St. Lawrence County DRAFT Operations Committee

Board of Legislators Monday, February 18, 2014

Board Room Immediately following Services Committee

Members Attending: Mr. Paquin, Mr. Acres, Mr. Akins, Mr. Arquiett, Mr. Clark, Mr. Bunstone, Mr. Burns, Mr. Lightfoot, Mr. MacKinnon, Mr. Morrill, Mr. Parker, Mr. Peck, Mr. Putman via Skype, Mr. Putney, and Mr. Sutherland

Others Attending: Karen St. Hilaire, Ruth Doyle, Kelly Pearson, Laurie Demers, Mike Crowe, Chris Boulio, Chris Rediehs, Keith Zimmerman, Lorraine Kourofsky, Amy Dona, Scott Bonno, Heidi Ames, Matilda Larson, and media representatives: Martha Ellen, Watertown Daily Times

1. CALL TO ORDER AND APPROVAL OF AGENDA – Chair Paquin called the meeting to

order at 5:33 p.m. Mr. Peck moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Arquiett, and carried

unanimously by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes votes, and three (3) absent (Akins, Parker, and


2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Mr. Putney moved to approve the May 13, 2013; June 10,

2013; July 15, 2013 and January 13, 2014 meeting minutes, seconded by Mr. Bunstone, and

carried unanimously by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes votes, and three (3) absent (Akins,

Parker, and Sutherland).


Resolution Opposing the use of the St. Lawrence County Seal by the State of New York without the Consent of the St. Lawrence County Clerk or the St. Lawrence County Board of Legislators (Res) (Note: This resolution was tabled at the Full Board Meeting and will need a motion to be removed from the table for discussion.) – No motion was made to bring this resolution off the table.


A. Resolution Denying the State of New York Authorization to use St. Lawrence County’s

Name, Seal, Letterhead or the Seal of the St. Lawrence County Sheriff or the St. Lawrence

County Clerk on any Documents, Materials, Correspondence or Website, Associated with the

Implementation or Enforcement of the Provisions of the NY SAFE Act (Res) – Mr. Lightfoot moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Acres and Mr. MacKinnon.

Mr. Burns moved to substitute a resolution, seconded by Mr. Arquiett and Mr. Peck.

Mr. Lightfoot said the eleventh (11th) whereas is repetitive. Mr. Lightfoot moved to remove the

eleventh (11th) whereas, seconded by Mr. Burns, and carried unanimously by a roll call vote with

twelve (12) yes votes and three (3) absent (Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).

Mr. Acres moved to amended the resolution to include thanking Senator Ritchie and other

representatives for their opposition to the NY SAFE Act, and asking Senator Russell to renounce

the NY SAFE Act, seconded by Mr. MacKinnon, and defeated by a roll call vote with nine (9) no

votes, three (3) yes votes (Acres, Lightfoot, and MacKinnon), and three (3) absent (Akins,

Parker, and Sutherland).

Mr. Morrill called the question, seconded by Mr. Peck, and carried unanimously by a voice vote

with twelve (12) yes votes, and three (3) absent (Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).

Motion carried unanimously by a roll call vote with twelve (12) yes votes, and three (3) absent

(Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).


STUDY PRESENTATION– Heidi Ames and Francine Perretta

A. Acknowledging Receipt of the St. Lawrence County Justice Court Consolidation Feasibility

Study for the Towns of Edwards, Hermon and Russell (Res) – Mr. Morrill moved to forward this

resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Burns and Mr. MacKinnon, and carried unanimously

by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes votes, and three (3) absent (Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).


Mr. Zimmerman spoke to the following resolutions in Mr. Pfotenhauer’s absence.

A. Creating a 30-Day Period to Initiate the Eight Year Review of Agricultural District No. 2 and

Setting Two Public Hearings (Res) – Mr. Morrill moved to forward this resolution to full Board,

seconded by Mr. Bunstone, and carried unanimously by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes votes,

and three (3) absent (Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).

B. A Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Additions to Agricultural District 1 (Res) – Mr. Peck

moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Morrill, and carried

unanimously by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes votes, and three (3) absent (Akins, Parker, and


C. Authorizing St. Lawrence County to Apply for AgEnhancement Funds to Assist with the

Preparation of a New Agricultural Development Plan (Res) – Mr. Peck moved to forward this

resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Bunstone, and carried unanimously by a voice vote

with twelve (12) yes votes, and three (3) absent (Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).

D. Authorizing St. Lawrence County to Apply for Community Development and Environmental

Improvement Funds to Assist with the Preparation of a New Agricultural Development Plan

(Res) – Mr. Bunstone moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Arquiett

and Mr. Morrill, and carried unanimously by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes votes, and three

(3) absent (Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).

E. Authorizing the Chair to Request an Additional Six Month Contract Extension for the

Preparation of the St. Lawrence County All-Hazard Mitigation Plan (Res) – Mr. Bunstone

moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Arquiett, and carried

unanimously by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes votes, and three (3) absent (Akins, Parker, and



A. Encouraging the State to Utilize Appropriate Timber Harvest Practices on Infected or

Infested State Forest Lands Including Land in the Adirondack Park, Regardless of Land Classification (Res) – Mr. Arquiett moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Morrill, Mr. Peck and Mr. Burns.

Mr. Morrill moved to amend the resolution to include be it further resolved that copies of this

Resolution be forwarded to Governor Andrew Cuomo, to Senator Patty Ritchie, Senator Joseph

Griffo, Senator Elizabeth Little, Assemblyman Kenneth Blankenbush, Assemblywoman Addie

Russell, Assemblyman Marc Butler, Assemblywoman Janet Duprey, the Adirondack Park

Agency, New York State Association of Counties, and SLC Soil and Water Conservation

District, seconded by Mr. Burns, and carried unanimously by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes

votes, and three (3) absent (Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).

Motion carried unanimously by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes votes, and three (3) absent

(Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).

B. Siting Appropriate Renewable Energy Facilities on Underutilized, Idle and Abandoned Industrial Properties (Res) – Mr. Arquiett moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Morrill, Mr. Clark, Mr. Peck and Mr. Burns,

Mr. Morrill moved to amend the resolution to include be it further resolved that copies of this

Resolution be forwarded to Governor Andrew Cuomo, to Senator Patty Ritchie, Senator Joseph

Griffo, Senator Elizabeth Little, Assemblyman Kenneth Blankenbush, Assemblywoman Addie

Russell, Assemblyman Marc Butler, Assemblywoman Janet Duprey, the Adirondack Park

Agency, New York State Association of Counties, and SLC Soil and Water Conservation

District, seconded by Mr. Burns, and carried unanimously by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes

votes, and three (3) absent (Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).

Motion carried unanimously by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes votes, and three (3) absent

(Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).

C. Recommending an Exemption for Agricultural Operations that Reclaim Unproductive, Idle Lands Back into Production (Res) – Mr. Arquiett moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Morrill, Mr. Peck and Mr. Burns.

Mr. Morrill moved to amend the resolution to include be it further resolved that copies of this

Resolution be forwarded to Governor Andrew Cuomo, to Senator Patty Ritchie, Senator Joseph

Griffo, Senator Elizabeth Little, Assemblyman Kenneth Blankenbush, Assemblywoman Addie

Russell, Assemblyman Marc Butler, Assemblywoman Janet Duprey, the Adirondack Park

Agency, New York State Association of Counties, and SLC Soil and Water Conservation

District, seconded by Mr. Burns, and carried unanimously by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes

votes, and three (3) absent (Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).

Mr. Acres said there needs to be more information on the exemptions and he moved to table this resolution to the next Operations Committee meeting, seconded by Mr. Lightfoot, and carried with eleven (11) yes votes, one (1) no vote (Morrill), and three (3) absent (Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).


A. 2013 Summary of Assigned Counsel Program with Panel Attorneys (Discussion) –

Scott Goldie, St. Lawrence County Assigned Counsel Administrator

B. Resolution in Support of a Statewide Indigent Defense Legal System and Settlement of Hurrell-Harring Et Al v. State of New York (Res) (Info) – Jonathan Gradess, Executive Director of the New York State Defenders’ Association – Mr. Morrill moved to forward this resolution to full Board, seconded by Mr. Putney, Mr. Lightfoot, Mr. Burns, and Mr. Peck.

Mr. Burns moved to amend the resolution to include sending a copy all counties in New York

State, second by Mr. Clark, and carried unanimously by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes votes,

and three (3) absent (Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).

Motion carried unanimously by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes votes, and three (3) absent

(Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).


Ms. St. Hilaire said she spoke with the folks at NYSAC today regarding the obstacles of shared services.


Mr. Putney asked about the HAZMAT team. Mr. Crowe said he has not heard from Attorney

Silver yet. Ms. St. Hilaire said the four (4) individuals in Massena need to receive the required

training before anything can be done. Mr. Peck asked what would happen if there was a

HAZMAT incident. Ms. St. Hilaire said we would call in the teams from Franklin County, Fort

Drum, and Jefferson County to assist.

Mr. Morrill said the Space Committee met, and will meet again on February 27th.

Mr. Burns said the Criminal Justice Committee met.

Mr. Morrill moved to go to Executive Session to discuss personnel at 7:14 p.m., seconded as Mr.

Peck, and carried unanimously by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes votes, and three (3) absent (Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).

Mr. Morrill moved to go to Open Session at 7:31 p.m., seconded by Mr. Putney, and carried unanimously by a voice vote with twelve (12) yes votes, and three (3) absent (Akins, Parker, and Sutherland).

Chair Paquin adjourned the January Operations Committee Meeting at 7:31 p.m. as there was no further business.