St. Nicholas School
St. Nicholas School
Malmesbury Road
SN15 1QF
Tel: 01249 650435
Fax: 01249 447033
Frequently asked questions
1. Which class is your child in?
2. What is the school day?
3. Where is your child’s classroom?
4. What is the School uniform?
5. How will your child get to School?
6. How do School and Home keep in contact?
7. How can you meet other parents?
8. What are the school dinners?
9. What do you do if your child is absent from school?
10. What do you do if your child needs medication at school?
11. Will your child have homework?
12. How is your child assessed?
13. Will your child go on school visits?
14. Is there an After School Club?
15. Lower School
16. Middle School
17. Upper School
18. Who is involved in your child’s education?
19. TeamTeach
20. What contact numbers might I need?
Forms to be completed (please ask for help)
A. Personal Details Form – to be completed by all parents
B. School Uniform Order Form
C. Volunteers Form
D. Ethnic Origin
E. First Language
F. Parentmail
G. The Team Around Your Child
H. Permission Sheet
I. Medical Consent Form
J. Control of Communicable Diseases in Schools
K. Medical Risk Assessment – Appendix J (10 pages)
L. Consent for Information Sharing
1. Which class is your child in?
Your child ………………………………………………………………
is in ………………………………………………………..……………….
The teacher is ………………………………………….………….
The teaching assistants are ……………………………
2. What is the school day?
School opens 9.00am
Morning school 9.00am to 11.45am
Morning break 15 minutes
Lunchtime 11.45am to 1.00pm
Afternoon school 1.00pm to 3.15pm (2.50pm on Friday)
3. Where is your child’s classroom?
4. What is the School uniform?
There is not a compulsory school uniform although sweatshirts and polo shirts with the school emblem may be purchased online from:
Unit 10, Bumpers Farm Enterprise Centre, Chippenham, SN14 6QA
Upper School students are encouraged to wear their own choice of clothes.
School uniform (all clearly named)
· red sweatshirt
· white polo shirt
· grey skirt / shorts / trousers
· red and white checked summer dress
· rucksack containing change of clothing
P.E. Kit (all clearly named)
This will normally be kept at school and sent home termly.
S/He will need:
· T-shirt
· Shorts
· Plimsolls (bare feet are usually used in the hall)
· All in a named drawstring bag
Some pupils have the opportunity to go swimming
Swimming Kit (all clearly named)
This will be sent in weekly and sent home after swimming.
S/He will need:
· Swimsuit /trunks
· Towel
· All in a named drawstring waterproof bag
· Protective cover for gastro buttons (as appropriate)
Please can all clothes be clearly labelled with the child’s name
5. How will your child get to School?
Transport is arranged, where necessary, for pupils attending school. Transport is arranged by the Local Authority. Whilst the school is happy to help with concerns that parents may have regarding transport, the responsibility rests with the L.A.
It is your responsibility to inform Passenger Transport if they are not needed and when it needs to be resumed.
Wiltshire Education Authority contact:
Passenger Transport Unit
Telephone number: 01225 713206
Transport is called ………………………………………………...
Driver is called ……………………………………………….………
Escort is called ……………………………………………….………
Minibus mobile phone number is …………………………
Pick-up time is……………………………………………….………..
Return time is……………………………………………….………..
6. How do School and Home keep in contact?
We believe that school and home partnership is very important and we are always trying to find new ways of doing so. Here are some of them:
Home-School diaries (Home/Respite/School)
This is a book which travels daily to and from school with the pupil. School, home and respite carers are encouraged to give details about what the pupil has been doing at school, home and the respite setting so that it can be discussed with the child.
You are welcome to contact the school at any time but if you need to speak to a teacher please ring outside of teaching time. You can also contact the Parent Support Adviser, during school hours.
You are welcome to visit the school, but please make an appointment beforehand. Whenever you arrive at the school always report to the office and sign in and out of the visitor’s book in order to maintain security.
There are many other occasions over the year when parents are invited into school, for example, School Concerts, Sports Day, Open Days, etc.
Parent Consultations
These are held 3 times a year – 2 during the day, 1 is an evening appointment. An appointment is made at a convenient time for you to discuss your child with the class teacher and teaching assistants.
A newsletter is sent home regularly. You are welcome to contribute to it if you have any items that you may believe would interest other parents/carers. Please send contributions to
Voluntary helpers
We are always glad of help in school. Whether you can help on a regular basis or only occasionally please let us know by completing the enclosed ‘Volunteer Form’ (form C) and returning it to school. St Nicholas School operates Wiltshire Time Credits – 1 credit is given for every hour volunteered. Ask the office for more information.
School Nurse
Our School Nurse, Sue Barnes, co-ordinates all the medical issues within our school. She also sits in on the Paediatricians Clinics, Dieticians Clinics and other medical clinics held within school. If you would like an appointment to see the Community Consultant, Dr Kate Martin, at her monthly clinics please speak to Sue Barnes and she will try and organise this.
7. How can you meet other parents?
Coffee Shop morning
The coffee shop usually takes place on Friday mornings (dates in Newsletters) in the Hall from 10.15am to 11.15am and sometimes at Poplar College. It is the ideal place to come for a chat and sample our own freshly made cakes and savouries. Volunteers are always welcome to help with the cooking (and/or the washing up). If you are interested please let us know by completing the enclosed ‘Volunteer Form’ (form C) and returning it to school in a labelled envelope.
Parents’ Workshops & Forums
These are arranged throughout the school year so that parents are kept up to date on activities and programmes within the school. Workshops can provide guidance on issues, as well as encouraging parents to share their own experiences and gain support from each other.
