K4 Handbook

Welcome to Mrs. Crouch's

K4 Bear class!

Dear Parents,

Welcome to K4! We have a great year in store. I want my students to LOVE school! I believe that in K4, learning can take place in a variety of ways. My focus will be on Relationships, Character, Academics and Experiences.

If at any point you have questions about classroom procedures, what they are learning, how you can help, or anything else, please email me at r call my cell phone at 407-832-4971.

I'm so glad the Lord has led your family to FCS. I look forward to getting to know each one of you.


Mrs. Crouch


A successful student/parent/teacher relationship must include effective communication. Here's what you can expect from me:

  • Monthly Newsletter in student folder
  • Weekly email regarding current classroom activities and due dates sent from our Room Mom
  • Notes from me in student folder
  • Each student has a DAILY FOLDER. Please check and empty it each day. They have the opportunity to earn a sticker on their chart if they did not have to move their worm that day.

Along with that, your communication with me is equally important. Let me know if your child is struggling with an issue at home or having any difficulties that may influence his time with me at school. Our teamwork will help ensure your child's success!

Discipline Policy

Learning to love one another and practice self-control is a process that you have begun at home and I will patiently work on at school. Here is how we will handle any behavioral difficulties:

In K4 we have an Apple system. Each student has a worm with their name on it. Every morning, we begin the day with their worms on the GREEN apple. With each incident there will be a simple consequence:

1. Verbal warning

  1. Verbal warning.
  2. Move to the YELLOW APPLE.
  3. Verbal warning.
  4. Move to the RED APPLE and sit out 10 minutes.
  5. Note home
  6. Parent meeting

Positive Pats

Although I have a Disciplinary plan in place, most of my day is focused on modeling, encouraging and rewarding good behavior. Each child will have a Positive Pat chart and throughout the day I try to “catch them” making great choices and so earn a Positive Pat. A Positive Pat is a sticker they add to their chart. Excitement builds as the chart fills, leading to the beloved "Prize" spot. Once reached, the child gets to make a trip to the Treasure Box for their reward!

Feel free to send in donations to the Treasure Box. These items need not be expensive; a simple toy, stickers, or super balls make great prizes.

Progress Reports and Report Cards

Another communication tool is Progress Reports and Report Cards. You will receive 1 Progress Report at the midway point of the first quarter, and 4 Report Cards during K4.

Morning Routine

I will take daily attendance. A student is considered tardy if they are not in their seat by the time The National Anthem begins to play over the radio. This will be at 8:00 am on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, on Wednesday and Friday at 10:00.

Parents are welcome to walk their student to the classroom for the first week. Please use the car line (in the morning and afternoon) after that. A supervised patrol will walk them to the classroom and be sure they are in my care.


Homework is very minimal in K4. It is given as need to reinforce a weaker skill. Due dates will be written on the top of the page.

Money Matters

In an effort to avoid having to ask you for money for a field trip, activity or craft often, I have compiled a list of expected expenses for the 1st and 2nd half of the year. You will be receiving the 1st semester list as school begins. The second semester will go home in December to give time to plan as the second semester begins shortly after we return from Christmas Break.

*Note that I have made every effort to include any expenses, though at times an additional activity may arise. In that case, a note will be sent home in the student folder.

Also, with field trips, the amounts listed are for the student only. If there is a charge for any parent chaperones, those will be collected on a field trip by field trip basis.

Class Parties

We will have the following parties this year : Fall, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines, Easter and End of Year. The parties are planned by "Party Parents" via the class volunteer list. The Room Moms will coordinate the party parents and there is an allotted amount of party money from Mr. Schneberger. I have found that an hour is usually enough time for a craft, snack, game and story. It is a great time to incorporate how God has shown His love for us. No siblings please.

Birthday Parties

If you would like to bring in a treat to celebrate your child's birthday, just let me know so we can plan the best time for you and us.

Room Moms

We will all rely on our super Room Mom. They will be coordinating our parent volunteer list for Field Trip Chaperones, Class Parties and the weekly email from me. Most of the communication from the Room Mom will be via email so be sure to check your email regularly.

Our Room Mom will send out a welcome email with their information soon.

Dress Code

Follow the official FCS Dress Code exactly as listed in the FCS Handbook

Occasionally, your child will be given a Casual Day Pass for different rewards. In order to redeem a CD Pass, check the list of FCS approved Casual Day dates. Make sure to send your child in with their pass upon arrival.


If your child has any type of allergies, please let me know before the start of the school year in writing. I will need a detailed list of foods or environments your child should avoid. In addition, discuss with your child their allergy so they are well informed and know what they are and are not to have/do.

Start and End of Day Procedures

DROP OFF: For your child's safety and the safety of others, as well as for your convenience, please drop off and pick up in the car line. Close call situations have occurred in car line. Please do not pull out of line after your child is loaded into or out of your car unless you are first in line or directed to do so. Using the teacher lot to drop off your child is also dangerous.

A patrol(s) and teacher will be there to greet you. Do not drop off your child before 7:45 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Early care is available in Rice Building on Wednesday and Friday starting at 8:00 am.

Pick up is at 12:50 pm every day. If you have a 1st -4th grade student as well, you may pick up at 1:00. If you have a 5th -8th grade student, you may pick up at 1:10. Please do not delay, they are usually anxious to see you at the end of the day and do not particularly like sitting quietly in the hall waiting.

NOTE: You also have the option to go through the car line at 12:50 and then wait under the trees to go through again at the later pick up time.

TARDY: If your child is tardy, please walk them to the office and sign them in, then walk them to the classroom.

ABSENCE: If you know your child is going to be absent either due to illness or going out of town, let me know as soon as possible. Text or call my cell phone or call the school office. If going out of town, give a week's notice and I will gather all of the materials your child will need to keep up pace upon return.

GOING HOME SICK: If your child is ill, the office will call you to come and pick up your sick little one. Please do not send your child to school with a fever or a runny nose that is not clear. We want your child to feel better, return soon, but not before they are ready.

GOING HOME WITH A FRIEND: You must send a signed note in with your child if they are going home with someone other than a parent. Send the note in with your child to give to me upon arrival. If needed, you may also call the office for special arrangements. This rule is strictly enforced for the safety of your children.

EARLY DISMISSAL: If you need to schedule appointments during school time, let me know ahead of time, if possible. I will have them ready at the appointed time. Visit the office to sign your child out before coming to the classroom.

FCS Volunteers

I think that you will find a “home” at FCS. Our families are warm and inviting. Along with Orientation and the New Family Breakfast, another great way to become acclimated is volunteering. One key to the success of FCS is parental involvement. Our parents help with many functions of our school, including: Room Moms, Library Helpers, PE coaches, Field Trip Chaperones, Party Parents, PTO, After School Activity Coaches/Sponsors, Fundraisers and MUCH MORE. We could not function with YOU! Thank you for using your time and talent for His glory.