DHS OE Job Description

Sample: Aquatics instruction

General Duty Area


Specific duty


Required Standard/ Job Outcomes

Technical Instruction

and direction / Provides clients with training in
·  Kayaking equipment
·  Entry and exit on dry land
·  Wet exits and self rescue
·  T and X rescues
·  Kayak games
·  Paddle strokes
·  Sequential programmes / Clients receive quality training in kayaking
Clients understand safe operating procedures and have a positive experience so that they will want to repeat some of the activities
Safety Awareness / Contractor is continually aware of hazards that may cause the client harm. Contractor makes decisions and takes action that reduces the harm to clients. Contractor operates within the industry standards for kayaking activities. Contractor is responsible for the safety of clients from meeting them at the start of the event until the final farewell
Provides particular care during operations with student groups in the outside pool
Read medical forms, RAMS and SOP for activities / Clients are made aware of risks. Clients are directed appropriately and protected from harm. Action is taken in the event of an emergency in accordance with the emergency procedures for that activity
Kayaking and swimming administered to industry standard
Safety equipment available if required
Familiar with RAMS and SOP for the pool and kayaking
Client Care/ customer Service / Provides all clients with high standard of care:
·  Building rapport
·  Helping with issues and problems
·  Showing patience and support
·  Being friendly and courteous
·  Training staff where appropriate / Clients felt they have received attention and had their problems resolved. Clients felt they have had a quality experience with a friendly and helpful instructor
Trip planning and Decision making / Assist in the planning and preparation of kayaking with OE staff including pre assessment briefing, meeting with the event coordinator, and meeting with staff. Makes appropriate decisions prior to and during trips about where to go and what activities to use / All equipment and forms are prepared and ready at the start of the trip. Clients are not kept waiting. Clients are kept informed about activities prior to and during the event
Environmental interpretation / Contractor shares knowledge of local environment with clients, informing them of points of interest, history, geography, science and weather / Clients feel they had an enjoyable educational experience during the event

General Duty Area


Specific duty


Required Standard/ Job Outcomes

Teamwork / Contractor works collaboratively with other staff, shares information about local conditions and is willing to help / Other staff enjoy working with the Contractor. Contractor helps without being asked and contributes to a positive work environment
Cleaning and Maintenance / Contractor takes note of wear and tear on gear and informs event leader. Undertakes small equipment repair jobs as appropriate. Looks after equipment and encourages clients to do the same. Checks and cleans equipment at the end of each session as required, restocks first aid equipment from bulk supply. / Kayaking equipment is kept in good condition and damage or faults reported or dealt with appropriately.
First aid kits stocked
Administration / Contractor completes relevant assessment paperwork as appropriate and collects in student work. Ensures they have copies of health and medical information and risk acknowledgement information. Assists in the completion of trip report with the event leader. Consults RAMS and student briefing sheets and update these with the event leader if needed. Complete incident, hazard notification, DHS injury, patient reports and medication records as necessary. / All clients health information is on hand before the trip starts. Reports and any necessary incident, hazard and first aid related forms are completed and with the event leader
General duties / Contractor undertakes other tasks reasonably requested by the Employer / Tasks are completed on time to the required standard


/ Contractor to provide driving services as requested with Central Motorways van or personal vehicle or emergency vehicle / Defensive driving techniques used and driving within the road code at all times.
Clients happy with the standard of driving

Qualifications and licences required

·  NZOIA Outdoors 1 or attested equivalency

·  Current First Aid Certificate (St John’s or other recognised provider)

·  Current NZ Drivers licence

·  NZOIA Kayak Leader

Desirable qualifications

·  NZOIA Kayak 1 or equivalent

·  “Riversafe” provider certification

·  PHEC Pre hospital Emergency Care

Desirable experience

·  Has two season’s plus instructional experience with school groups

·  Has detailed knowledge of kayaking