Parent Partnership Group
These are arranged once a term or subject to demand. They are informal evenings when parents and carers can come along for a chat over refreshments. Guests are sometimes invited to informally discuss their work, for example, Parent Support Advisers, Social Workers, Paediatricians, National Autistic Society Representatives, Dieticians, and Aroma therapists. Suggestions are always welcome and can be made to our Parent Support Adviser.
8. What are the school meals?
Lunch is a learning opportunity to gain and practice social and independence skills. The food is prepared on the premises and served in the school dining hall. There is a 4 week menu cycle which is regularly reviewed. An example of a week’s menu is shown below:
Day: / Main course:served with vegetables and bread / Dessert:
or yoghurt or fresh fruit
Monday / Turkey meatballs in sweet & sour sauce (DF) or
Vegetable quiche (V) / Chocolate crunch
Tuesday / Chicken supreme with rice (DF & GF) or
Pasta in a creamy tomato sauce (V) / Fruit salad & ice cream (V, DF & GF)
Wednesday / Roast pork (DF & GF) or
Fish fingers (V) / Eve’s pudding (DF) & Custard (GF)
Thursday / Lamb hotpot (DF & GF) or
Vegetable mousse (V & GF) / Semolina (GF)
Friday / Tuna pasta bake (V) or
Sausages (DF) / Jack tart (DF)
GF = Gluten Free DF= Dairy Free V = Vegetarian
Payment of school meals
Dinner money (£2.50 per day for a primary meal, £12.50 per week; £3.00 per day for a secondary meal £15.00 per week) is collected on the first day of each week and should be sent in a labelled envelope. Please make all cheques payable to ‘St. Nicholas School’. Please contact the School Office if you think your child may be eligible for Free School Meals.
Special diets
Arrangements can be made if your child requires a special diet, for health or religious reasons or is a vegetarian. Please let us know by completing the enclosed ‘Dietary needs form’ (form E) and returning it to school.
Packed lunches
Pupils may bring a packed lunch if they prefer which should be in a clearly labelled container.
Out of school visits
You may be asked to send in a packed lunch if your child is going on a school visit. Please ensure that it is in a clearly labelled container and screw top bottles of non-fizzy drinks are advisable so that it can be drunk at intervals. Packed lunches will be provided for pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals.
9. What do you do if your child is absent from school?
Pupils should not be sent to school if they are unwell.
If your child is sick or has diarrhoea they should be kept off school for 48 hours following the last bout – if it has been caused by medication please ring the School Nurse to discuss their return.
Reporting medical absences
If your child is unwell, or in hospital, please inform the school as soon as possible by telephone. If they are attending a medical appointment please inform us in writing or by telephone if short notice.
Holidays during school time
If you need to take your child with you on a family activity or holiday during school time please ask school for a holiday form and send it to school before the holiday otherwise we will have to record the absence as unauthorised. A maximum of 10 days per year may be asked for.
Adverse weather conditions
If we have advanced warning of adverse weather conditions we will make use of the local radio station: BBC Wiltshire and Heart FM.
It is your responsibility to inform Passenger Transport if they are not needed and when transport needs to be resumed.
10. What do you do if your child needs medication at school?
If your child needs to take medication during the school day please complete the enclosed Medication form. All medication MUST be in its original container with the pharmacist’s instructions. Medication will be sent home at Christmas, Easter and Summer Holidays, please check expiry dates etc before returning it at the beginning of the next term.
11. Will your child have homework?
Homework is set where it is thought to be both beneficial and necessary. Those pupils who have started to enjoy books and possibly be learning to read will be encouraged to take reading books home on a regular basis in order for parents to become more involved in their reading development and love of books.
Parents are encouraged to support the Termly Learning Goals and any activities that you are able to do at home will be immensely beneficial.
If you would like guidance on suitable activities to do with your child at home teachers will always be glad to help and lend out specialised teaching resources.
12. How is your child assessed?
Pupil’s progress is carefully monitored, and records of relevant information that may affect a pupil’s learning are maintained by the whole professional team.
Performance Indicators (‘P’ Levels)
‘P’ level achievements within the National Curriculum are assessed 3 times a year using BSquared and are included in the Annual Report to parents. ‘P’ levels indicate early learning attainments before the National Curriculum level 1 and are in 8 levels from P1 to P8. National Curriculum levels are used if appropriate.
Standardised Attainment Tests (SATs)
Each pupil is assessed by his or her teacher at the end of each Key Stage to see the progress made within the Key Stage. These results inform future planning within school. The Local Authority is informed of end of Key Stage results.
PCP (Person Centred Planning) Meetings
Each year you will be invited to attend your child’s PCP Meeting where your child’s progress and provision will be discussed. From Middle School onwards students are encouraged to be more actively involved in their PCP meetings and they follow the philosophy of Person Centred Planning. You will be given the opportunity beforehand to complete a parental contribution form (“Comments for the Review”) and request who you would like to be at the meeting by completing the “Team around your child” form – sent out prior to the meeting. (Form G).
End of Year Reports
An End of Year Report is sent to parents during Term 6, this report shows the progress that your child has made across the academic year. With this report you will also be given information about your child’s class next year.
13. Will your child go on school visits?
The school has 4 minibuses. Pupils are given the opportunity of partaking in suitable educational visits. Voluntary parental contributions may be asked for to subsidise such visits.
Residential visits are organised for older pupils.
14. Is there an After School Club?
St. Nicholas After School Club (ASK) uses the school facilities and is held at the school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 3.15pm until 5.45pm. Children need to bring a packed tea. Transport home is provided or to a convenient pick-up point can be arranged. The club keeps in close communication with the school in order to ensure a continuity of care. If you are interested in using the St. Nicholas After School Club please contact our Family Link Worker at school for more details.
15. Lower School Department
The Lower School department has four distinct classes and it also has a very strong community ethos. We come together regularly, for example, for lunchtime clubs, assemblies and physical development sessions.