November 11, 2014
Administration: Brenda H, Joan K
Board Members: Mike P, David S, Patrick G, Amber B
Faculty: Robin M
Parents: Brenda C
Meeting called to order by David S at 6:37
1. Audit Report: Michael Kidman (partner) and Jason Sleight (did the audit)
a) Audited the financial statements, everything in order with all rules being followed and information requested was given. Numbers will be materially correct.
b) The audit report needs to be submitted by November 30th
c) IRS discussion (footnote 9 to show as a possible liability because still a question if we fall under section 218) ACTION: discussion about beginning to withhold funds again to help mitigate the schools liability before we come into a new fiscal year if we still do not have an answer from the IRS.
d) Finding 14-01. Recommendation is to increase training and resources so we have less audit adjustments at the end of the year because that will indicate better accordance with general accepted accounting principles.
2. Brenda C, PTO President
a) School fundraiser made around $14,000 after prizes were given out
b) Probably will change this fundraiser for next year
c) Red Ribbon Week went well
d) Book Fair was awesome and held on the third floor this year. She sold over $3300 in books
e) Parent/teacher conferences and parents donated food for the teachers
3. Community Council (Brenda) - They have not met since the last meeting.
4. Principal Report
a) Myth Busters to help clear up inaccuracies
b) Wants to add information to website: spirit wear that we can sell, Beverly Taylor Sorrenson Art Program, Fundraising Page …Pay pall button and donation button. Donor page.
c) Wants to do a ski-a-thon for next year and discuss the possibility of selling hot chocolate during the Ice Castles Here
d) David M wants to raise money for a computer lab and a portable lab. Will discuss next week with the fundraising committee.
e) Archery going well K-3 and 6. 4th and 5th will do in the spring. Want to start a club until the snow flies, SH said they would even groom the range for us year round
f) We are researching ice skating rinks and possible grants for that. The rink is considering waiving the usual fee. Shannon W said she would donate her time to help with this project
g) School Sign. Lone Pine is going to increase the size of the logo we have so we can create a sign. We will put the website on it. This will need to be approved by state park and SH (Richard)
h) Conferences went smoothly with good turnout
i) Custodian quit with no notice. Someone is coming in the next fee days
j) $2500 in scholastic money that has never been spent. Want to spend the money on novels and chapter books
5. Parent/Teacher Surveys
a) Parent survey with 28 responses so far. Its open as a tab on our website so a parent can fill it out at anytime.
b) Brenda sent a link to withdrawn parents
c) Teacher Survey: The ultimate Question is a book to help create a survey for the teachers. Net Promotor Score. Michael and Robert will assist in this. We are trying to build honest/transparent communication.
6. Joan:
a) Budget: Funded on 287 students and the minimum 270. Salary and benefit review and those numbers are solid.
b) Maybe preschool to help drive some enrollment
c) Less than half of our parents have paid the ski donation so far this year
7. Meeting with Richard about the lease with David S and Brenda.
8. Parking Lot: want some concrete barriers to better block the kids from the cars. Maybe a donation from the State? Richard approved. Brenda will call UDOT and David will call someone he knows.
9. Holiday Party December 10th, tentative
MOTION to Adjourn by David S at 9:31pm, all in favor