Supplementary Table S5The putative functions of BnNF-Ys

BnNF-Y / Organism (Gene) / Methods / Putative function / References
BnNF-YA2 / Arabidopsis thaliana
(AtNF-YA1) / Overexpressing AtNF-YA1 / Late flowering / (Wenkel et al. 2006; Mu et al. 2013)
Postgermination growth / (Li et al. 2013b)
Male gametogenesis; Embryogenesis;
Seed morphology;
Seed germination;
Respondance toabscisic acid (ABA);
Retarding seedling growth; / (Mu et al. 2013)
BnNF-YA3 / Arabidopsis thaliana
(AtNF-YA2) / Downregulating AtNF-YA2 by overexpressing miR169 / Tolerance to nitrogen starvation / (Zhao et al. 2011)
(MtHAP2-1) / In situ hybridization;
Expressing MtHAP2-1 RNA interference;
Overexpressing the putative MtmiR169-a / Root nodule development / (Combier et al. 2006)
BnNY-YA6 / Arabidopsis thaliana
(AtNF-YA3) / Downregulating AtNF-YA3 by overexpressing miR169 / Tolerance to nitrogen starvation / (Zhao et al. 2011)
Glycine max
(GmNF-YA3) / Overexpressing GmNF-YA3 / Drought tolerance / (Ni et al. 2013)
BnNF-YA7 / Arabidopsis thaliana (AtNF-YA4) / Overexpressing AtNF-YA4 / Late flowering / (Wenkel et al. 2006)
Yeast three-hybrid assays; Bimolecular fluorescence complementation analyses; Coimmunoprecipitation assays; Microarray analysis; Quantitative RT-PCR analysis / Respondance to ER stress / (Liu and Howell 2010)
BnNF-YA9 / Arabidopsis thaliana(AtNF-YA5) / Overexpressing AtNF-YA5 / Drought resistance / (Li et al. 2008)
Insertion mutant nf-ya5 / Inhibiting the ABA-mediated delay in seed germination; LHCB transcription / (Warpeha et al. 2007)
Downregulating AtNF-YA5 by overexpressing miR169 / Tolerance to nitrogen starvation / (Zhao et al. 2011)
Overexpressing AtNF-YA5 / Male gametogenesis, Embryogenesis;
Seed morphology;
Seed germination;
Respondance toabscisic acid (ABA);
Retarding seedling growth;
Late flowering / (Mu et al. 2013)
Glycine max
(GmNF-YA3) / Drought tolerance / (Ni et al. 2013)
BnNF-YA12 / Brassica napus
(BnCBF-B2) / Expressing antisense BnCBF-B2 / Development of tapetal cell layer of anthers and female fertility / (Lévesque-Lemay et al. 2003)
BnNF-YA12 / Arabidopsis thaliana (AtNF-YA9) / Overexpressing AtNF-YA9 / Male gametogenesis;
Seed morphology;
Seed germination;
Respondance toabscisic acid (ABA);
Retarding seedling growth;
Late flowering / (Mu et al. 2013)
BnNY-YA14 / Medicagotruncatula
(MtHAP2-1) / In situ hybridization;
Expressing MtHAP2-1 RNA interference;
Overexpressing the putative MtmiR169-a / Root nodule development / (Combier et al. 2006)
BnNF-YB1 / Arabidopsis thaliana
Zea mays
(ZmNF-YB2) / Overexpressing AtNF-YB1; Overexpressing ZmNF-YB2 / Drought tolerance / (Nelson et al. 2007
Arabidopsis thaliana
(AtNF-YB1) / Overexpressing AtNF-YB1 / Delaying flowering / (Wenkel et al. 2006; Nelson et al. 2007)
BnNF-YB14 / Oryza sativa L. (OsHAP3A, B, C) / SilencingOsHAP3 by the antisense / Chloroplast biogenesis / (Miyoshi et al. 2003)
BnNF-YB3 / Arabidopsis thaliana
(AtNF-YB2) / Mutant nf-yb2;
Overexpressing AtNF-YB2 / Promoting flowering / (Cai et al. 2007; Kumimoto et al. 2008)
Brachypodiumdistachyon(BdNF-YB6) / Overexpressing BdNF-YB6 / (Cao et al. 2011)
Hordeumvulgare(HvNF-YB1) / Overexpressing HvNF-YB1 / (Liang et al. 2012)
Arabidopsis thaliana (AtNF-YB2) / Overexpressing AtNF-YB2 / Root growth / (Ballif et al. 2011)
Oryza sativa L.
(OsHAP3H/DTH8/Ghd8) / Quantitative RT-PCR analysis; In situ hybridization; OverexpresingDTH8 / Flowering / (Wei et al. 2010; Dai et al. 2012)
Triticumaestivum(TaNF-YB3) / Quantitative RT-PCR analysis; Co-expression analysis;
Overexpressing TaNF-YB3 / Photosynthesis / (Stephenson et al. 2011)
BnNF-YB6 / Arabidopsis thaliana
(AtNF-YB3) / Mutant nf-yb3
Overexpressing AtNF-YB3 / Promoting flowering / (Kumimoto et al. 2008)
Brachypodiumdistachyon(BdNF-YB6) / Overexpressing BdNF-YB6 / (Cao et al. 2011)
Hordeumvulgare(HvNF-YB1) / Overexpressing HvNF-YB1 / (Liang et al. 2012)
Oryza sativa L.
(OsHAP3H/DTH8/Ghd8) / Quantitative RT-PCR analysis; In situ hybridization; OverexpresingDTH8 / Flowering / (Wei et al. 2010; Dai et al. 2012)
Triticumaestivum(TaNF-YB3) / Quantitative RT-PCR analysis; Co-expression analysis;
Overexpressing TaNF-YB3 / Photosynthesis / (Stephenson et al. 2011)
Arabidopsis thaliana
(AtNF-YB3) / Yeast three-hybrid assays; Bimolecular fluorescence complementation analyses; Coimmunoprecipitation assays; Microarray analysis; Quantitative RT-PCR analysis / Respondance to ER stress / (Liu and Howell 2010)
BnNF-YB9 / Arabidopsis thaliana
(AtNF-YB6/AtL1L) / In situ hybridization; OverexpressingAtL1L / Embryo development / (Kwong et al. 2003)
Theobroma cacao L. (TcL1L) / In situ hybridization;OverexpressingTcL1L / (Alemanno et al. 2008)
Arabidopsis thaliana
Brassica napus.L(BnNF-YB6B/BntL1L) / Overexpressing AtNF-YB6; OverexpressingBnL1L / Fatty acid synthesis / (Mu et al. 2008; Tan et al. 2011)
Arabidopsis thaliana
(AtNF-YB6/AtL1L) / Insertion mutant nf-yb6 / Inhibiting the ABA-mediated delay in seed germination / (Warpeha et al. 2007)
Oryza sativa L. (OsHAP3E/OsL1L) / OverexpressingOsHAP3E / Vegetative and reproductive development / (Ito et al. 2011)
BnNF-YB13 / Arabidopsis thaliana (AtNF-YB9/AtLEC1) / OverexpressingAtLEC1 / Embryo development / (Lotan et al. 1998)
Arabidopsis thaliana (AtNF-YB9/AtLEC1) / Insertion mutant nf-yb9 / Inhibiting the ABA-mediated delay in seed germination;
LHCB transcription / (Warpeha et al. 2007)
Arabidopsis thaliana (AtNF-YB9/AtLEC1)
Brassica napus.L(BnNF-YB9/BntLEC1) / Overexpressing AtNF-YB9;
Overexpressing BnLEC1 / Fatty acid synthesis / (Mu et al. 2008; Tan et al. 2011)
Zea mays
(ZmLEC1) / Overexpressing ZmLEC1 / (Shen et al. 2010)
Arabidopsis thaliana (AtNF-YB9/AtLEC1) / Overexpressing AtLEC1 / Up-regulating theauxin synthesis geneYUCCA10 / (Junker et al. 2012)
BnNF-YC1 / Arabidopsis thaliana (AtNF-YC1) / OverexpressingAtNF-YC1 / Early flowering / (Hackenberg et al. 2012)
Triticumaestivum(TaNF-YC11) / Quantitative RT-PCR analysis and co-expression analysis / Photosynthesis / (Stephenson et al. 2007, 2010).
BnNF-YC2 / Arabidopsis thaliana (AtNF-YC2) / OverexpressingAtNF-YC2 / Early flowering / (Hackenberg et al. 2012)
Yeast three-hybrid assays; Bimolecular fluorescence complementation analyses; Coimmunoprecipitation assays; Microarray analysis; Quantitative RT-PCR analysis / Respondance to ER stress / (Liu and Howell 2010)
BnNF-YC3 / Arabidopsis thaliana
(AtNF-YC4) / Insertion mutant nf-yc4 / Inhibiting the ABA-mediated delay in seed germination / (Warpeha et al. 2007)
nf-yc3 nf-yc4 nf-yc9 triple mutant / Flowering / (Kumimoto et al. 2010)
Triticumaestivum(TaNF-YC11) / Quantitative RT-PCR analysis; Co-expression analysis / Photosynthesis / (Stephenson et al. 2007, 2010).
BnNF-YC5 / Arabidopsis thaliana (AtNF-YC9) / nf-yc3 nf-yc4 nf-yc9 triple mutant / Flowering / (Kumimoto et al. 2010)
(PwHAP5) / Overexpressing PwHAP5; Expressing PwFKBP12RNAi / Pollen tube development and orientation / (Yu et al. 2011)
Overexpressing PwHAP5 / Tolerance to salinity, osmotic and ABA stress / (Li et al. 2013a)
P. vulgaris
(PvNF-YC1) / overexpression and RNAi / Root nodule development / (Zanetti et al. 2010)

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