How to make fire text effect?

  1. create a new document
  2. press D to set the default colors
  3. take paint bucket tool and fill the background with black color
  4. now press X to reverse the default colors
  5. click at type tool and type some text
  6. rasterize the type layers
  7. edit>transform>rotate 90CW
  8. filter>stylize>wind>from the right
  9. ctrl+f
  10. filter>stylize>wind>from the left
  11. ctrl+f
  12. edit>transform>rotate 90CCW
  13. filter>stylize>wind>from the right
  14. filter>stylize>wind>from the left
  15. filter>blur>Gaussian blur>amount=2.0>ok
  16. filter>distort>ripple>100%, medium size>ok
  17. ctrl+e
  18. image>mode>gray scale>ok
  19. image>mode>indexed color
  20. image>mode>color table>black body>ok
  21. take type tool and type same word again

How to make Electric text effect?

  1. create new document
  2. press D to set default color settings
  3. fill background color as black
  4. press X to reverse the default colors
  5. take type tool and type some words with white color
  6. rasterize the type layer
  7. duplicate the type layer by pressing CTRL+J
  8. hide the new duplicate
  9. select the first type layer
  10. edit>transform>rotate 90CW
  11. filter>stylize>wind>from the right
  12. ctrl+f
  13. filter>stylize>wind>from the left
  14. ctrl+f
  15. edit>transform>rotate 90CCW
  16. filter>stylize>wind>from the right
  17. filter>stylize>wind>from the left
  18. filter>distort>ripple>ok
  19. ctrl+e to merge the layers
  20. ctrl+u to apply hue and saturation>check colorize box, 210,70,0>ok
  21. select the hidden duplicate layer to unhide
  22. press ctrl and click duplicate layer to select
  23. select>modify>contract>2>ok
  24. edit>fill>black>ok

How to make opacity text in any background?

  1. open a picture or background in which you want to make opacity text
  2. now duplicate the layer by pressing ctrl+j
  3. take type tool and type some words
  4. press CTRL and click at type layer to select the text
  5. now select the second duplicate layer
  6. delete the type layer
  7. press DELETE
  8. deselect the layer by pressing ctrl+d
  9. right click at duplicate layer and click at blending options
  10. double click at bevel and emboss and apply the required settings
  11. now merge the layer and there you go

How to make blood text effect?

  1. create a new document with required dimension and with transparent background
  2. now take type tool and type some words with red color in big size
  3. rasterize the layer
  4. filter>artistics>plastic wrap>17,6,10>ok
  5. create new layer
  6. fill the new layer with red color
  7. send the new layer back
  8. enjoy it

How to make frozen text?

  1. create a new document
  2. press D to set default color setting
  3. fill the background with black color
  4. press X to reverse the colors
  5. take type tool and type some words with white color
  6. now rasterize the type layer
  7. edit>transform>rotate 90CW
  8. filter>stylize>wind>from the right>ok
  9. ctrl+f
  10. edit>transform>rotate 90CCW
  11. now select the layer by pressing CTRL
  12. select>modify>contract>2>ok
  13. edit>fill>black>ok
  14. right click at the type layer and click at blending option
  15. click at outer glow and set the following settings

blend mode=normal




size=8 and leave the rest

  1. enjoy it

How to make burnt paper effect?

  1. create a new document with required area
  2. take rectangle object tool and take light yellow color(#FFFFCC)
  3. draw a rectangle of paper size
  4. rasterize the shape
  5. filter>noise>add noise>2.5%, uniform>ok
  6. right click the shape layer and click at blending option
  7. apply bevel and emboss with required look
  8. now take eraser tool and erase the edges of shape so that it looks like torn
  9. take burn tool and apply the effect in the edges of shape so that it looks like burnt
  10. create new layer
  11. now take single row marquee tool and select the document with adding rows in that new layer
  12. edit>stroke>take blue color,1,center>ok
  13. press CTRL+D to deselect
  14. take single column marquee tool and select the document
  15. edit>stroke>take red color,1,center>ok
  16. decrease the opacity to 70% of that new layer
  17. enjoy it

How to create metal tiles?

