BIO3334 Evaluation of the illustration portfolio (2015)

Name: ______

Paper materials for the portfolio should be submitted in the same folder as the print and drawing part of the assignment. All, or only a portion of this scheme may be used to asses the final grade

Preparation and planning (1 pt for each)
·  Timeline handed in soon after assignment assigned
·  Full timeline complete with updates and revisions
·  Marking scheme used as a planning tool
Research Sources and what, in your own words you learned that was pertinent to the assignment. (Do not include printouts or photocopies of the source, just a reference to it)
·  Handouts and course webpages (0,1)
·  Canadian Journal of Zoology instructions (0,1)
·  Canadian Journal of Zoology sample figures (0,1)
·  BioLabo (0,1)
·  Additional relevant readings (0,1,2)
Illustration scores (25) (Figure numbers from student submission)
Fig 1 / Fig 2 / Fig 3
·  Rationale for choice (0,1,2)
·  Explanation of editing (0,1,2)
·  Authority for labelling (0,1)
Peer reviews received (Reviewed material must be done by email and forwarded to be scored)
·  Organization of peer review material (0,1)
·  Justification of actions taken as a result of the comments (0,1,2,3)
Peer reviews done (Reviewed material must be done by email and forwarded to be scored)
·  Organization of peer review material (0,1)
·  Your comments on photos you received (0,1,2,3)
·  Your comments on captions you received (0,1,2,3)
Organization of the portfolio
·  Table of contents (1)
·  Logical organization of files and folder (0,1,2)
·  Appropriate use of files and folders (0,1,2)
·  Content relevance (selected materials only and why) (1-5)
Portfolio relevance - ratio of pages with useful information (A/B)
·  A = Pages the meet portfolio criteria
·  B = Total pages in the portfolio
·  Lessons learned (not a repetition of the assignment’s objectives) (1-5)

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