



Pre-Secondary 1

Practice Paper 1

©Educational Publishing House Ltd 2011 9 Pre-S1 HKAT Practice Paper 1


1.  There are nine pages in this test booklet.

2.  The test has Sections A to C.

3.  On the cover of the Answer Booklet, write your Name, Date of Birth, Sex, Class and Class Number.

4.  Write all your answers in the Answer Booklet.

5.  For multiple choice questions, choose only ONE answer for each question. Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the boxes in the Answer Booklet. Two or more answers will score NO MARKS.

Time Allowed for the Test:

Section A (Listening): 15 minutes

Sections B–C (Reading and Writing): 35 minutes

Section A Listening (32 marks)

There are three parts in this section. In Part 1, you will hear a telephone conversation. In Part 2, you will hear a talk and in Part 3, you will hear a conversation. Write all your answers in the Answer Booklet. For each part, you will have 30 seconds to study the questions in the Answer Booklet. The recording will be played only ONCE.

Part 1 (10 marks)

Grace is talking to her cousin, Andy, on the phone. Listen carefully and answer Questions 1–5. You have 30 seconds to study the questions in the Answer Booklet. You may start now.

Part 2 (10 marks)

Grace is listening to a talk. Listen carefully and answer Questions 6–10. You have 30 seconds to study the questions in the Answer Booklet. You may start now.

Part 3 (12 marks)

Grace is helping her friend Leo fill in an application form. You have 30 seconds to study the form

in the Answer Booklet. You may start now.

Section B Reading (38 marks)

Part 1 (12 marks)

Grace is reading a leaflet from a charitable organisation. Read it carefully and choose the best answers for Questions 17–22.

17. How long does each training workshop last?

A.  Four and a half hours

B.  Five and a half hours

C.  Six and a half hours

D.  Seven and a half hours

18. What will caregivers NOT learn at the training workshops?

A. How to take good care of injured elderly people

B. How to prevent elderly people from falling

C. How to assess the risk of falls among elderly people

D. Why elderly people fall so easily

19. Grace is 12 years old. She wants to join ‘Joyful Day with the Elderly’. How much does she need to pay in total?

A.  $80

B.  $120

C.  $160

D.  $200

20. Where will participants NOT do on ‘Joyful Day with the Elderly’?

A.  Attend a class

B.  Have a seafood dinner

C.  Go to a museum

D.  See wax figures

21. How can Grace join ‘Joyful Day with the Elderly’?

A. Register online

B. Register by phone

C. Attend two training workshops

D. Sign up at Happy Elderly Centre

22. Match the two events with the correct time. Write A, B, C, or D under each picture.

A. 9.30 a.m.

B. 11.00 a.m.

C. 2.30 p.m.

D. 5.00 p.m.

Part 2 (12 marks)

Grace received a letter from Happy Elderly Centre. Read it carefully and use the information to complete Grace’s letter.

Dear Grace,
Re: Caring Day for the Elderly
Thank you for working as a volunteer at our centre. We really appreciate all the kindness you showed to the elderly.
Christmas is coming up. Here at our centre, all of our staff are preparing for the annual Caring Day for the Elderly. This time, the event will take place on 10th December, beginning with a grand opening ceremony to celebrate the centre’s tenth anniversary.
Last year, over 2,000 volunteers joined the event. All of them helped give out goody bags full of healthy snacks to the elderly. Some of the volunteers helped tidy up the houses of elderly people and some taught the elderly home-safety tips. This year, we are going to do the same.
If you want a rewarding and meaningful Sunday, you can simply complete the enclosed form and send it back to our office on or before 30th November, or you can register online. You are welcomed to invite your friends to join the event.
I look forward to seeing you on that day.
Yours sincerely,
Silvia Lau
Project Officer

Fill in each blank with only ONE word.

Dear Jack,
How are you?
I am writing to (23) you to join me at a remarkable event called ‘Caring Day for the Elderly’, organised by Happy Elderly Centre. It will be held on 10th December. Let me give you some background information about it. This event takes place every (24) and this year is even more special! It will also celebrate the centre’s (25) anniversary. There will be a grand opening ceremony on that day. It is going to be great fun!
What we are going to do on that day is to visit some elderly people who live alone. Helpers like us will go to their homes and help them (26) their flats. We will also teach them how to stay (27) at home. All the elderly will receive a bag of food from us, too.
If you are interested, please let me know and I will help you sign up (28) .
Best wishes,

Part 3 (14 marks)

Grace is reading some movie reviews on the Internet. Read them carefully and choose the best answers for Questions 29–35.

