page1 of 4 COGNOME/NOME……………………………………………………………….

Università del Salento, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Lingue e Beni Culturali

Prova Scritta Lingua e Traduzione Inglese 1° Anno Triennio

Simulazione 1: 2 hours

LLCCLLSS / LLCI / Interclasse OTHER …………………...…………………..

COGNOME:……………………………………………………NOME …………………………N. Matr. ……………………

Translation / Reading / Writing Task / Listening Tasks
En - It / It - En




Use this page for any rough work that you may need to do during the exam

Part 1 – Translation / Reading

Translate the parts of the text in English into Italian and vice-versa. (60 MARKS)


English to Italian (30 marks)

Five Reasons Why the Americans Will Like Pope Francis


Christian doctrine and American politics may be important, but are no guide when it comes to predicting how Pope Francis’s visit to the USA will go.


Many are predicting a success, despite differences with the Obama administration and current opinion on issues such as same-sex marriage, abortion, personal wealth and the role of women in the Church.


I agree that it will be a success, but this is because Pope Francis possesses five qualities that will endear him to the American people.


To start with, he is pragmatic. From his decisive intervention in Cuba to his idea to distribute refugee families among Italian parishes, his initiatives are straightforward and practical. American culture is number-hungry, and suspicious of abstractions.


Something else they will like is that Pope Francis represents change. The Catholic Church has been shaken by the Pope’s words and actions, on issues as diverse as sexuality, the economy and ideology, and the personal residences of the Vatican hierarchy.


Americans, without exception, sincerely admire those who bring change. So what if Pope Francis wants to change the world? Well, that’s just great. Ambition is never anything to be ashamed of in America.


A third quality that will ease Pope Francis’s stay in the USA is his ability to communicate. When he takes Europe to task for closing its doors to immigrants, challenges a West obsessed with money, or attacks a world that cares little for the environment, he makes himself understood.



Italian to English (30 marks)

Se Benedetto XVI è stato soprattutto un papa accademico, Francesco, che è papa da un paio di anni, è socievole e sensibile. E’ esattamente il tipo di persona che piace agli americani.


Una quarta caratteristica che gli americani ammireranno è la sua affabilità. Sebbene il modo di pensare degli americani sia cambiato dopo l’11 settembre 2001, in generale, il popolo statunitense vuole che i suoi leader siano cordiali e aperti.


Infine, vale la pena ricordare che Jorge Mario Bergoglio è americano come loro, anche se viene dall’America del Sud.


Nonostante la distanza tra Buenos Aires e Washington DC, la lingua spagnola è diffusa quasi quanto la lingua inglese in molti stati della nazione.


Se Francesco riuscirà a comunicare il suo fascino, andrà molto d’accordo con il pubblico americano durante il suo prossimo viaggio.


(Adapted from La Corriere della Sera International 22 settembre 2015)


Choose ONE of the tasks below. Write legibly and in pen. Write 120-180 words. (30 MARKS)

1) A local tour company wants to attract foreign tourists for a three-day (two-night) coach tour of your local area to be organised next spring. They have asked you to write a short brochure.

  • Briefly describe your area and what it is famous for.
  • Describe the places that the coach tour will visit. Say what the tourists will do there and where they will spend the night.

2)You have read in a newspaper that the railway company wants to reduce the number of trains to town where you study at university. Write a letter to the editor expressing your opinion.

  • Say why the train service is important to people in the area.
  • Briefly, suggest ways that people who share your opinion may try to convince the railway company to change its mind.

2) One of your friends is going to university and has to live away from his/her family for the first time in his/her life. He/she is worried and has asked you for advice. Write him/her an email.

  • Briefly describe the positive and negative points of living away from home.
  • Suggest practical things that your friend can do to deal with this new challenge.




















