Minutes of Meeting of the


held at theBurton Joyce Library, Meadow Lane,Burton Joyce

Tuesday 19thApril 2016 at 6.30pm

Present Cllrs P Blandamer, C. Blandamer, Fife, Greenfield and Hazard(Chair)

In Attendance:J Dawn –Parish Clerk, J Savage – Deputy Parish Clerk 70 members of the public

  1. Apologies for Absence–None
  1. Declaration of interest - Cllr Y Greenfield declared an interest in application 2016/0306 as a resident of Bulcote Drive, also as author and distributor of leaflet regarding this planning application of land at Glebe Farm.
  1. Order of agenda – it was resolved to change the order of the agenda to accommodate 70 members of the public attending with regard to planning application2016/0306.
  1. Minutes of meeting held on the 26thFebruary 2016– agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair
  1. Planning Application: 2016/0306 – Land at Glebe Farm, Glebe Drive, Burton Joyce

Outline application for up to 45 new residential dwellings with the demolition of existing structures and possible retention of some buildings; provision of access to the site, associated infrastructure works and landscaping)

Members of the public and the developer were present and were invited to express their views on the proposal. Public objections centred on the development in green belt land; risk of flooding from surface water run-off; inadequate traffic/access arrangements and lack of availability of local school places. A resident highlighted a discrepancy in the access statement provided by the applicant that there is already movement of 60 vehicles a day to/from Glebe Farm, it was proposed that this figure was grossly overstated. The Developer responded to a number of questions on these issues.

It was resolved to object to the application on the following grounds:

a. Green Belt Land:The entire site (including existing buildings) is in designated green belt land. The proposed site is within a particularly narrow and sensitive gap between Burton Joyce and the Urban area and it should be safeguarded to prevent encroachment and coalescence. It was noted that there were few features to act as strong defensible boundaries and with little containment, the site would form a wedge into the countryside.

b. Landscape: There is a localised high point towards the northern edge of the site which is more sensitive than the remainder and should be protected from development. Also, the site is located in a Mature Landscape Area (MLA) and it is difficult to envisage how any perceived need for development outweighs the value of the MLA.

c. Highways: Glebe Drive, Bulcote Drive and Woodside are not suitable for the additional traffic flow which would be generated by the proposed development. Residents already report issues relating to the width of the roads in this area preventing vehicles from passing one another. The junction of Woodside Road is already problematic, with residents stating difficulties in exiting on to the A612 Nottingham Road. It is considered that major works at a substantial cost would be required to resolve the junction issues and it is questioned whether any perceived benefits from this development would merit the ensuing disruption and cost.

d. Drainage Systems & Flood Risk: The proposed site is on a relatively steep slope. Homes and gardens on Glebe Drive, Bulcote Drive and Woodside already suffer from significant localised flooding and it is felt that the proposed development would exacerbate this problem with surface water run-off.

e. Housing Needs: The proposed development and housing type does not meet the needs of an ageing population, any new development in Burton Joyce should focus on smaller units to allow older residents to downsize accommodation and enable them to remain active and involved within their familiar and supportive community. There is also a need for starter homes to allow younger people to remain in or move into the village.

  1. Planning Application: 2016/0239TPO– 101 Lambley Lane, Burton Joyce

Works to protect trees to the rear of 101 Lambley Lane

It was resolved to make no comment/objection in respect of this application

  1. Planning Application: 2016/0310 - 17 Bulcote Drive, Burton Joyce

Loft Conversation

It was resolved to make no comment/objection in respect of this application

8.Planning Application: 2016/0447 – 100 Bridle Road, Burton Joyce

Proposed two storey side extension, internal and external alterations

It was resolved to make no comment/objection in respect of this application

9.Neighbourhood Plan: Volunteers to progress Neighbourhood Plan were noted.

10. Notice of Planning/ Granted refused: Noted.

11. Information Update: To note any items for discussion not requiring decision

Meeting closed: 7:30pm

Dateofnext scheduled meeting – Tuesday 10thMay 2016