29. Love without Boundaries is based on a .

A. touching true story

B. mysterious true story

C. touching made-up story

D. mysterious made-up story

30. Which part of the body can Patrick NOT use?

A. His eyes

B. His feet

C. His arms

D. His ears

31. What is Patrick’s dream?

A. To be a successful athlete

B. To meet his parents

C. To win a gold medal

D. To have a loving family

32. What is Frederick’s job?

A. A reporter

B. A police officer

C. A teacher

D. A doctor

33. In the movie review of Vanishing People, ‘make your hair stand on end’ means it may make people feel .

A. happy

B. angry

C. upset

D. frightened

34. What is The Scariest Reality about?

A. How climate change affects us

B. How people are affected by natural disasters

C. How typhoons are formed

D. How scientists study natural disasters

35. Grace is going to watch The Scariest Reality at two o’clock. When can she leave the cinema?

A. 3.35 p.m.

B. 4.15 p.m.

C. 4.45 p.m.

D. 5.15 p.m.

Section C Writing (30 marks)

28.  You are Grace. You saw an incident on your way to school this morning. Based on the pictures below, write about what happened in your diary. Write about 80 words.

(a) (b)

traffic light / walking stick lose her balance / fall down

(c) (d)

minibus / rush towards

End of Test

©Educational Publishing House Ltd 2011 9 Pre-S1 HKAT Practice Paper 1


Hong Kong Attainment Test


(Pre-Secondary 1) Practice Paper 1

Answer Booklet

Name of Student: (English)


Date of Birth: Sex:

Year Month Day

Class: Class No.:

For Teacher’s Reference

Testing Area / Section / Max. Marks / Marks obtained
Listening / A ( Part 1) / 10
A ( Part 2) / 10
A ( Part 3) / 12
Reading / B ( Part 1) / 12
B ( Part 2) / 12
B ( Part 3) / 14
Writing / C / 30
Total: / 100


© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2011 Pre-S1 HKAT Practice Paper 1 Answer Booklet

Section A Listening (32 marks)

Part 1 (10 marks @ 2 marks)

Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the below.

Grace is talking to her cousin, Andy, on the phone. Listen carefully and answer Questions 1 to 5. You have 30 seconds to study the questions in the Answer Booklet. You may start now.

1.  How many times has Andy visited Hong Kong?

A.  0

B.  1

C.  2

D.  3

2.  What is the weather like in Hong Kong now?

A.  Very cold and humid

B.  Warm and humid

C.  Hot and dry

D.  Cool and dry

3.  What time will Andy and Grace probably arrive at The Peak?

A.  9.00 a.m.

B.  12.30 p.m.

C.  5.30 p.m.

D.  7.00 p.m.

4.  Why does Andy feel amazed?

A.  He can see the mudskippers in Mai Po.

B.  He can go to both Mai Po and the Kadoorie Farm.

C.  He will see the rare Romer’s Tree Frogs.

D.  He will see the endangered Black-faced Spoonbills.

5.  How long will the guided tour last?

A.  Two hours

B.  Three hours

C.  Four hours

D.  Five hours

Go on to the next page

Part 2 (10 marks @ 2 marks)

Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the below.

Grace is listening to a talk. Listen carefully and answer Questions 6 to 10. You have 30 seconds to study the questions in the Answer Booklet. You may start now.

6. What was the cause of the death of children in Africa?

A. War

B. Hunger

C. Pollution

D. Bad weather

7. When did Miss Davis join Helping Hands?

A. 1988

B. 1989

C. 1998

D. 1999

8. Which of the following activities did Miss Davis NOT organise last year?

A. A charity trip

B. A charity sale

C. A charity buffet

D. A charity concert

9. What is the main purpose of the talk?

A. To explain the conditions in Africa

B. To encourage students to join the flag-selling day

C. To ask students to be helpers

D. To raise funds from students

10. How can Grace get an application form?

A. On the Internet

B. At the school office

C. By fax

D. By mail

Go on to the next page

Part 3 (12 marks @ 2 marks)

Grace is helping her friend Leo fill in an application form. You have 30 seconds to study the form in the Answer Booklet. You may start now.

Helping Hands
Volunteer Application Form
11. Name:
12. Age:
13. Name of school:
14. Flat , /F, Sunset Court,
15. Availability: (Please tick as appropriate.)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursday Friday
Saturday Sunday

16. Date of application: / /

Go on to the next page

Section B Reading (38 marks)

Part 1 (12 marks @ 2 marks)

For Questions 17–22, write (A, B, C or D) in the .

22. (i) / (ii)

Part 2 (12 marks @ 2 marks)

For Questions 23–28, fill in each blank with only ONE word.

23. ______

24. ______

25. ______

26. ______

27. ______

28. ______

Go on to the next page

Part 3 (14 marks @ 2 marks)

For Questions 29–35, write (A, B, C or D) in the .


Section C Writing (30 marks)


End of Test


© Educational Publishing House Ltd 2011 Pre-S1 HKAT Practice Paper 1 Answer Booklet