  1. create new document of any dimension
  2. press D to set default colors
  3. filter>render>clouds
  4. filter>pixalate>mosaic>50>ok
  5. filter>sketch>reticulation>0,40,5>ok
  6. repeat the process with 3 more layer with same effect
  7. now change the blending mode of all layers to screen
  8. layer>flatten image
  9. ctrl+j to duplicate the layers
  10. select the top layer
  11. filter>blur>motion blur>0,50>ok
  12. select the bottom layer
  13. filter>blur>motion blur>90,50>ok
  14. select the top layer
  15. change the blending mode to difference
  16. layer>flatten image
  17. ctrl+L to adjust the levels
  18. adjust the colors with> 0, 2.05, 143> ok
  19. enjoy it

How to create wood textures?

  1. set the foreground color to color as wood
  2. filter>render>clouds
  3. keep pressing ctrl+f until you find a nice pattern
  4. filter>noise>add noise>20, uniform, checked>ok
  5. filter>blur>motion blur>0, 30>ok
  6. filter>liquify>take bloat tool and sketch>ok
  7. filter>sharpen>unsharp mask>243%, 2.0 pixels, 0>ok
  8. ctrl+u to apply hue and saturation> 36, 83, 0> ok
  9. enjoy it

How to create granite marble textures?

  1. create a new document
  2. press D to set default colors
  3. filter>render>clouds
  4. filter>distort>glass>5, 3, 100%>ok
  5. ctrl+L to adjust levels> 0, 1, 227>ok
  6. filter>brush strokes>accented edges>2, 49, 7>ok
  7. filter>brush strokes>angled strokes>50,19,7>ok
  8. filter>stylize>find edges
  9. filter>blur>Gaussian blur>1.5>ok

How to create concrete textures?

  1. create a new document
  2. set the foreground color to light yellow i.e. #ffffcc
  3. background color to grey i.e. 92908e
  4. filter>render>clouds
  5. filter>textures>craquelure>87, 3, 9>ok
  6. ctrl+j to duplicate the layer
  7. go to blending option
  8. pattern overlay>blend mode=overlay, opacity=43, choose third pattern of artist surfaces pattern, 100%>ok

How to make water textures?

  1. New document with transparent background
  2. press D to set default colors
  3. filter>render>clouds
  4. filter>sketch>chrome>4, 7>ok
  5. ctrl+u to apply hue and saturation>220, 65, 0>ok
  6. image>adjustment>brightness/contrast>0, 50>ok

How to make bricks textures?

  1. create a new document
  2. set the foreground color to #FF9999
  3. take rectangle tool and create a rectangle shape
  4. rasterize the shape layer
  5. ctrl+j to duplicate the layer and arrange the shape as brick’s structure
  6. ctrl+e to merge the layer
  7. again ctrl+j to duplicate layer and arrange
  8. again ctrl+e to merge the layer
  9. repeat step 7 and 8 till you make the document as brick structure
  10. now you must have only two layers, the top layer is the layer of shape and background layer
  11. now with selecting top layer
  12. filter>noise>add noise>4>ok
  13. filter>render>lighting effects>texture channel=shape1 transparency, make wide ellipse>ok
  14. go to blending option
  15. pattern overlay>opacity=10, choose second pattern of artist surfaces pattern>ok
  16. there you go

Energy LevelText:

  1. create new document and fill it with black colour
  2. take type tool and type some text with white colour
  3. go to filter menu > distort > polar co-ordinates > polar to rectangle > ok
  4. go to image menu > rotate canvass > 90CCW
  5. filter > stylize > wind > from the right > ok
  6. press ctrl+F
  7. go to image menu > rotate canvass > 90 CW
  8. Filter > distort > polar co-ordinates > rectangle to polar > ok
  9. press ctrl+E to merge the layers
  10. press ctrl+U for Hue and Saturation and apply following

check colorize box

Hue = 29

Saturation = 79

  1. Enjoy

How to make Sphere:

  1. create a document of 300*300 pixel dimension
  2. press ctrl+R to show ruler
  3. insert two guidelines in document to the center, one in horizontal and another in vertical state
  4. take elliptical marquee tool and make selection assuming the guide line’s cross point in center (press alt+shift)
  5. now set the foreground color to #636dfo and background color to black
  6. click at filter>render>clouds
  7. agan filter>render>lens flase
  8. choose 105mm prime lens type and brightness=120% arranged like in corner
  9. filter>distort>spherize>ok
  10. deselect it
  11. fill background layer with black color

How to make snow effect?

