Frequently Asked Questions


Who is the Work Experience Programme suitable for?

The programme is aimed at students who are currently in Year 10 at school (or will be at the time of placement) and who are at least 15 years of age. However, due to insurance restrictions, students who are under 18 years old are permitted to observe only during their placements within airside environments. Applicants are asked to be aware of this prior to submitting an application.

What departments host Work Experience placements?

The programme aims to give an all-encompassing experience of airport operations. Some of the departments you will be placed in during the Work Experience Programme are:

  • Administration
  • Air Traffic Control
  • Airside Operations
  • Car Parks
  • Commercial
  • E-Commerce & Digital
  • Engineering
  • Finance
  • Passenger Services
  • Rescue and Fire Fighting Service
  • Yorkshire Premier Lounge

The Work Experience itinerary will be determined and set by the Work Experience Co-ordinator to include one day in a selection of the above departments (subject to availability).

Please note that we are unable to arrange placements with any of the airport’s business partners i.e. Customs & Excise, Security, Airlines, Check in, Baggage handling etc. These would need to be arranged directly with the relevant company.

When do placements take place?

Work experience placements can take place throughout anytime of the year subject to demand and availability.

Why do I need to hold a valid passport?

You musthold a current passport and bring this along with you on each day of your placement. This is required as proof of identity in order to obtain a visitor’s pass and to allow you to be escorted to airside departments.

What should I include in my letter?

In the letter, you will need to express what departments you are interested in, what your career ambitions are and how you see the experience at Leeds Bradford Airport helping you. This is your opportunity to sell yourself, show how motivated you are in doing your Work Experience with the Airport.

Once I have applied, what’s next?

All submissions will be initially acknowledged and then reviewed after the closing deadline date where applicants will then be shortlisted. We will then invite successfully shortlisted applicants to a short, informal interview to determine their suitability for the programme. Only after the interview process, will places then be offered to the successful students. Please be aware that an invitation to an interview does not guarantee acceptance for a placement.

What is the application deadline for 2016 applications?

The closing date for receipt of applications by post is 18 December 2015.

Do you offer work placements to other students?

Consideration can be given to those who are at college or university and wish to undertake a work placement for a longer period of time or within a specific department (subject to the requirements of the relevant department). Please note that we are unable to offer paid placements.