Bishop Druitt College French Stage 4 Year 8 Scope & Sequence 2013

KIWeek: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
11 weeks
2 units / Unit 1 – Introductions
Focus Outcomes: 4UL.1, 4UL.2, 4UL.4, 4MLC.2, 4MBC.1, 4.MBC.2 / Unit 2 – My family
Focus Outcomes: 4UL.3, 4UL.4, 4MLC.2, 4MBC.1
A: / Greeting people, asking and saying names, describing people
Simple greetings, nationalities, numbers 1 – 20, adjectives
The verb “to be”; basic sentence structure, definite article (le,la,les)
Where is France? ; Forms of address
differences in pronunciation; a, oi, i, in, en/an
Voki to upload to Edmodo (week 3) (AFL, ICT)
Listening, Reading, Writing Task Week 7 (AOL)
Vocabulary quizzes (AFL)
STUDY SKILLS – note-taking / CO:
A: / Introducing family members, giving ages, describing family members,
family members, numbers 21 – 69, adjectives
possessive adjectives for my and your; what belongs to others; the verb “avoir”
Common French names; football
Vocabulary quizzes (AFL)
Digital family album – oral task (AOL) due Wk 11
STUDY SKILLS –vocabulary memorisation
8 weeks
1.5 units / Unit 3 – Pets
Focus Outcomes: 4UL.1, 4.UL.2, 4UL.4, 4MLC.1 / Unit 4 – School
Focus Outcomes: 4UL.1, 4UL.4. 4MLC.2, 4.MBC.1, 4.MBC.2
A: / Talking about pets, describing things, talking about preferences
animals, colours, adjectives
agreement of adjectives, negative sentences, questions; indefinite articles (un/une/des)
Use of “tu” and “vous”
“eau/au”, “qu”
Animal poster (writing),
Listening/reading test & e-mail (writing) week 6 (AOL) / CO:
A: / Talking about school subjects, teachers and timetables
subjects, adjectives, days of week, times, alphabet
Questions, -er verbs, use of on verbs être and avoir
School in France/Australia, film study
“h”, “th”
Film study Etre et Avoir (AOL)
In-class writing task – me and my school (AFL)
10 weeks
2 units / Continuation of Unit 4 (total 6 weeks) / Unit 5 – A typical day
Focus Outcomes: 4UL.3, 4MLC.1, 4.MLC.2, 4.MBC.2 / Unit 6 - Housework
A: / Talking about when you do things, classroom talk
Verbs for classroom commands, time, classroom objects, hours & minutes
The imperative form, use of tu/vous, -er verbs
formal and familiar registers, 24-hour time
“u” vs “ou”
Short film – a typical day at BDC. (AOL)
8 weeks
1.5 units / Unit 6 – Housework
Focus Outcomes: 4UL.1, 4.UL.2, 4.UL.4, 4MLC.2 / Unit 7 – On the weekend
Focus Outcomes: 4UL.2, 4UL.3, 4UL.4, 4MLC.1, 4.MLC.2, 4.MBC.1
A: / Talking about household tasks, saying what you like doing
housework verbs, time
using infinitives, possessive adj (son, sa, ses), quel, irr verb faire
“r”, liaisons
French recipes
Listening, Reading, Writing (AOL) / CO:
A: / Talking about what you do and don’t do on the weekend, talking about weather
Leisure activities, verbs, weather expressions
Impersonal use of il; irr verb aller, the future proche
Around Paris
“è” and “é”
Postcard from France. (AFL)

CO = Communicative outcomes; V = Vocabulary, G = Grammar, CI = Culture Integration, P = Pronunciation, A = Assessment

Cross-curriculum Content and Policies

Quality Teaching and Learning

The following dimensions and elements of the Quality Teaching and Learning documents have been incorporated into the programme and are idenitified in the units of work using the following abbreviations:

Intellectual quality
  • Deep knowledge DK
  • Deep understanding DU
  • Problematic knowledge PK
  • Higher-order thinking HOT
  • Metalanguage M

Substantive communication SC


Quality learning environment

  • Explicit quality criteria EQC
  • Engagement E
  • High expectations HE
  • Social support SS
  • Students’ self-regulation SSR

Student direction SD



  • Background knowledge BK
  • Cultural knowledge CK
  • Knowledge integration KI
  • Inclusivity I
  • Connectedness C

Narrative N


Wherever possible learning activities and assessment tasks have been differentiated within this programme. Tasks which have been designed purposefully to allow for differentiation are identified with (D) under the Links column.


Assessment Tasks have been integrated into each unit of work and classified as either Assessment For Learning (AFL) or Assessment Of Learning (AOL). AFL tasks will be used by students to track their own progress and by teachers to inform future teaching, keep track of progress and contribute to the class mark grading awarded at the end of the year. AOL tasks will be marked numerically, weighted and will be added up to give the final grading, combined with the class mark, for the end of the course. The following table sets out the tasks that will go towards to the final course grade.

Table of Assessment Tasks and Weightings

Skill & Outcome / Task 1 T1W7 / Task 2 T1W11 / Task 3 T2W6 / Task 4 T3W3 / Task 5 T3W9 / Task 6 T4W4 / Ongoing / TOTAL
10% / 10% / 15% / 10% / 15% / 20% / 20% / 100%
Listening 4.UL.1 / ✔ / ✔ / ✔ / 3
Reading 4.UL.2 / ✔ / ✔ / ✔ / 3
Speaking 4.UL.3 / ✔ / ✔ / 2
Writing 4.UL.4 / ✔ / ✔ / ✔ / 3
Culture 4.MBC.1,2 / ✔ / 1
Class work (all) / ✔ / 1

Other Cross-Curriculum Content

This table sets out other skills and content that students will learn and develop through their 100 hours of mandatory language study:

Cross-curriculum content & policies / In the 100 hours mandatory study, the skills to be learnt and developed are: / Abbreviations
  • Collecting and interpreting electronic information
  • Demonstrating knowledge of ethics in regard to the use of technology to communicate information
Literacy /
  • Using metalanguage to describe structures and features of language
  • Exploring grammatical systems to appreciate how languages work
  • Recognising that grammatical concepts serve particular functions & represent part of system of language
  • Identifying specific patterns and rules such as word construction, word order, tenses
  • Using ICT such as word-processing to support the production of original text
Numeracy /
  • applying logical thinking to the development of ideas
Key Competencies /
  • Collecting, analysing and organising information through identifying the purpose in spoken and written texts and distinguishing between main ideas and supporting detail
  • Communicating ideas and information through developing the listening, reading, speaking and writing skills necessary for communication
  • Planning and organising activities through experimenting with linguistic patterns and structures to convey information and express ideas
  • Working with others and in teams through interaction between students for the acquisition of knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes
  • Solving problems through analysing texts to comprehend meaning from context
  • Using technology through collecting and interpreting electronic information
/ KC
Civics & Citizenship /
  • Understanding the importance of tradition to a sense of cultural identity
  • Identifying and reflecting on representations of culture
/ C&C
Difference & Diversity /
  • recognising the importance of culture and cultural awareness
  • Recognising how culturally appropriate behaviour and language are used in diverse contexts
/ D&D
Anti-racism /
  • identifying cultural values and practices in observing social interaction among members of the community
  • recognizing that language and behaviour reflect important aspects of culture
Gender /
  • identifying generalisations about women and men in French-speaking communities
  • identifying and explaining features of traditional and contemporary lifestyles in relation to gender including the roles and contributions of women and men
Work, Employment & Enterprise /
  • recognising and identifying the contributions of French-speaking communities to the world of work
  • applying knowledge of French language and culture to work opportunities