The Hanlith Manor Roll 27 November 1&2 Philip & Mary (I554/5)

Hanleth / Court of Leonerd Metkalfe gentleman held there on Tuesday the 27th day of November in the years of the reigns ofPhilip and Mary by the grace of God of England France Naples Jerusalem and Ireland King and Queen Defenders of the faith Princes of the Spains and Cecily Archdukes of Austria Dukes of Milan Burgundy and Brabant aud Counts of Hasburg Flanders and Tirol first and second (ie. 1554)
Free Tenants / The heirsof West Dereham (in the hand of the Lord King) The heir of Geoffrey Proctour (appeared) John Dickeson (makes default 2d) The heir of Richard Leylande (appeared) and Antony Weste (makes default 2d) are free tenants and owe suit of court to the court of the Lord.
Tenants at will / HenryWilkinson
Henry Faldshay
Thomas Hodgeson
John Hyll
Relict of Roger Anderson
Relict of Christopher Serjantson
John Hurtcloe
Christopher Smyth
Relictof Roger Salley
Thomas Brashay Senior
Thomas Brashay Junior
John Brashay
Oliver Crofte
Thomas Hill
Thomas Lauson
Cuthbert Lauson
Oliver Broune
Leonard Atkinson
John Serjantson
Roger Serjantson
John Serjantson Senior
Robert Serjantson / does effective duty (fat vid o)
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty / 1d
Inquest for the Lord
foggei= fogagii (Martin)
"Le Field of Hanleth" conversationally
ie. made after the pleadings in a suit at a previous court
ie. of the fence of the pinfold / Inquesttaken there for the Lord by the oaths of Henry Wilkinson Henry Faldshay John Hille John Serjantson Senior Robert Serjantson John Serjantson Junior Cuthbert Lauson Thomas Lauson Christopher Smyth John Hurtcloe Oliver Crofte and Thomas Brashay Junior swornWho sayupon their oath that Thomas Pathnall of Otterburn hath overburdened the common pasture of Hanleth through the summertime with four Beasts. Therefore (he is) in amercement 2s 8d.And thatRobert Carlyll of Scotthorp hath overburdened the pasture and fields there through the time of a quarter of a year with horses and mares Therefore &c. 12dAnd thatGilbert Willson of Wiglesworth and Thomas Talbot of Halton have de-pastured trodden down and consumed the corn and herbage of the neighbours of Hanleth through the time aforesaid with their sheep Therefore (they are) in amercemcnt 20d eachAnd thatLeonard Halte hath transgressed in like manner with his horses in the time of mowing grass 8dAnd thatJohn Snelle of Waygill hath transgressed (word obliterated) with his horses Therefore &c 4dAnd thatChristopher Proctour of Blakebanke hath transgressed in "le"' fields of Hanleth with two calves Therefore (he is) in amercement 4dAnd thatJohn Preston of Malham (word mutilated but perhaps versavit=) hath occupied an enclosure with one heifer contrary to the order of the plea Therefore (he is) in amercement 6dAnd thatJohn Lauson late of Hanleth hath overburdened the fields of Hanleth with all his (stock) in the time of mowing grass Therefore (he is) in amercementAnd that(name obliterated) Wyndsor of Malham keeps his fences open at Thrapelandshede to the annoyance of the neighbours of Hanleth Therefore (he is) in amercement 5dAnd thatThomas Brashay of Hanleth hath transgressed in like manner Therefore (he is) in amercement 8dAnd thatthe Same Thomas hath turned over the waste of the Lord with a plough without licence Therefore (he is) in amercement 4dAnd thatJohn Hille of Hanleth hath tied up two calves (words obliterated) order of the plea Therefore (he is) in amercement 8dAnd thatRoger Serjantson of the same hath transgressed in like mauner with One heifer Therefore (he is) in amercement 8dItemthe aforesaid Jurors say that Oliver Broune of Hanleth aforesaid hath not made (? his)part of le foldeaccording to the order of the plea Therefore he is in amercement 2dAnd thatJohn Hyde of Malham hath cut down one ash sapling by night in a certain place there called Myclebanke Therefore (he is) in amercement 7dAnd that(name obliterated) of the same hath transgressed in like manner Therefore (he is) in amercementAnd thatThomas Lauson of Hanleth hath transgressed in like manner Therefore (he is) in amercement 6dAnd thatthe same Thomas hath cut (?talliavit) one parcel of hay without licence Therefore (he is) in amercement 4dAnd thatThomas Brashay of Hanleth senior hath not repaired his houses sufficiently but keeps them to be ruinous Therefore (he is) in amercement 4dAnd thatthe same Thomas hath not (words obliterated) sufficiently about Esegille according to the penalty formerly imposed on him Therefore &c 12dAnd thatRobert Deyne of Tranehouse and Thomas Deyne of Kirkebie have transgressed in like manner 6d each.
Penalty / There was seta penalty upon all the inhabitants of Hanleth that none of them shall cut any wood underwood or thorns among the hedges in any place there (words torn off) yearde under a penalty on everyone acting contrarily of 2s as often as he does.
John Hylle
Affeerors of the Court Sworn
Christopher Smyth
