Faculty of Management
Teaching and Learning Grants – Conference Attendance
We want to foster teaching innovations and improvements and to enhance student learning.Grants are available to support faculty attendance at conferences focused on teaching and learning.
Conferences addressing specific topics – such as curriculum planning, developing/assessing learning outcomes, developing/using cases, experiential learning, technology, teaching in a discipline – are eligible for support.
Maximum of $1,800 CAD. Instructors are expected to provide the balance from other sources.
The Faculty of Management Teaching Effectiveness Committee Professional Development Fund has been established to provide more opportunities for faculty members and instructors to participate in teaching-oriented conferences and workshops.
In order to qualify for this fund, applicants must be one of the following; tenured, hold a tenure-track position, hold a 3-year term or a continuing appointment. Applications will be considered for sessional and short term contract instructors (Levels 1, 2 or 3) who can demonstrate a long term commitment to teaching at the University of Lethbridge.
The conference must be focused on, or include a significant track devoted to, issues of student learning.
Applicants are not required to be presenters at the conference.Funds are intended to cover travel expenses, accommodations, and registration fees.
In the event that there are more applicants than awards, preference will be given to:
- potential for enduring benefits to improve teaching and learning, for example breadth of applicability versus discipline specific
- applications from individuals who, by reason of their position, have limited sources of funds to draw on and limited funds available from those sources
- applicants who have not received grants in the past three years
- conferences more closely aligned with the Faculty’s vision – e.g., social responsibility, “developing the whole student”, internationalization of the curriculum, theory into practice, state-of-the-art technology
At the end of the year, unspent funds may be allocated to unfundedapplicants.
“Sharing the Learning”
Recipients must share their learningwith colleagues. This may be through workshops, seminars and individual consultations, or another appropriate forum.Knowledge sharing must take place in the semester that they attend the conference. An extension may be provided upon the request to the committee.
When/How to Apply
Grant requests are to be submitted ongoing through the current fiscal year (April 1st – March 31st). Applications should be directed to Chairperson, Teaching Effectiveness Committee. Conferences not occurring within the current fiscal year will be funded contingent on the criteria and availability of funds.
Revised November 2, 2016
Faculty of Management
Application for Teaching and Learning Grant
Goal: We want to foster teaching innovations and improvements and to enhance student learning. Grants are available to support faculty attendance at conferences focused on teaching and learning.
Faculty Member:
Description of Conference:
Sponsoring Institution/Organization:
List of sessions you particularly want to attend:
Brief description of how attending the conference will enhance student learning:
Registration fee:00.00
Travel expenses:00.00
Meals & Incidentals:00.00
Other sources of funds:
Amount: 00.00
Statement of Commitment: Recipients must share their learning with colleagues. This may be through workshops, seminars and individual consultations, or another appropriate forum. Knowledge sharing must take place in the semester that they attend the conference. An extension may be provided upon the request to the committee.
I agree to share with Faculty colleagues the insights I gained by attending this conference in an appropriate venue within the semester. Initial ______
I have not received a teaching grant award within the past 36 months. Initial ______
Signature: Date: