New Dentist Committee FINAL

September 26, 2016

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New Dentist Committee

September 26, 2016

Webinar/conference call

Committee Members Present
Dr. Bilal Sajid (1)
Dr. Alyssa Nielubowicz (2)
Dr. Rich Miller (7), Chair
Dr. Drew Carlin (9)
Dr. Janel Marcelino (10), Vice Chair / Staff/Guests/Consultants/Others Present
Dr. Jim Tauberg, Trustee Liaison
Dr. Nipa Thakkar, ADA Consultant
Ms. Andrea Hoover, Component and Membership Coordinator
Ms. Michelle Rozman, Member Services Coordinator
Committee Members Absent
Dr. Mary Grace Rizzo-Fryzel (3)
Dr. Kaila Arnold (4)
Dr. Eric Ecker (6)
Dr. Gabe Mancuso (8)
District 5 is vacant.

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Dr. Rich Miller.

Review of Recent Events

The committee reviewed attendance statistics from the Pittsburgh Bites & Benefits dinner that was held on September 15 from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Location / New dentists / Non-member new dentists / Established dentists/leaders / No-shows
Willow / 12 / 0 / 2 / 4
(3 non-members,
1 member)

Dr. Janel Marcelino attended the program and helped to promote it to colleagues. She shared that several attendees were current residents or recently completed residency programs; she feels this program will help with retention efforts for those members who attended.

Staff shared an update on registration for the Harrisburg Bites & Benefits dinner that will be held on Thursday, October 13 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Millworks. There are six new dentists and five leaders registered to attend.

Committee members reviewed event statistics from the Philadelphia Speed Mentoring Event that was held on September 15 from 6:30-9 p.m.

Location / Dentists / Students / Student no-shows
Inn at Penn / 25 / 29 / 11

Dr. Alyssa Nielubowicz participated in the program as a mentor. She felt the event was well-received by the students and they seemed grateful for the information shared with them. Dr. Nielubowicz also shared that some students contacted her after the program.

The NDC reviewed attendance statistics from the University of Pittsburgh student outreach event that was held on September 22 from 6:30-9 p.m.

Location / Dentist attendance / Student attendance / Student no-show / Ratio of dentists to students
Roland’s / 15 / 107 / 10 / 1 / 7

Dr. Jim Tauberg attended the networking reception. He shared that there was great camaraderie between students and dentists during the event. Several students he spoke with were not aware of issues facing dentists in Pennsylvania, such as insurance reimbursement.

Interview and CV Prep Program

Staff reviewed plans for the Interview and CV prep program that the NDC plans to host in 2017. The committee hopes to hold the event in March of 2017 in Pittsburgh. The primary audience for the program is new dentists five years out of school/residency and current residents. Committee members agreed to invite fourth-year dental students if the budget allows (09/16NDCDA1).

The committee reviewed the following suggested program outline:

·  6-6:45 p.m. – dinner

·  6:45-7:30 p.m. – CV/interviewing speaker

·  7:30-8:15 p.m. – mock interviews with established dentists from a variety of practice settings (solo, group, large group)

·  8:15-9 p.m. – panel discussion with new dentists who have been associates and have had two or more positions (speak about experiences)

Committee members agreed this outline will meet the goals of the program (09/16NDCDA2).

Staff shared information on a potential speaker for the program: Ms. Pamela O’Brien, Associate Director of Public and Professional Writing at the University of Pittsburgh. Staff was directed to confirm Ms. O’Brien as the speaker (09/16NDCDA3).

Dr. Bilal Sajid suggested that the guidelines for CV writing include several tips that new dentists can use and store in their portfolio for future reference (09/16NDCDA4).

If the program budget allows inviting fourth-year dental students, staff was directed to avoid scheduling the program during midterms (09/16NDCDA5).

The committee discussed the possibility of inviting residents who are not PDA members. Some committee members suggested inviting all residents, regardless of membership status, while others emphasized that if PDA is funding the program the focus should be PDA members.

The NDC discussed other possible funding options such as PDAIS, ADA grants or corporate sponsorship. Dr. Miller agreed to contact Dr. Andrew Kwasny, the ADA Third District Trustee, to inquire about program assistance from the ADA (09/16NDCDA6). Staff was directed to research the possibility of obtaining a corporate sponsor for the program (09/16NDCDA7).

Funding for this program was included in the 2017 NDC budget. The PDA Board of Trustees will review the 2017 budget October 7-8. Staff will update the NDC when the 2017 budget is finalized (09/16NDCDA8).

2016 New Dentist Receptions

The Third District new dentist reception will be held on Thursday, November 3 from 7-9 p.m. Drs. Mary Grace Rizzo-Fryzel and Nipa Thakkar will co-host the event. Staff will confirm the location with them as soon as possible (09/16NDCDA9).

New Dentist Conference at ADA 2016

The NDC has funding for one committee representative to attend the New Dentist Conference at ADA 2016 in Denver, CO, October 20-22. Funding is available for three days and two nights, covering mileage, food and accommodations.

NDC members should contact Andrea by Friday, September 30 to express interest in attending and receiving funding (09/16NDCDA10).

Upcoming Event Dates

Dr. Miller reviewed the following upcoming event dates.

1.  Harrisburg Bites & Benefits – Thursday, October 13, 6:30-8:30 p.m.

2.  Third District New Dentist Reception – Thursday, November 3, 7-9 p.m.

3.  MATCH Event (speed interviewing) – Pittsburgh, Thursday, December 1, 6 p.m.

4.  2017 ADA National Signing Day events

a.  Temple and Penn – Thursday, March 23; lunch events at both schools

b.  Pittsburgh – Thursday, March 30; lunch event and evening reception

c.  LECOM – Thursday, April 27; evening reception

5.  MOM-n-PA 2017 – Erie, June 16-17

Dr. Jim Tauberg also shared that there will be a reception held at Tröegs Brewing Company in Hershey on Thursday, April 20 as part of Pennsylvania’s Dental Meeting.

Future Meetings

The committee confirmed its next webinar/conference call meeting will be held on Monday, November 14, 2016, at 6:30 p.m.

Good of the Order

Dr. Thakkar encouraged NDC members to attend the New Dentist Conference at ADA 2016 in Denver, CO. She shared that there are 300 registrants and added that there is a lot of new programming at this year’s conference.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:24 p.m.