2017-2018 Englewood SKY Summer Reading Book Report Project
Guidelines and Rubric
Read a minimum of 2 books and complete a project for 1 book; you must include the title and the author of the second book on the bottom of this page. Pick one activity from each category. Each activity is worth 50 points. The combination of assignments will add up to 150 points. Projects are due on the first day of school and you must be prepared to present orally a summary of the book. A list of suggested titles is included on the next page.
Category #1 Characterization (minimum one page typed-12pt font, double spaced)
- Discuss how the main character is like or unlike a person (or animal) that you know.
- Describe an experience that you’ve had that was like the experience of a character in a book.
- Write an obituary for one character.
- Explain how a character in the book changed from the beginning to the end.
- Explain why you would like to have one of the characters as a friend.
Category #2 Plot (minimum one page typed-12pt font, double spaced)
- Draw a map of where the major part of the story takes place. Label the major landmarks and points of interest.
- Write a review of the novel to try to get someone else to read it.
- Explain how you would make your book into a movie – who would play the main character, where would you film it?
- Write two newspaper articles published at the time of a major event in your book.
- What problems did the major characters have in your book and how did they solve them?
Category #3 Theme (minimum one page typed-12pt font, double spaced)
- Create a collage of a major theme of your novel or one that illustrates certain parts of your novel.
- Find three songs that seem to relate to your novel. Write out the lyrics and then write an explanation of how they relate.
- Create three pieces of art about your novel.
- Write a long poem or rap about the book.
- Keep a journal as you read your book: record the dates and reactions, thoughts, and feelings.
The second book I read was:
Book Choices:
Many of the fiction and nonfiction that you will encounter next year will be historical in context. You need to choose a novel that is historical fiction or Mythology (Greek, Roman, or Egyptian). The following is a suggested list. If you would like to read a book not on this list, you must have it approved by me first. (I don’t want you reading a book we will read in class). My email is . The second novel can be one of your choice.
Book Choices
- The Red Badge of Courage
- My Brother Sam is Dead
- Anne Frank’s Diary
- The Book Thief
- The Boy in the Stripped Pajamas
- Between the Shades of Gray
- Under the Blood-Red Sun
- The Berlin Boxing Club
- Milkweed
- The Witch of Blackbird Pond
- Islands of the Blue Dolphins
- Roll of Thunder, Hear Me Cry
- Out of the Dust
- Bud, Not Buddy
- Rifles for Watie
- The War Within: A Novel of the Civil War
- Give me Liberty
- Guns for General Washington: A story of the American Revolution
- Fighting Ground
- Journey to Topaz
- Anything written by Rick Riordan (Except book 1 in The Lightning Thief series. Most read this in fifth grade).