Total of this Court of duty 20s. 2d.
Kirkebie / Little Court of Leonerd Metkalffe held there on the day and year aforesaid
Free Tenants / The heirsof West Dereham (in the hand of the Lord King) the heirs of John Banester (in the hand of the Lord King) John Lambart gentleman (appeared) the heir of Henry Preston (appeared) are free tenants and owe their suit to (torn off but probably) this Court.
Tenants at will / Robert Lauson
John Wygan
Relict of William Atkinson
Relict of William Sclater
Henry Sclater
Thomas Smyth
Robert Preston
Hemy Pickeham
WiIliam Wetherhirde
John Perkynson
Adam Atkynson
Henry Deyne
Henry Foster
Relict of Edward Lauson
Robert Fletcher
Richard Walker Clerk
Christopher Ellys
John Sclater
Relict of John Foster
John Crake
Relict of Richard Halle
William Deyne
John Deyne
Thomas Deyne
Robert Atkyson
Isabella AtkynSOn
Relict of William Walker
John Howson
Thomas Lauson
John Cooke
Nicholas Walton
John Lauson / does effective duty
makes default in duty
makes default in duty
makes default in duty
makes default in duty
makes default in duty
does effective duty
makes default in duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
makes default in duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
makes default in duty
makes default in duty
makes default in duty
does effective duty
makes default in duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
does effective duty
makes default in duty
duty q(uadrans) =1farthing
duty q
does effective duty
makes default in duty
makes default in duty
does effective duty / 1d
l d
l d
Plea / John Smythof Malham complains of Thomas Atkynson of Kirkebie in a plea of debt for that the said defendant bought of the aforesaid complainant one cow price 15s. Defendant denies (obliterated but probably et ponit = and puts) himself on the country who say that the said defendant owes the aforesaid complainant 3s. 4d. of debt. Therefore the defendant (is) in amercement 3d.
Inquest for the Lord
sic / Inquesttaken there for the Lord by the oath of Robert Lauson John Lauson Robert Preston William Wetherhirde John Parkynson John Brashay Henry Foster Henry Deyne Thomas Lauson Thomas Deyne Robert Atkynson and Robert Deyne swornWho sayupon their oath that John Sclater Christopher Foster John Coke Robert Deyne John Crake the Relict of John Breghton the Relict of John Howson John Deyne & Isabel Atkynson have mown the grass in "le" fields of Kirkebie contrary to the order of the plea Therefore all (are) in amercement And thatRobertBroghton hath overburdened the common pasture of Kirkebie with two beasts contrary to the order of the plea Therefore &c 12dAnd thatJohn Coke hath transgressed in like manner with one cow Therefore &c 8dAnd thatAdam Atkynson (2d) and Thomas Smyth (4d) have transgressed in "le" fields of Kirkebie with their beasts contrary to the order of the pleaAnd thatHenry Sclater the Relict of William Sclater Robert Lauson John Deyne and William Wetherhirde have transgressed in " le " fields of Kirkebie with their beasts Therefore (they are) in amercement 2d eachAnd thatthe Relict of William Sclater hath overburdened the pasture with one beast (cattallo) contrary to the order of the plea Therefore &c 8dAnd thatthe aforesaid Relict of William Sclaytcr hath changed one beast within the enclosure of Kirkebie contrary to the order of the plea Therefore (she is) in amercement 4dAnd thatthe Relict of Richard Walker of Malham John Hyde of the same & John Lauson have overburdened "le" fields of Kirkebei in the time of mowing grass Therefore (they are) in amercement 4d eachAnd thatRichard Walker Clerk Vicar of Kirkebie aforesaid hath overburdened the enclosure there with one cow Therefore (he is) in amercement 12dAnd thatRobert Deyne of Tranehouse and Thomas Deyne of Kirkebie have not repaired their mill but keep it to be ruinous Therefore (they are) in amercement 7dAnd thatRobert Preston Henry Sclater (?) and Nicholas (?) Walton have broken the ground of the Lord at Kirkebie felle and taken away twelve waggon-loads of slatestones without licence Therefore (it is) for the advice (consilium) of the Lord.
Penalty / ENDORSED.
There is seta penalty upou the jurors aforesaid that they shall determine a certain plea in this Court pending between John Smyth and Thomas Atkynson (obliterated but probably per =) by the last day of December next to beAnd the penaltyupon the member (comiti) making default for his own part (is) 3d.
It is ordainedby the Lord of this Court and Christopher Preston officer of John Tempest Knight that William Deyne of Kirkebie and John Wigan of the same shall attend to and also carry out the verdict or verdicts of four neighbours of Kirkebie aforesaid that is to say Robert Lauson Robert Preston John Crake and Henry Sclater of and in a certain parcel of land (dividenda ?) being divided between them in agreement called le Heaylde
Robert Lauson
Affeerors of the CourtSworn
John Perkynson
Total of this Court of Duty 14s. 6d.

