Palo Cedro Community Park, Board of Directors Meeting 6/ 5/ 2014
(as Amended July 3rd, 2014)
Farm Bureau Office, Palo Cedro Ca
Call to Order: 5:38
Officers: , Vice President Nancy Wickland, Secretary Stephanie Isaac
Directors: , Lynda Burkhalter, Emilie Reedy, Andy Main
Absent: President Ron Marin, Ashley Jones, Glenn Hawes, Janet Carr, ,Virginia Phelps, Kelly Landry, Guests: Sharon Cornelius, Bill Jenkins, Kim Burns, Frank Forseth
Community Needs/Input:
Frank Forseth reported that the bench for his son is in place and thank you.
Minutes: Motion by Nancy Wickland to approve minutes with correction to the spelling of Lynda Burkhalter’s name 2nd Emillie Reedy Motion Passed
Treasurers Report:
There is no report for this month while the treasurer job is handed off to Kim Burns.
Bill Jenkins met with NSP playground company. The construction committee will present a couple of ideas for the playground to the July meeting for a board vote. It is 4-6 weeks to receive equipment once it is ordered. Bill proposed that we set up a special account just for the grant playground funds. Andy presented a Project Cost estimate for the playground from Terry Hanson.
The bike rack is not done. School is out. Nancy will contact the teacher to doscuss a time-
line for finish and delivery. The Park Rules sign was presented. All board members liked the sign. The construction group will install the sign on Saturday 6/7.
Water Line: Andy discussed the need to extend the water line to the main gate entry with a t-off to the BBQ area. A valve would be installed to to extend a drip line to the trees and shrubs in front of the fence, along the road.
Motion: By andy Main to allocate $750 for water line repair and extension. 2nd: Emilie Reedy. Motion Passed
Bill Jenkins proposed that the park buy a mower deck and sprayer to use with his tractor.
Bill will mow and spray the trails, the fence line and the back area. Motion: Andy Main to approve up to $1300 for the purchase of a mower deck and sprayer so Bill can mow and spray 18 acres for 2 years in return for the mower deck and spray unit. 2nd: Lynda
Motion passed with 1 opposed
Other: Motion: Andy Main to remove Glenda Wooten and Nancy Morrow from the RBC and North Valley Bank checking account signature cards and adding Kim Burns and Ron Marin to the signature cards. 2nd: Emilie Reedy. Motion passed.
Motion: Andy Main proposed that the board set a $250 one signature check limit. Any check over $250 would require 2 signatures. 2nd: Stephanie. Motion passed
Motion: Andy Main that we open a new account with RBC for grant funds only. 2nd Lynda. Motion passed .
Nancy Wickland proposed the idea of a Palo Cedro photo contest. The contest would end
with awards distributed at the Honey Bee Festival. Several ideas were discussed.
There is an order for 52 bricks to be sent in for engraving. This will give us a full wall to
install. Andy Main will talk with Ken Silva regarding install.
Motion: Andy Main to install Kim Burns as Treasurer and Bill Jenkins as Director. 2nd Stephanie. Motion passed
Adjourned at 7:38 PM