NOMINATION FORM – Please complete relevant sections

Award category:

Name or Title of Entry:

Description of Entry:

Date of Completion of Project: Project Budget:

Submitted by: Name:


Phone: Email:

Responsible Firm, Agency, School or Organization that Produced the Work:



Phone: Email:

Project Manager:

Principal Staff Member:

APA Member Involved:

Firm, Agency, School, Organization or Community that Received the Work:


Contact Person:


Phone: Email:

Nominator Signature

Completion of the nomination form, narrative, and all other supporting material is the responsibility of the nominator. Organizing the application in a coherent manner, grouped, if possible into 1-2 PDFs, will help the committee review the package as intended. The Awards Committee cannot complete or augment an incomplete submittal.

All submittal materials must be received by5:00 PM on Friday July 29, 2016. Materials received after this time may be reviewed at the Award Committee’s discretion. Applications should be sent electronically to:

Stephanie Kennedy, Chapter Administrator Katie Mangle, Awards Chair

Application materials may be submitted via

  • email
  • a cloud-based file sharing site (i.e., Dropbox, Box, Drive, etc.) shared via email
  • on a disc or drive delivered to – OAPA • PO Box 28454 • Portland, OR 97228

Required contents of the nomination package:

  1. Completed nomination form.
  1. Submittal narrative. This document – up to five pages – describes the submittal; how it has addressed a need, provided a solution, or made a difference in the lives of people or the environment; and how it meets the award criteria. The narrative’s main purpose is to answer this question: What distinguishes the nominated person or project from others and so merits an award? This should be no longer than five pages. For project nominations, the narrative should also describe the entities responsible for the work and the responsibilities of the nominated organization/person.
  1. Letters of support. Each submittal should include between one and five letters, which may not be written by the nominator of the submission, by the nominated individual, or by anyone who directly worked on the project. Comments from stakeholders involved with the subject of the nomination are encouraged. Letters of support should highlight the value of the effort.
  1. Supporting materials. Include supporting materials such as work products, newspaper articles, photographs (copyright free and with captions), video clips or other similar resources that support the nomination.

Award nominators and recipients may be asked to provide additional digital imagery for display at the awards presentation.