General Membership Meeting Minutes

September 15, 2015

Ramada Spokane Airport

Welcome and Call to Order: President Gerri Vance welcomed everyoneand members introduced themselves. Gerri introduced Shannon Long, Red Lion at the Park, as the new membership chair. Shannon welcomed new members--Dave Cotton, Alex Parriman, and Jenifer Johnston.

Harvest Moon HalloWine Auction: Gerri encouraged members who have not yet signed up to attend the auction and dinner on October 16 at the Mirabeau Park Hotel. Cost is $45/person or $340 for a table. This is always a fun event, and there are some amazing auction items. The committee is still in need of wine for the Wine Wall and gift cards to go on the Christmas tree. Volunteers are also needed the night of the auction.

OBTA Education Day: Pat Plaster, the recipient of the INBTA scholarship to attend the recent education day in Portland, gave a few comments about the session. She reported it was a great event--the break-out sessions were good; it was well orchestrated; and it had very good attendance and participation from the Portland and Seattle BTAs.

November Membership Meeting: The November 10 meeting will be held at The Spokane Club. The program will consist of a car panel with Uber, National/Enterprise and ZipCar.

Program: Gerri introduced speaker Jessi Maddox, CEO of TripLingo. He addressed the topic, “Fact vs. Fiction: Mobile Tech in Travel—What it Means for You.”

In his fast-paced and informative presentation, Jesse discussed the key trends, stakeholders, opportunities, challenges, and game plan for utilizing mobile technology in travel. Some of his key points:

  1. Stats and Trends in Mobile Travel Tech – 70% of Americans use smartphones. “Why are they the dream device?”
  1. Setting the Stage: Status & Stakeholders–“Who are the “travelers” and why are they traveling?” The business of travel involves security, productivity, savings, and satisfaction.
  1. Opportunities in the Appconomy – Apps give the traveler “just in time” information, clear guidance on travel policy, and savings through compliance. “How many apps do we need? Not just one, but not 30 either!”
  1. Challenges in the Appconomy – Some of the challenges include: multiple decision makers, ROI, and trying to be perfect. “Travelers are using mobile anyways—better to promote one that supports your company’s goals.”
  1. Create a Game Plan – Take advantage of pilots, understand your travelers, create an inner circle, go for the low hanging fruit, read Appstore reviews, ask questions, and get feedback. “Start small—Rome wasn’t built in a day!”

A copy of Jesse’s presentation will be posted with the minutes on the INBTA web page.

Door Prize Drawings: Names were drawn for door prizes.

Next Membership Meeting: The next meeting will be on November 10 at the Spokane Club.

Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Susan Barnes