  1. create a new document with 500*500pixel
  2. filter menu>noise>add noise



monochromatic checked


  1. ctrl+I to invert
  2. press ctrl+L for level and put the values 44, 1.00, 173 > ok
  3. filter menu>stylize >wind>from the left>ok
  4. press ctrl+F
  5. image menu>rotate canvass>90CW
  6. filter>distort>shear and make the line like slope
  7. double click and open the background
  8. insert another snow scene picture in the document
  9. send the picture’s layers to back
  10. change the blend mode of snow layer to screen

How to make rainy effect?

  1. create a new document
  2. filter>noise>add noise


Gaussian selected

Monochromatic unchecked


  1. filter>blur>motion blur




  1. press ctrl+L and put values 0,1.96,255 > ok
  2. double click background layer to open
  3. insert any picture from other file and send its layer to back
  4. change the blend mode of rain’s layer to overlay or screen

How to make Fog effect?

  1. open a photo first
  2. press D to set default color
  3. press Ctrl+J to duplicate the layer
  4. click at image menu>adjustments>auto contrast
  5. click at filter>distortdiffuse glow>0,14,3>ok
  6. change the blend mode of top layer to “pin light”
  7. enjoy

How to make rays of light?

  1. open a photo (like sky)
  2. click at select menu >color range>select=highlight>ok
  3. press ctrl+j to duplicate
  4. again press ctrrl+j to double duplicate
  5. select the layer, click at filter>blur>radial blur


blur method=zoom

blur center in corner

  1. press ctrl+f 2 times
  2. again ctrl+j 2 times to create duplicates
  3. press ctrl+E 2 times to merge duplicated layers
  4. click at filter>blur>Gaussian blur>amount=1.5>ok
  5. select middle layer and press ctrl+L> input levels=0, 1.00, 136>ok
  6. click at filter>blur>Gaussian blur>amount=2.5>ok

Note: For additional light:

Merge all the layers to one

Click at filter>render>lens flare>brightness=130%, lens type=50-300mm zoom,

flare center=corner>ok

Some Backgrounds from filter effects:

Background 1:

  1. create a new document first
  2. create a new layer and fill it with white color
  3. press D to set default color
  4. filter > render > fiber > 20,4 > ok
  5. filter > distor> polar co-ordinates > rectangular to polar > ok
  6. filter > blur > radial blur > 100, zoom, best > ok
  7. filter > blur > Gaussian blur > ok
  8. ctrl+U to apply hue and saturation:

check colorize box




  1. ctrl+J to duplicate the layer and change its blend mode to “hard light”
  2. ctrl+E to merge layer (2 times)
  3. filter > distort > ocean ripple > ok

Background 2:

  1. create a new document
  2. fill the background with black color
  3. take brush tool and brush the canvass with hard bursh and white color making the shape like
  4. filter > artistic > neon glow > -18, 21, light blue color > ok
  5. filter > stylize > find edges > ok
  6. ctrl+I to invert
  7. filter > distort > twirl > 999 > ok
  8. filter > blur > radial blur > 100, zoom, best > ok
  9. filter > artistic > film grain >1,6,4 ok
  10. filter > render > lighting effects > light type=omni > ok
  11. filter > render > lens flare > brightness=140, lens type=105mm prime > ok
  12. ctrl+U > check colorize box, 200, 13, 5 > ok

Background 3:

  1. create a new document
  2. press D to set to default color
  3. filter > render > difference cloud
  4. ctrl+F 2 times
  5. filter > pixalate > mosaic > 10 > ok
  6. filter > blur > radial blur > 30, zoom, best > ok
  7. filter > stylize > emboss > angle=135, height=5, strength=250 > ok
  8. filter > stroke > brush stroke> accented edges > width=2, brightness=50, smoothness=5 > ok
  9. filter > stylize > find edges
  10. ctrl+I to invert
  11. ctrl+u > colorize check box, 110, 60, 0 > ok

Background 4:

  1. create a new document
  2. fill black color in background
  3. take lasso tool and make star like shape
  4. fill white color in selected area and deselect it
  5. click at filter menu>blur>radial blur>100,zoom,best>ok
  6. ctrl+F two times
  7. click at filter menu>stylize>find edges
  8. press ctrl+I to invert
  9. ctrl+J to duplicate the layer
  10. select top layer and apply filter>distort>twirl>300>ok
  11. select bottom layer and apply filter>distort>twirl>-300>ok
  12. change the blend mode of top layer to screen
  13. ctrl+E to merge the layer
  14. ctrl+U to apply hue and saturation>apply required color>ok
  15. enjoy