Instructor: Steven Sheppard

Office: LANG 403 L

Office Hours: MW 1 pm – 2pm


Course Introduction:

This course is designed to review and expand students’ previous knowledge of Spanish grammar, with emphasis on those aspects that are especially challenging for Spanish language learners. The course is based on intensive practice, contextualized usage, and critical reflection on the main structures of the Spanish language. Particular emphasis is placed on verbal aspect and mood, spelling, punctuation, and agreement. This course will be conducted in Spanish.

Course Materials:

1. Textbook: Salazar, C., Arias R., and De La Vega, S. Avanzando: Gramática Española y Lectura. 7. ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2013.

2. Salazar, C., Arias R., and De La Vega, S. Avanzando: Gramática española y lectura, Workbook, 7th Edition (Spanish Edition)

Assessment: Grading Scale:

Homework 10%

Quizzes 10% 90+ = A

Participation (4) 10% 80-89.99= B

Compositions 20% 70-79.99= C

Tests (3) 30% 60-60.99= D

Final Exam 20% 59.99-0= F


Participation is a vital part of any language learning experience, so preparation, attendance and active involvement are crucial to achieve the goals of this course. In order to be able to participate, you must have completed all preparation assignments and readings required before every class meeting. Some of the grammatical issues in the text are complex and require close attention; you may need to reread the materials several times to be prepared to discuss the topics in class. Students must perform all five classroom tasks listed in the rubric below to receive participation points each day. Students not meeting or exceeding expectations for all five tasks will receive a zero.

Classroom Tasks / Exceeds / Meets Expectations / Does Not Meet Expectations
1. Speaks in Spanish and participates actively as directed for the entire class period.
2. Works well with a partner/classmates (e.g. is an active listener, is respectful, helpful, and supportive of classmates, etc.).
3. Stays on task during class.
4. Comes prepared to class (e.g. completed assigned homework, brings required materials, etc.)
5. Arrives on time to class.

·  Students arriving 10 minutes or more late will be marked as absent

·  Tardies 1-5 = 1 pt. reduction in daily score. Tardies 6-10 = 2.5 pt. reduction in daily score. Each tardy after 10 tardies results in a zero for daily participation score

·  Use of profanity in class is unacceptable. Students will receive one verbal warning only in the semester for use of profanity; subsequent uses of profanity will result in a zero for the day and the student may be asked to leave


Any unexcused absence beyond three will result in a 1% reduction of the final grade per unexcused absence. In the case of unexcused absence, students are responsible for any assignments due that day. No make-up work is allowed for unexcused absences.

Homework & Quizzes:

You must complete all activities assigned in the calendar under “Preparación en casa” and “Workbook” and have them ready to turn in by class time on the due date. Questions you may have about the material covered and corrections to the Preparaciones and workbook activities will be discussed in class.

Because the activities to be turned in will be picked up randomly, be sure to have those materials with you in class in hardcopy for each due date. The assigned work is designed to be used in class as content material, so it is essential that it be prepared before class.

Ø  All homework requested in class will be scored either “0” or “1”.

Ø  Late homework will not be accepted.

Ø  Incomplete homework will be scored as “0”

If you miss a day when homework is requested and you have a documented valid excuse for your absence, you may submit the work by the next class period.

No make-ups on quizzes in the case of unexcused absence. If you miss a quiz and you have a documented valid excuse for your absence, the quiz will be excused.

Writing Activities:

You will write two compositions. The specific topic or strategy to use will be discussed in class and posted on Blackboard. The grade will be based on completing all steps to the assignment, and the application of the concepts learned in the period. Other components are content, mastery of grammar rules, vocabulary use, and completion of the steps required before the final version.

You will bring to class a rough draft on the date marked in the calendar for an in-class peer review. You will discuss suggestions with your classmate and then a final version will be written.

In addition, both the draft and final version must be typed, doubled spaced, 12 font, and with typed accents (á, é, í, ó, ú), and ¡! ¿? ñ.


There will be three tests during the semester. The content is based on the material covered during class discussions, homework, practice assignments, and assigned readings. No make-ups of tests for unexcused absences.

Final Exam:

You will take a comprehensive final exam on the date indicated in the UNT Final Exam Schedule


No make-up work will be allowed for unexcused absences. Only those individuals whose absences are authorized by the instructor will be eligible to make up any assessment or assignment missed. Excused absences include the following: illness with a written excuse from a medical professional, death in the family, religious holidays, military training, and university-sponsored activities. Documentation must be provided (physician’s statement, obituary, etc.) the first day upon returning to class for the absence to be excused. Absences in observance of religious holidays are authorized only if students have notified the instructor in writing within the first 15 days of the semester. For absences due to military training, students must present their paperwork to the instructor prior to absence. For absences due to university-sponsored activities, students must obtain authorized absence cards from the Dean of Students and present them to the instructor prior to absence.

Student academic integrity:

The UNT Department of Spanish adheres to the University’s policy on Student Academic Integrity. For all pertinent assignments and assessments, the work must be the student’s work only (unless otherwise indicated by the course instructor) and should reflect the student’s level of proficiency. Students are prohibited from asking another person (i.e. a friend, tutor, or relative) to help them develop or compose a response (oral or written) in preparation for, or while completing, an assignment or assessment that will be graded and applied to the student’s final grade in the course. This includes, but is not limited to, receiving outside assistance with drafting, revising, editing, or developing the content and structure of a response to an assignment or assessment question without consent from the course instructor. Also, the use of translation technology (any digital translation tool or app) is prohibited for all assignments and assessments and will be considered academic misconduct. Information “cut and pasted” or otherwise copied from other sources and used as answers in assignments and assessments will be considered plagiarism. If a student has any doubts whatsoever as to what constitutes any form of scholastic dishonesty, they should consult with the course instructor before submitting their work. Cheating, plagiarism, and other examples of academic misconduct defined by University Policy will result in a zero on the assignment or assessment in question, and may be reported to the Dean of Students.

Student behavior in the classroom:

Student behavior that interferes with an instructor’s ability to conduct a class or other students' opportunity to learn is unacceptable and disruptive and will not be tolerated in any instructional forum at UNT. Students engaging in unacceptable behavior will be directed to leave the classroom and the instructor may refer the student to the Dean of Students to consider whether the student's conduct violated the Code of Student Conduct. The University's expectations for student conduct apply to all instructional forums, including University and electronic classrooms, labs, discussion groups, field trips, etc.The Code of Student Conduct can be found at

Food and beverages in the classroom:

Food is not allowed in the classroom. Students can consume appropriate beverages during class periods only if their instructor gives approval.

Disability Accommodation Statement:

The University of North Texas makes reasonable academic accommodation for students with disabilities. Students seeking reasonable accommodation must first register with the Office of Disability Accommodation (ODA) to verify their eligibility. If a disability is verified, the ODA will provide you with a reasonable accommodation letter to be delivered to faculty to begin a private discussion regarding your specific needs in a course. You may request reasonable accommodations at any time, however, ODA notices of reasonable accommodation should be provided as early as possible in the semester to avoid any delay in implementation. Note that students must obtain a new letter of reasonable accommodation for every semester and must meet with each faculty member prior to implementation in each class. Students are strongly encouraged to deliver letters of reasonable accommodation during faculty office hours or by appointment. Faculty members have the authority to ask students to discuss such letters during their designated office hours to protect the privacy of the student. For additional information see the Office of Disability Accommodation website at You may also contact them by phone at 940.565.4323. or in person at SAGE Hall 167.


Syllabus is subject to change. Class may be video recorded for pedagogical purposes.

