Town of Hamden Town Board Meeting of January 2, 2013

The organizational meeting developed various appointments for 2013 as follows:

Richard Smith was appointed as a planning board member for a 5 year term.

Deanna Stewart was reappointed as custodian for 2013.

Wayne Marshfield as Budget Officer

Court Clerk – Catherine Fletcher

Dog Control Officer – Josann Seyforth

Deputy Dog Control officer – Taylor Gill

Building Inspector – Mark Jacobs

Andy Moody – Deputy Superintendent of Highways

Deputy Supervisor – Ryan Kilmer

Deputy Town Clerk – Dolores Dibble

Yearly Salaries as listed in the budget were approved as follows:

Supervisor - $5,400

Town Clerk - $9,200

Superintendent of Highways - $44,000

Council - $1,500 each

Appointed Assessor - $15,400

Justice - $6,200

Tax Collector - $3,300

Dog Control Officer - $800

Historian - $400

Building Inspector - $7,500

Deputy Highway Superintendent - $1,200

Court Clerk - $19.00 per hour

Custodian - $15.50 per hour

Deputy Dog Control Officer - $11.65 per hour

Grounds Keeper – David Marshfield - $9.50 per hour

Depositories for Town funds: Delaware National Bank of Delhi, Community Bank of Delhi, and National Bank of Delaware County Hamden.

Official Newspaper – Walton Reporter

Monthly Meeting to be held on first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Town Hall.

Town Attorneys; Young Sommer LLC of Albany and Michael DeGroat of Walton

To pay mileage of 45 cents per mile.

The regular meeting was held after the organizational meeting as follows:

January 17, 2013 at 6:30 pm was the date and time set up for the audit of the Supervisors, Justice, and Town Clerk Books.

Budget amendments were presented by our Bookkeeper, Barb Sturdevant and approved for the 2012 fiscal year, so that the annual report can be done.

A public hearing on the Right to Farm Law is scheduled for February 6, 2013 at 6:30 pm at the Town Hall.

The Code of Ethics policy was reviewed with no changes, the procurement policy was reviewed with one minor change, the Violence in the Workplace policy was reviewed with no changes, and the Investment policy was reviewed with one minor change.

Respectfully submitted by Wayne Marshfield

Town Board Meeting to be held on February 6, 2013 at 6:30 pm at the Town Hall

Proposed Agenda:

  1. Right to Farm Law hearing and action on the law.
  2. Annual Standard Work Day and Reporting Resolution
  3. Finding of Town Board Audit on Supervisor, Town Clerk and Justice.
  4. Approval of Highway Expenditures for 2013
  5. Approval of Joy Hamilton Septic Design
  6. Other business that may come before the board

Town of Hamden Planning Board Meeting to be held on January 29, 2013 at 7:30 PM at the Town Hall.

Proposed Agenda:

1. Michael Bucci and Patricia Tucker and NYC Boundary Line Adjustment

2. Joyce Bishop/Jehovah Witness Boundary Line Adjustment – 10 acres

3. Any other Business that may come before the Board

Delaware County Board of Supervisors Meeting of January 2, 2013

The organizational meeting saw the reappointment of James Eisel for Chairman of the Board, Tina Mole for Vice Chairman of the Board, Christa Shafer as Clerk of the Board and Bruce Dolph, Budget Director for 2013.

A resolution for the appointment of County Attorney, Porter Kirkwood, County Historian Gabrielle Pierce, Democratic Election Commissioner Judith Garrison, and Director of the Office of the Aging Wayne Shepard, Stop DWI Coordinator Scott Glueckert was approved.

Appointments for the Delaware County Fire Advisory Board were approved. Ones affecting Hamden were Delhi Fire Chief Darren Evans, Downsville Fire Chief Mark Mattson, and Walton Fire Chief Robert Brown.

The Deposit Courier was designated as the Democratic Party newspaper for legal notices throughout 2013.

The Walton Reporter was designated as the Republican Party newspaper for legal notices throughout 2013.

Depositories for Delaware County Funds were approved as follows: National Bank of Delaware County $25,000,000, Delaware National Bank of Delhi $11,000,000, National Bank and Trust Company $30,000,000, and Community Bank $30,000,000.

A resolution was approved to decrease the amount of funding for a change order for the Department of Public Works in the amount of $26,000. This was for the construction of the railroad bridge in Fishs Eddy. The decrease in funds will go back into the general fund.

A resolution was approved to authorize the Treasurer to pay in advance highway equipment rentals as are necessary to cover the needs of the Machinery Fund as long as it does not exceed the amounts authorized in the budget for 2013.

A schedule of new rates for weights and measures were approved. It is the County’s responsibility to make sure all gas pumps and scales are accurate throughout the county. The fee schedule will cover about 33% of the costs associated with the annual Weights and Measures budget, which is now under the Department of Public Works.

A resolution was approved to designate the County as lead agent in the development of the proposed Materials Recovery Facility at the landfill. This is where the recyclables are sorted and this lead agent status request is consistent with the State Environmental Quality Review Act.

A resolution was approved calling on the Governor and State Legislature to Compensate Counties for State-Mandated District Attorney’s Salaries. The State dictates the salary of the District Attorney, but only contributes partially to it.

Respectfully submitted by Wayne Marshfield

Delaware County Board of Supervisors Meeting of January 23, 2013

A resolution was adopted amending the 2012 budget by accepting a grant of $11,385 to be used for electronic upgrades of health records of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services.

A resolution was adopted transferring funding from various accounts in Social Services to other accounts in need of funding also in Social Services. Total of the transfers was $549,359 of which $345,519 was for extra funds needed for the foster childcare program. A few years ago the norm was to have 45-60 children in foster care and today it is near 100. Parents arrested for drug problems are leaving many children with nothing but a mandated foster care program through Social Services.

A budget amendment was approved in the amount of $27,000 to fund the first year of the newly flown over pictometry in Delaware County. The first year will be funded primarily through a grant and about $5,000 of it will be through sales to private real estate and survey companies.

After the regular meeting Sam Rowe, Chairman of the Department of Public Works gave a report on the Waste Management Center at the landfill. He reported that 18,000 tons of compost was produced in 2012, 3,900 tons of recyclables and that the County has about 600,000 cubic yards of space left in the landfill and is expected to be filled completely in another 35 years.

He also reported on our Sealer of Weights and Measures: This person inspects weighing devices throughout the County, gas pumps, packaging devices, meat scales in grocery stores, makes sure gas sale signs equals the pump price, etc. He inspects grocery stores, gas stations, butchers, drug stores, airports, fuel oil dealers, LP dealers, feed and fertilizer dealers, asphalt and salvage dealers, hardware stores, milk tanks and farm and produce dealers. He checks for accuracy on scales, pumps, meters, and timing devices.

Respectfully submitted by Wayne Marshfield