Test Review KEY

Events Leading to the American Revolution

Key Figures of the American Revolution


Part One – “WHICH WAS IT?”

Use the word bank below to complete the activity.

  1. This was the formal document separating the United States from England?

WHICH WAS IT?Declaration of Independence

  1. This war between the French and the British left the British with many expenses.

WHICH WAS IT?French and Indian War

  1. This new tax was placed on important paper documents.


  1. A meeting held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

WHICH WAS IT?First Continental Congress

  1. An event held in the Boston Harbor protesting the new tax on tea.

WHICH WAS IT?Boston Tea Party

  1. This war was fought for control over America. The French were assisted by Native Americans.

WHICH WAS IT?French and Indian War

  1. A letter written to England as a result of the Second Continental Congress.

WHICH WAS IT?Declaration of Independence

  1. This was an act of rebellion by the Sons of Liberty to show their disapproval of England’s taxes.

WHICH WAS IT?Boston Tea Party

  1. Important papers and legal documents were required to have a stamp on them because of a new tax.WHICH WAS IT?Stamp Act
  2. The meeting held to discuss issues with the King of England.

WHICH WAS IT?First Continental Congress

  1. The meeting that discussed breaking away from and declaring independence from England.

WHICH WAS IT?Second Continental Congress

Part Two – “WHO WAS IT?”

Complete the table below by describing the term or specific person in detail. Focus on their accomplishments and contribution to the American Revolution.

Key Figure / Description
Patriot / Fought for our country and believed in independence, liberty, and freedom (ex. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Nathan Hale, Sons of Liberty)
Loyalist / Loyal to the King of England and followed his policies and laws
John Adams / Patriot and 2nd President of the US; joined the protest against the Stamp Act; Massachusetts lawyer; helped to write the Declaration of Independence
Thomas Jefferson / Patriot, Founding Father, and 3rd President of the US; main author of the Declaration of Independence
King George III / King of England who taxed the colonists and refused to agree to a peaceful relationship; he lost the American colonies as a result
George Washington / Father of our country and 1st President of the US; Commander in chief of the Continental Army; helped to win the American Revolution
Nathan Hale / Patriot and America’s 1st spy to be captured and lose his life for his country; “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.”
Sons of Liberty / Group of Patriots who believed in freedom from the King; battled the Stamp Act and organized the Boston Tea Party; unified the colonies against Parliament and the King

Part Three – Reading and Analyzing

Read the information below about an event called the “Boston Massacre” that contributed to the American Revolution. Answer the questions that follow.

  1. The Boston Massacre is often referred to as the “spark that ignited the American Revolution”. What do you think this means?this event outraged many colonists and patriots, adding more fuel to an already raging fire; both sides began creating “propaganda” painting their side as a victim, much the same way as political candidates do today; both sides claimed to be innocent and the colonists claimed that the King’s soldiers just fired their guns for no reason; this led to more anger and more colonists willing to declare independence for our nation
  1. Which “side” do you think created each image – the British or the colonists? Explain for both.

The British – this image shows the King’s soldiers The colonists – this image shows the British

standing innocently while colonists attack them. soldiers firing their guns at an unarmed

group of colonists.

Part Four – Questions

Answer the following questions. You may use your notes.

  1. What does this phrase mean for the colonists?the colonists did not want to pay taxes without having representation in the government and decision-making groups
  1. Tyranny is a term that means “unfair rule and abusive power over a group of people”. List at least 5 examples of tyranny by King George III.
  • The Stamp Act
  • The Boston Massacre
  • The Quartering Act
  • The Intolerable Acts
  • The Proclamation of 1763
  • The Townshend Duties
  • Taxation without representation
  • The Boston Port Act
  • The Tea Act
  1. List the first 3 presidents of the United States:

1st–George Washington

2nd–John Adams

3rd–Thomas Jefferson

  1. What was the Treaty of Paris?

An agreement signed to end the French and Indian War. It gave the British land that had been occupied by France and Spain. It left the British in debt and led the King to tax the colonists to gain some of that money back that had been spent on the war.

  1. What is the significance of the painting American Progress by John Gast?

This painting shows the western part of the US as unknown and unexplored by the colonists. They believed it was their duty to explore that part of the country and to claim the land all the way to the Pacific Ocean. This concept is called “Manifest Destiny”. It also shows technology spreading west as the land is explored and colonized.