Court of Kyrkby [Malham]
held there on the thirteenth day of May in the 38th year of the reign of Henry VI
[Tuesday, 13th May 1460]

fine / 3d / for the Abbot of Dereham because he does not come to do suit of court
fine / 2d / for John Mallom for the same
fine / 2d / for Richard Banaster for the same
fine / 1d / for William Plebischer for cutting vert*
fine / 1d / for Henry Robynson for the same
fine / 1d / for Richard Rilay for the same
fine / 1d / for Thomas Calton for the same
fine / 1d / for James Robynson for the same
fine / 6d / John Atkynson for trespass with his cattle in the pasture, reported by his brother Robert
fine / 6d / Robert Atkynson for the same reported by [blank]
fine / 6d / William Lawson for the same reported by the forester
fine / 6d / Thomas Lawson for the same reported by the forester
fine / 1d / William Deene for the same reported by the forester
fine / 1d / William Deene for the same reported by the forester
fine / 3d / Thomas Deene for the same reported by the forester
fine / 6d / William Serchaunt for the same reported by the forester
fine / 6d / William Ayreton for the same reported by the forester
fine / 6d / John Lawson for the same by the forester

foremen of the Court Miles Wilkynson

Jurors on behalf of the lord

Richard Rilay

Inquisition taken on the oath of William Plebacher Guy Ellesley John Sclater William Monke Thomas Paxton Henry Robynson Richard Rilay Thomas Calton William Rakes Robert Husband William Robynson Miles Wilkynson James Robynson and Thomas Crambok, who say that the water of Kirkgilbek has damaged the soil of the lord in several places and unless it is more swiftly repaired, more damage will result

