Bluegrass ENA Meeting
October 6, 2015
7:00 PM
Bella Nolte Restaurant, Lexington, KY
Call to Order / Introductions Dixie Bryant
Dixie Bryant, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Introductions were made.
1. Dixie Bryant 15.Meg Pyper
2.Meg Candage 16.Jeff Jones-Ritzler
3. Julie Derringer 17.Khay Douangdara
4. Eryn Van Meter 18.Hinal Gandhi
5. Diana Carr 19.Abby Bailey
6. Lisa Bowen 20.Elizabeth Nolan
7. Linda Murray 21.Brittany Monroe
8. Courtney Ubel 22.Kelsey Jobe
9. Patti Howard 23.Sherry Breeding
10.Michelle Carlo 24.Jacob Heil
11.Mary Rose Bauer 25.Elizabeth Ober
12.Kay Smith
13.Kristin Nation
14.Susan Beatty
Review / Approval of Minutes / Secretary Report: Linda Murray
Deferred at this time. Will be posted on the KY ENA website.
Treasurer Report: Meg Candage
Balance for the Bluegrass chapter. $6,743. Copy of report submitted. Treasurer’s report approved unanimously.
Guest Speaker
Speaker discussed the benefits of the medication Dalvance in the treatment of bacterial wound infections including MRSA.
Important State Council / General Assembly (GA) updates
Report from Dixie – Several members from the chapter attended the 2016 General Assembly as delegates. A new format for the Assembly included voting on only 1 Bylaw, which was defeated. This addressed delay in voting. The GA went over three mornings. The remainder of the Assembly consisted of a round table discussion on the different clinical practice problems that are faced by Emergency Departments all over the country. It will be changed back to the past format of conducting the business over a day and a half.
Julie Derringer discussed the success of the Cadaver Lab that was put on by the Teleflex corporation. Discussed the possibility for the ED Council to partner with Emergency residents to have one either with our Education Conference or with the Trauma Symposium. Patti to talk with Lisa Fryman to investigate the possibility.
Government Affairs:
Julie Derringer requested that members contact their senator to vote yes on bill HR 3379. This bill concerns that airlines carry Pediatric sized medications on their flights.
Trauma/ Pediatric Committee:
Linda Murray – ENA sent out the notice in Course Vitals that there will be a new format for the updated TNCC and ENPC Instructor Courses. These will be expected to be launched in early 2016.Manuals will no longer be required. Downloadable version will be at no extra cost. Printable manuals will cost $20.
The Beta Test for the Trauma Certified Registered Nurses (TCRN) certification is almost completed. Will keep all informed.
  • Elections-voting for the BGENA 2016 elections will close on October 10th. Contact Dixie for nominations.
Julie Derringer for President and Kelsey Jobe for President Elect. Nominations needed for Secretary/Treasurer.
  • CEN Review-Postponed to allow for more advertising. Tentative date for February 12, 2016
  • State Conference 2016- Look for more updates. Investigating cadaver lab.
Follow Up:
Julie Derringer reported for Marilyn Swinford on the LUCG EMAB meeting. LFD are implementing limited C-Spine precautions. All responders are carrying Narcan. Discussion is underway regarding a community Paramedic program to help reduce unnecessary ED visits and hospital admissions. Reported on the status of the county wide needle exchange program and discussed clinical treatment programming available for patients with addiction.
Adjournment: Motion by Jeff Jones-Ritzler, seconded by Elizabeth Nolan
December Meeting- December 9th at 6 PM at Patti Howard’s house, 2108 Thorndale Way, Lexington. Dinner will be catered
Recorder Linda Murray, RN, CEN, CPEN