Fecha / Lecturas y módulos / Actividades en el Workbook / Preparación en casa
Semana 1
28 Ag.-1º Sept. / 28/8
Introducción al curso
Estudiar Módulo en BB:
Mira el video “Diptongos, triptongos e hiatos”
Avanzando: Cap Prel pp. 4 / Estar preparados para entregar el 30:
1. Dipt, Tript e Hiatos preparación
Avanzando: Cap Prel pp. 5-6
/ Hacer para el 1º:
Hagan P-2, P-3 / Estar preparados para entregar el 1º:
1. Silabeo preparación
Semana 2
4 - 8 Sept. / Lunes 4 de Sept. Día del Trabajo / UNT cerrada
6/9 Capítulo preliminar
Estudiar BB: PP Los acentos
Avanzando: Acentuación pp.7-11 / Hacer para el 6:
Hagan P-5, P-6 / Estar preparados para entregar el 6:
1. Acentos preparación
Avanzando: Mayúsculas pp 12-14
Asignación de grupos/parejas / Hacer para el 8:
Hagan P-10
Semana 3
11 – 15 Sept. / 11/9
Ver video La puntuación en BB
Avanzando: La puntuación
pp. 14-18 / Hacer para el 11:
Hagan P-13 / Estar preparados para entregar el 11:
1. Puntuación preparación
Avanzando pp. 18-21
La oración y sus elementos / Hacer para el 13:
Hagan de P-15,
P-16 / Estar preparados para entregar el 13:
1. La oración preparación
Avanzando pp. 21-22
Oración simple y compuesta
Pruebita 3 / Hacer para el 15:
P-20, P-21 /
Semana 4
18 – 22 Sept. / 18/9
Avanzando pp. 28-38 Verbos
Usos del Pres. indicativo / Hacer para el 18:
Hagan 1-4, 1-6 / Estar preparados para entregar el 18:
1. El verbo, núm., per. preparación
2. El presente preparación
Avanzando pp. 41-44 &
Construcciones reflexivas
/ Hacer para el 20:
Hagan 1-16, 1-17
/ Estar preparados para entregar el 20:
1. Reflexivos preparación
Repasar / Selecciona el tema Comp 1**
Semana 5
25 – 29 Sept. / 25/9
Examen 1 (Cap Prelim y 1)
Avanzando pp. 60-65
Pretérito: formas y usos / Hacer para el 27:
Hagan 2-5, 2-8 / Estar preparados para entregar el 27:
1. Pretérito preparación
Avanzando pp. 66 - 67
Imperfecto: formas y usos / Hacer para el 29:
Hagan 2-11 / Estar preparados para entregar el 29:
1. Imperfecto preparación
Semana 6
2 - 6 Oct. / 2/10
Pretérito e imperfecto
Diferencias pp. 70-73
/ Hacer para el 2:
Hagan 2-14, 2-15
/ Estar preparados para entregar el 2:
1. Pretérito & Imperfecto preparación
2. Blancanieves Handout
3. Escribe los resúmenes, el vocabulario nuevo y las ideas.
Avanzando pp. 92-99
Futuro y conditional:
/ Hacer para el 4:
Hagan 3-4, 3-5 /
Estar preparados para entregar el 4:
1. Futuro y Condicional preparación
Avanzando pp. 92-99
Futuro y conditional:
Usos / Hacer para el 6:
Hagan 3-7, 3-8,
3-10 /
Semana 7
9 - 13 Oct. / 9/10
Avanzando pp. 100-102
Verbos que significan “to be”
Ser y estar / Hacer para el 9:
Hagan 3-14, 3-15 / Estar preparados para entregar el 9:
1. Ser y estar preparación
Avanzando pp. 102-105
Verbos que significan “to be”
Tener, hacer, haber / Hacer para el 11:
Hagan 3-18, 3-19 / Estar preparados para entregar el 11:
1. Tener, hacer preparación
2. Manda el bosquejo
Avanzando pp. 106-108
/ Hacer para el 13:
Hagan 3-23 / Estar preparados para entregar el 13:
1. Gerundios preparación
Semana 8
16 - 20 Oct. / 16/10
Avanzando pp. 109-110
Progresivos / Hacer para el 16:
Hagan 3-25 / Estar preparados para entregar el 16:
1. Los progresivos preparación
Avanzando pp. 111-112
Infinitivos / Hacer para el 18:
Hagan 3-28 / Estar preparados para entregar el 18:
1. El infinitivo preparación
Trabajar con el borrador /
/ Hoy 20 de Oct: Imprime el
Borrador y tráelo a clase: lo vas a
intercambiar con un compañero.
Semana 9
23 - 27 Oct. / 23/10
Examen 2
Avanzando pp. 121- 123
El participio pasado / Hacer para el 25:
Hagan 4-4
/ Estar preparados para entregar el 25:
1. Los participios preparación
2. Los perfectos preparación
Avanzando pp. 124- 128
Los perfectos / Hacer para el 27:
Hagan 4-8 / Entrega la Composición 1
Semana 10
30 de Oct. al
3 de Nov. / 30/10
Verbos como gustar pp. 135-138
Preposiciones pp. 148-155 / Hacer para el 30:
Hagan 4-20, 4-22
/ Estar preparados para entregar el 30:
1. Gustar preparación
2. Preposiciones preparación
1º /11
Avanzando pp. 158-162
Usos de por/para
/ Hacer para el 1º: