Call for Application – 10thUNESCO Youth Forum,October 25th-26th2017

The Swiss National Youth Council, in collaboration with theSwiss Commission for UNESCO, is looking for a Swiss youth delegate nominee for the 10thUNESCO Youth Forum which will take place on October 25th-26th in Paris.

Taking place every two years since 1999, UNESCO Youth Forum is permanent and an integral part of UNESCO’s highest decision-making body, the UNESCO General Conference, where its 195 Member States decide on UNESCO’s future actions.The Forumallows young women and men to submit their recommendations to representatives of Member States, reflecting the most pressing needs and concerns of youth in the fields of UNESCO’s work.This yearit will focus on “Rethinking youth engagement with UNESCO”, looking for ways to engage differently with youth for better impact.

As a youth delegate to the UNESCO Youth Forum,you will be representing the voice of Switzerland’s youth. You will have the opportunity to take an active role in an international politics’ high-level event and to share this experience with young people from all around the world. A unique opportunity!

The 10th UNESCO Youth Forumwill take place prior to the 39th session of the UNESCO General Conference, at the Organization’s Headquarters in Paris, on October 25th to 26th 2017. The selected Swiss youth delegate will have to comply preparatory work. The delegate to UNESCO Youth Forumwill be required to attend an introduction meeting with the Swiss National Youth Council and the Swiss Commission for UNESCO, and participatetothe UNESCO Youth Forum in Paris.

The youth delegate should have the following profile:

Age 18 – 24years old

Very good knowledge of English and/or French and aptitude to fit in an international environment

Involved in youth-related issues as an active member of a youth organization recognized in Switzerland

Working in an area related to UNESCO’s mandate (Education; Culture; Communication and Information; Natural Sciences; Social and Human Sciences) and ready to commit to collaborate with UNESCO in within their area of specialization in 2018-2019

Be willing to actively participate in the Forum by voicing his/her views and experienceon discussed matters, as well as those of youth of Switzerland

Have EITHER led or co-shaped an impactful and innovative social initiative in UNESCO’s areas of competence OR has a story of resilience, overcoming odds to achieve their objective

The Swiss youth delegate will not receive a salary, but all related costs (transport, accommodation, conference participation) will be covered.

How to apply–Please send until June 20th 2017, with reference title Swiss recruitment UNESCO Youth Forum, by email to Swiss National Youth Council’s International Officer Sophie Neuhaus, the following documents:

  • your CV(including the contact details of a reference person from an NGO you are active in);
  • a motivation letter (maximum 1 page);
  • a short text (max 1000 characters) describing how impactful and innovative a social initiative you have led or co-shaped is; and all linksrelevant to public or government recognition or media coverage;


a short text (max. 1000 characters) or a video describing your story of resilience or how you have overcame odds to achieve your objective

The selection will be made on application files only (no interviews). Your file must be complete to be considered. All candidates will be notified of the decision by the end of June. For further information, you can contact Sophie Neuhaus (email or phone:031 326 29 29). Final selection made by UNESCO.