Name: Tabetha Shell

Date: September 7, 2005

School: JeterPrimary School

Grade Level: First and Second Grade

Skill Theme: Space Awareness, Traveling

Movement Concepts:

  • Space: Levels High, Medium, Low
  • Locations: Self, General space
  • Extensions: Far, Near
  • Pathways: Curved, Straight

Skill Level: Precontrol

Student Objectives:

As a result of this lesson, students will….

*Travel in general space

*Travel at different level

*Travel at different speeds

*Travel in different directions

Learnable Pieces:

Students will learn….

*Travel in general space while remaining in personal space and travel outside personal space while still inside general space

*Travel at high, medium, and low speeds

*Travel at decreasing and increasing speeds

*Travel in up and down directions


  • Check your space: hands out to side not touching anyone
  • Airplane: high hoop
  • Car: hoop at belly button
  • Boat: hoop at feet
  • Feeding time: frogs leave lily pads
  • Feeding time over: frogs return to lilypads

Teacher Objective: I am going to focus on back to the wall, maximum participation, and making sure the students understand the protocols

Equipment: 8 Hula Hoops, 8 polyspots, 4 cones


  • “GO”-begin
  • “FREEZE”-stop

Set Induction: Hello everyone! I need everyone to go sit on a poly-spot! Who can tell me what animal is green and hops around on the ground? That’s right, it’s a frog! Now does anyone know what frogs like to eat? Frogs use their long sticky tongues to eat flies! We are going to play a game by taking a trip to a pond and pretending to be frogs and flies! In the game, we are going to practice traveling in general space (pond), staying in personal space (lily pad), and traveling at different levels (high and low)!

Task Description / Key Instructions / Task Organization
Task 1: Students will start out sitting on a poly spot. The students will listen to the teacher to know whether they are supposed to be in personal space (lily pad) or general space (pond). This activity will allow students to practice the concept of personal and general space. / T1: All of you are sitting on a lily pad and that pad is your own personal space! When I say “CHECK YOUR SPACE”, I want everyone to move around all different way to make sure that you can not touch anyone else while sitting on your lily pad! “GO”
If you are touching someone move your lily pad so that you can’t touch anyone else. “FREEZE”
Great Job! Who can show me how a frog jumps? That’s right! Now, when I say GO, I want everyone to start by hopping to the lily pad that is to your right!
Remember that lily pads are in the pond so be careful not to miss a lily pad and fall in the water! “GO” Make sure that you don’t hop into any other frogs! Keep hopping! “FREEZE”
Now when I say GO, I want you to imagine that a boat is coming near your lily pad and that you are trying to hop away as fast as you can! “GO”
When you get to a lily pad that is beside the outside of the pond, you can take a big hop to jump outside the pond! Be careful not to jump into another frog!
Make sure that you still stay within the swamp area (cones)! Keep hopping! “FREEZE” Good job! / T1:
X: Children

Lily pads
Cones representing
swamp boundaries

Jump ropes
representing pond
X Children
Task 2: The students will now play a game in which students will split into two groups and play a tag game. This activity will test students’ listening skills and allow them to move at different levels and speeds! / T2: Okay, now we are going to play a game! When I say GO, I want everyone to go find a poly spot and sit on it! GO!
Now, I want everyone to look under your poly spot and pull out the ribbon! If you have a pink ribbon then you are a FROG, but if you have a red ribbon you are a FLY! I want everyone to tuck the ribbon inside the back of their shorts/ pants so it is hanging out!
The object of the game is for the frogs to try and catch the flies for dinner!
When I say GO, I want the flies to go sit outside the pond area but stay inside the cones! GO! FREEZE!
Now, everyone CHECK YOUR SPACE!
This time when I say GO I want the flies to hop around the outside of the pond because you are baby flies and cannot fly yet! GO!
Now when I say FEEDING TIME we are going to let the frogs out one at time to try and catch their dinner! FEEDING TIME! A frog catches a fly by capturing the blue ribbon! If a frog gets your ribbon I want the flies to lay on their backs and put your legs in the air kicking! Remember to stay low because both flies and frogs are on the ground! Great Job! Be careful not to go outside the cones! FREEZE!
Now, I want everyone to return to a lily pad! Place your ribbon under your lily pad! When I say GO, I want everyone to stand up and move to a different lily pad! GO! FREEZE! Remember that pink is frogs and blue is flies!
Now the game is going to get a little harder!
When I say GO I want the flies to move outside the pond again! GO! FREEZE! Now, this time the flies are almost grown up and can now fly (students can stand up but still move a little slow) When I say FEEDING TIME, I want the flies to start moving around outside the pond while I let one frog out at a time! FEEDING TIME!
If you are a frog you are going to have to hop much higher in order to capture the flies’ ribbons! Great Job! FREEZE!
Now, the flies are all adults and when I say FEEDING TIME they can move much faster while the frogs are still jumping! FEEDING TIME! Make sure you don’t trip anyone and be careful! FREEZE! Good job guys! Everyone go sit on a lily pad! /


Lily pads
Cones representing
swamp boundaries
Jump ropes
representing pond
X Children
Task 3:Students will move through a series of tasks in an obstacle course. The obstacles will allow them to travel at different levels, directions, and different speeds. / T3: Okay great job guys! Now we are going to put together everything we have done this far! When I say GO I want everyone to start hopping on their lily pad! GO! Imagine you are hopping down the river and the water is starting to move faster! You need to jump faster so that you can get out! Now when you get close enough you can jump really high and far to get outside the pond! Good job! Now we can slow down since you are out of danger! Follow the edge of the pond to draw a curved shape! FREEZE! The Hula hoops represent areas where flies live and the straws are the flies! So when I say FEEDING TIME, I want all of you to hop to the hula hoops as fast as you can and collect all the flies you can until I say FREEZE! FEEDING TIME! Great Job! Now FREEZE! This time I want you to do the same thing but pay attention because when I say FREEZE you have to be back at a lilypad by 3 seconds or you have to return all of your flies! FEEDING TIME! Good job, but be careful and make sure that you don’t bump into anyone! FREEZE! Okay now lets try this one more time but I am going to add more straws to the fly homes and you are going to leave the ones you got last time on your pad! The object is to get as many flies as you can, but be careful because another frog just might hop to your lilypad and get your flies! FEEDING TIME! Good job! Keep Hopping! Now FREEZE! / T3:

Lily pads
Cones representing
swamp boundaries
Jump ropes
representing pond
X Children

Closure: Great job guys! You all did a great job of surviving in the swamp! Who can show me how a frog moves? (have student hop around) Is that high or low? (low) Now who can tell me what other animal we pretending to be today? (fly) Do flies travel high or low (high) What speeds do adult flies travel? (very fast) Great job! Have a good day!

Refinements/Challenges: To make the frog/fly tag game harder, could keep adding more frogs to make it harder for the flies to not get caught. To make the frog tag game easier, I could have safe bases for the children to be able to get to and not be able to get tagged.