[Who say:] / Item they say that Henry Talliour overburdened the pasture and common field with six cattle
Item they say that Robert Tennant had two cattle in the pasture without communal assent
Item they say that Roger Proktour had two cattle in the pasture without communal assent
Item they say that Richard Fishe had three horses in the pasture without communal assent
fine / 8d / Item they say that William Page had six cattle and ten sheep there without communal assent, reported by the forester
fine / 1d / Item they say that Richard Jackson had one cow there without communal assent
fine / 4d / Item they say that Richard Atkynson had three horses there without communal assent
fine / 2d / Item they say that Christopher Bateman had two oxen there without communal assent
fine / 2d / Miles Wilkynson for [keeping] his pigs unringed
fine / 2d / James Robynson for the same
fine / 1d / Thomas Crombok for the same
fine / 1d / Guy Ellesley for the same
fine / 1d / John Sclater for the same
fine / 1d / Thomas Paxton for the same
fine / 1d / Henry Robinson for the same
fine / 1d / Richard Rilay for the same
fine / 1d / William Rakes for the same
fine / 2d / John Henrision for the same
fine / 1d / Thomas Carter for the same
fine / 2d / Henry Couere for trespass in the pasture with his cattle

Sums [charged at] this Court 7s 8d

Court of Hanlith
held there on the thirteenth day of May in the 38th year of the reign of Henry VI[Tuesday, 13th May 1460]

fine / 3d / for the Abbot of Dereham because he does not come to do suit of court
fine / 2d / for John Mallom for the same
fine / 2d / for heir/s of John Serchiaunt senior for the same
fine / 2d / for Thomas Preston for cutting vert*
fine / 2d / for William Hogeson for the same
fine / 1d / for William Pacok for the same

Item they say that Thomas Hogeson of Calton, Christopher Page, William Preston, John Lancaster, John Dawson, John Rakis, John Naylor, John [L.yne], John Porter, John Nodder, Thomas Rakes, Robert Husband and Henry Cour[er] dug a turbary on the ground of the lord without common assent or licence

Nobody is to cut wood in the waste or common near Hanlyth bridge before the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist [24th June] on penalty of 12 pence

Nobody shall fell any green wood in Esegill on penalty of 2s however often

Nobody shall plough Raanes in the openfield nor mow nor reap the waste against the ordinance of the bylaw and manor court on penalty of 6d Nobody shall breach the ordinance of the bylaw on penalty of 40d

foremen of the court Thomas Preston Jurymen for the lord

Inquisition taken on the oath of Thomas Preston William Hogeson John Sallay John Diconson

John Pacok William Serchauntson and Thopmas Smyth who say that the water[s] of Ayre seriously damaged the ground of the lord in three places namely at Esegilfote Semer and Bellardcroke and unless remedied quickly will cause further damage

fine / 2d / Item they say that John Cotere Robert Preston Richard Thomlynson William Nunfrere Thomas Porter and Richard Wyndesouer kept their cattle on the demsne of Hanlyth without communal assent
fine / 6d / Roger Williamson for trespass with his cattle in the pasture and openfield in the winter season
fine / 6d / John Wyndesour for a similar [offence] reported by the forester
fine / 2d / Thomas Snell for a similar [offence] reported by the forester
fine / 4d / Matilda Hurtliff for a similar [offence] reported by the forester
fine / 4d / John Sallay for a similar [offence] reported by the forester
fine / 4d / Robert Atkynson for a similar [offence] reported by the forester
fine / 4d / Thomas Atkynson for a similar [offence] reported by the forester
fine / 4d / Thomas Hyne for a similar [offence] reported by the forester
fine / 4d / Christopher Preston for a similar [offence] reported by the forester
fine / 2d / Robert Stakhous for a similar [offence] reported
fine / 2d / John Ayrton and William his son for a similar [offence] reported by the forester
fine / 4d / Christopher Wylkynson for 120 sheep in the pasture without communal assent
fine / 2d / William Page for trespass with his cattle in the openfield of Hanlyth

total of this court 6s 1d

* Vert : Green wood, presumably taken for animal fodder

Kirkbie Malham

Court Baron of Josias Lambert , Esquire,held there the third day of November, 1607

[Lancashire Record Office, DDMA, Box 9a, Item 4]

Free Tenants / Successors of West Derehampro def / vjd
John Prestonnecomp
Rowland Atkinsonpro def / vjd
Robert Broughtonpro def / vjd
Robert Kinge,Cler[icus]
Tenants at Will / John Lawsonne
Mathew Waltonpro def / vjd
John Andersonnepro def / vjd