Character Chart for Uprising BOOK: Uprising Name: Ms. Carso Sample

February Independent Reading Response

Character / (Main Character)
Yetta / (Main)
Bella / (Main)
Jane / Rachel
Relationship of the character to the main character / Yetta is a Russian immigrant who works in the Triangle Shirt Waist Factory with Bella and meets Jane during a strike. / Bella is an Italian immigrant who also works at the factory ends up living with Jane when her cousin disappears and she realizes her family is dead. / Jane is a wealthy socialite who ends up living with Bella and Yetta when she moves out of her house because her father will not listen to her. / Rachel is Yetta’s sister who works at a grocery store and used to live with her sister.
What is a strength of the character / Yetta is very brave and stands up for what she believes in. When she pickets, she is repeatedly beaten and jail, but she continues to strike against the union. / Bella is resilient. When she finds out that all her family back in Italy is dead, rather than giving into despair, she gets help from Jane and Yetta and continues to work. / Jane is willing to stand up for what she believes in. She invites Bella to stay with even though her governess forbids it and she gets in trouble with her father. / Rachel is loving and persistent. Rachel continues to try and have contact with Yetta even when Yetta doesn’t try and see her.
What is a weakness of the character / Yetta is stubborn. When her sister gets married and has a baby, she is so mad at her for not continuing to fight against the factory owners. / Bella is very whimsical. One day she spent a huge amount of money on a single rose to make all the roommates feel better. That money could have gone to food. / Jane is naïve. When she moved out of her dad’s house and in with the other girls, she didn’t realize they were having to pay for all her needs. / Rachel was not always honest. She didn’t explain at the beginning to Yetta that she wasn’t really a big revolutionary back in Russia like Yetta thought she was.
Important moment for the character / An important moment for Yetta is when the strike is settled and Yetta realizes she and the workers did not get all they wanted. It would be much harder than she realized to get the fair wages and treatment. / An important moment for Bella is when she finds out the people she’s been renting a room from knew her family was dead and were taking the money that they were supposed to be sending her family. / An important moment for Jane is when she confronts her father and runs away. She goes to her friend Elaine’s house and Elaine encourages her to give up on helping the workers and go home to her dad. / An important moment for Rachel was when her husband asks her to marry him. She is able to quit the factory and work in his grocery store.
A question you would ask the character / Why were you so mad at Rachel instead of being happy for her? / Why didn’t you ever try and find your cousin? / Why didn’t you ever ask your father for money? / Why weren’t you honest with Yetta sooner?
Symbol for the character (think of a desktop icon or a phone app) / / / /

Write the historical time period/historical event of your book: This book takes place 1910. It centered around the horrible conditions factory workers were faced with and the Triangle Shirt Waist Factory Fire that occurred because of them.

How did this historical time period/historical event have an impact on the plot? Yetta was fighting to strike against the bad conditions in the factory since she and Bella worked there. Jane heard about the strikers and came to support them and that’s how they all meet. In the end of the book, Jane was employed as a nanny to the factory owner’s children so she was at the factory during the fire. Yetta and Bella were working there at the time. Two of them died during the fire.