- Complete this form for Non-substantive course changes.
- Non-substantive changes are defined as follows:
- Course description (Changes in course description which reflect substantive changes in content will require a Course Proposal Worksheet)
- Pre-requisites (add, drop, or change)
- Co-requisites (add, drop, or change)
- Concurrent Enrollment (add, drop, or change)
- Program Restrictions on a course (add, drop, change)
- Minimum Class Standing (add, drop, change)
- Repeatable Credit Changes
- Variable Credit Changes
- Instructor Permission (add, drop, change)
- If the course is an active course in the catalog then only this form is needed to request a change of instructional type.
- If this is a new course, the Course Proposal worksheet will be required also.
- Course changes which include three or more non-substantive changes will require a Course Proposal Worksheet.
- The Course Proposal Worksheet is required for all other changes.
- Deans, please email this signed and completed form to the Registrar’s Office:
- Submit completed worksheet proposals to department chair.
- Department chair forwards proposals to dean for approval.
- Approved proposals will be forwarded from the dean’s office to the Registrar’s office for entry into Curriculog.
- Once the Registrar’s Office completes the impact study, the proposal will be sent to Curriculum Committee for review.
- After Curriculum Committee approves, proposal moves to Faculty Senate.
- Provost approval of Faculty Senate decision.
- Originator:
- Originator Email:
- Department:
- Proposal type:
☐ Course Description
☐ Pre-requisites
☐ Co-requisites
☐ Concurrent Enrollment
*More than 3 changes require a Course Proposal Worksheet / ☐ Program Restrictions on a course
☐ Minimum Class Standing
☐ Repeatable Credit Changes
☐ Variable Credit Changes
☐ Instructor Permission
- Effective Date:
- Course Information from Catalog:
Course Number:
- Rationale and Summary:
Signatures: Approval of department chairperson/program director and Dean serves as confirmation of the inclusion of all required pieces of the proposal packet.
Course Proposal Originator: / Date: Click here to enter a date. / ☐ I hereby approve the above proposal to begin the curriculum review processDept. Chair/Prog. Director: / Date: Click here to enter a date. / ☐ I hereby approve the above proposal to begin the curriculum review process
Academic Dean or Designee: / Date: Click here to enter a date. / ☐ I hereby approve the above proposal to begin the curriculum review process
2018 – 2019 Catalog of Courses
Version 2/ 06-12-17