
Unit 1 Lesson 1 – The Geography of Indiana


Before Reading:

Reading Strategy: Background Knowledge – Complete the first two boxes of the KWL Chart about the geography of Indiana. Leave the last box blank for now.

K (know) / W (want to know) / L (Learned)
2.  /
2.  /

Reading Strategy: Text Features - Look at the following text features in lesson 1 with your group and discuss: Vocabulary list, map, titles, subtitles, graphics, captions, and charts.

During Reading:

Begin reading on page 12 and STOP at the end of page 13.

Reading Skill: Setting – Describe the setting of Indiana to your pen pal. (Hint – What region? What country? What states border it?) Restate and Support!


Continue reading and STOP at the bottom of the first column on page 14.

Reading Skill: Setting – List 2 reasons why you think most farms are located in the plains region.

1.  ______

2.  ______

Continue reading and STOP at the bottom of the 2nd column on page 14.

Reading Strategy: Connections – Look at the map on page 15. Locate your community on the map. In the box below, list the lakes and rivers that are closest to your community. You may need to use what you read on page 14 to help you.

Continue reading and STOP at the bottom of the first column on page 16.

Reading Strategy: Inference- How does Indiana’s location help it serve as the “Crossroads of America?” Restate and Support!


Continue reading and STOP at the end of lesson 1 (page 17).

Reading Skill: Compare and Contrast – Use the table below to compare and contrast Fort Wayne and Evansville.

Fort Wayne / Category / Evansville

After Reading:


Section 1 – Indiana in the United States:

What is a region? ______

What is relative location? ______


How many regions are there in the U.S.?______

Which region is Indiana in? ______

Section 2 – Indiana’s Land and Water:

What is a physical feature? ______


What is a tributary? ______


Section 3 – Indiana’s Cities:

What is an industry? ______


What city is the capital of Indiana? ______

What is the State Motto of Indiana? ______

Reading Strategy: Questioning – Pretend you are the teacher, and write two questions for your class to answer.

1. ______


2. ______


Reading Strategy: Background Knowledge - Go back to the first page and complete the last column of your KWL chart. What did you learn about the geography of Indiana?