that the coordinators can meet more than once a year. Tiffany reminded the group that we need to have agenda-driven meetings – topics that need to be discussed – and that we could use the network’s strategic plan to help build our agendas. Another suggestion was made to have the directors and coordinators meet together to discuss changes impacting residencies (GME reform, milestones project, etc.). Traci is going to submit a formal proposal to Lisa Johnson regarding this suggestion.
  • Two webinars were scheduled: 1) February 24th (new SOAP format and onboarding issues); and, 2) July 13th (NCFMR coordination and any upcoming changes affecting residencies). Both will be held at 10:00 Seattle time.
  • The first choice for the next onsite meeting is for the coordinators and directors to meet together September 13th and 14th. The second choice is for coordinators to meet separately October 11th and 12th.

Minutes recorded by Brenda Zemba, Alaska Family Medicine Residency.